Nearly everyone has a story about a friend, sibling or themselves wedging something in an ear or nostril as a kid. That story usually ends with the object having to be removed by a doctor. Pennies, legos, stones, beads and other small objects seem to be magnetically pulled into small dark ... Views: 3285
From CEO’s to entrepreneurs and entertainers to parents all over the globe, we are constantly in search of ways to boost productivity. To put it simply, we want to get more done each day. For some this goal is rooted in the desire for greater abundance while for others productivity is the ... Views: 4298
If you are like most people you get in your car, start it and either adjust it from the "park" position and put it in "reverse" or "drive", right? You are either moving forward or in reverse. In much the same way in life, we are either moving forward, towards our goals, or being distracted by ... Views: 1582
While on vacation I finished an autobiographical accounting of Amelia's historical flight in the Friendship called, 20 hrs., 40 min. I took note of many parts of the book-- and many of her funny remarks and down to earth humble stories.
One story that amused me was when she gave an ... Views: 2284
Courage is granted to each of us equally, not just firemen, explorers and military heroes. Like a muscle that will atrophy if not exercised, our courage is also strengthened and grows with use. Lucky are the children who have courage breathed into them by parents, teachers and role models ... Views: 1427
The gifted spiritual teacher Dr. Wayne Dyer once explained that it makes about as much sense to have a smoking section in a restaurant as it does to have a peeing section in a pool. Why is this so poignant? Well, in much the same way, we are all one mass of co-mingled vibrating energy here on ... Views: 1321
A Facebook "friend" is a loose term that can include anyone from your brother-- to an old elementary school buddy. You may receive a friend request from your best friend's cousin, a neighbor or a coworker from your last job; each claiming a general place among those on your friend list.
And ... Views: 1448
Our ego loves stuff.
On the contrary, our spiritual-self has no attachment to anything because our divine-self knows it is not ours. Someday it will belong to another. Sure we use it while we are here, take care of it and perhaps admire it, but it will someday be another person's stuff, it is ... Views: 4419
What are you?
Ask that question of a thousand people and the vast majority will likely respond with their occupation or job. I am a parent, teacher, lawyer or a whatever-I-do-to-earn-money-and-fill-my-day. Yet this is not who we are. We are not what we do. Think about that for a moment; ... Views: 2439
Reflect on some of the big life changes you have transitioned during your life. Some may have been rights of passage such as moving up from elementary school to middle and then high school or your first sleep over. This could include leaving home for college or military service, getting married ... Views: 1670
The 17th Verse of the Tao:
With the greatest leader above them,Tao Te Ching
people barely know one exists.
Next comes one whom they love and praise.
Next comes one who they fear.
Next comes one whom they despise and defy.
When a leader trusts no one,
no one trusts him.
The great ... Views: 2343
Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, "Bloom Where You Are Planted." It is a great notion and basically teaches us that we can grow, learn and thrive regardless of our present life circumstances. Where we are in life, with all the good, difficult, confusing, and exciting choices that arise, it is ... Views: 1323
Each day we are given the chance to create something---a product, learning, a relationship, a connection, ideas and really whatever we desire. Regardless of who you are, where you live and your economic, cultural and educational situation, the choice is real.
Today, I ask you to look at what ... Views: 1085
Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, "Bloom Where You Are Planted." It is a great notion and basically teaches us that we can grow, learn and thrive regardless of our present life circumstances. Where we are in life, with all the good, difficult, confusing, and exciting choices that arise, it is ... Views: 1320
The word streaking has a way of titillating us. The fun, the fear and the freedom associated with this act is what lands streaking on the to-do list of countless people every year. There is an aliveness that this act fosters that connects us to our physical body and our senses. There is a ... Views: 1006
I recently saw a T-shirt that said, "Bloom Where You Are Planted!"
It is a great notion and basically says, you can grow, learn and thrive regardless of your life situation. Where you are in life, with all the good, difficult, confusing, and exciting choices, is never an excuse to wither or ... Views: 1129
Yesterday I had the special opportunity to speak at a mom's club meeting in my area. I found myself in the company of intelligent, loving, curious and nurturing women. The theme of my message was "living a life aligned with your values." This seems like such an easy concept, but when we look, ... Views: 1144
Did you know you have over a trillion cells in your body working for you right now? All kinds of cells from brain cells to skin cells to those that make up your organs and blood. They are all part of your energetic army. Yes they are actually made of energy. We now know that the smallest unit of ... Views: 946
Our ego loves stuff.
On the contrary, our spiritual-self has no attachment to anything because our divine-self knows it is not ours. Someday it will belong to another. Sure we use it while we are here, take care of it and perhaps admire it, but it will someday be another person's stuff, it is ... Views: 1030
Don’t Look Now, but your KIDS are watching!
Ask parents their greatest hope for their child’s future and you will likely get a similar response from all of them. We all want our kids to grow up to be healthy, happy, contributing members of society. Oftentimes that phrase will ... Views: 901
She is the “certain someone” that you work with that seems to be able to do it all. She is already at her desk when you arrive for the day and is busily working as you say your good-bye’s. She has a reputation for being the company superhero and managing to do more than most. ... Views: 986
The mid-life crisis is a term we are all familiar with. Either we ourselves have claimed to have gone through one or perhaps a loved one has traveled the road to crisis. We carry on through our days and one day we realize that there is something we need present in our daily lives. We accept ... Views: 2726
Change does not have to be hard. It does not have to be a monumental and daunting task. Small things matter and add up in creating what you want for yourself. Whether you are trying to shed unwanted fat or run a marathon, small steps toward the desired outcome will foster progress.
I ... Views: 830
Unlike your biological genes you have some say in choosing to maintain your energetic genes. They are a bit more stealthy than your eye color and height, but they are just as real and even more powerful in shaping your life than your ... Views: 920