Follow your bliss, words attributed to Joseph Campbell philosopher, writer, explorer and a man way ahead of his time. I’ve always loved the sentiment – but sometimes; bliss feels like its a million miles away and it’s pretty hard to follow at that distance.
For years now I’ve been intent on ... Views: 1120
We bought country property a few years back and as with many rural acreages; ours came with a whole bunch of out-buildings that served a variety of purposes at one time – but no longer functioned at that state. In a word – they were hazards and we began the process of tearing them down, ... Views: 1612
We bought country property a few years back and as with many rural acreages; ours came with a whole bunch of out-buildings that served a variety of purposes at one time – but no longer functioned at that state. In a word – they were hazards and we began the process of tearing them down, ... Views: 1215
Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes. I woke up with that phrase rolling around in my mind – Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes. A little mantra that I didn’t consciously decide to recite so I’m going to call it a gift from the Universe (or whatever benevolent source you like to think is out ... Views: 1085
Did you grow up thinking Entitlement was a dirty word? Are you uncomfortable with individuals who walk around with a strong sense of it? Some of the things I grew up hearing about “entitled” people were that they were full of themselves, too big for their britches or their heads were too big. ... Views: 1150
There is remarkable power in positive thinking. And learning to reach for better feeling thoughts can absolutely change your life experience. But what if you’ve got a particular topic in your life, that no matter how hard you try to change the thought pattern you don’t see any significant ... Views: 1071
I grew up hearing that moods were something that came from God. I’m not sure how anyone came to that conclusion but that was what was passed down to me. Something, somewhere along the line got interpreted into the idea of a heavy or dark mood was a “gift” that you needed to go through in order ... Views: 1321
Do you ever wonder where it all began? Perhaps you know exactly. Personally, I don’t have a clue but it appears now and again. The cool thing is its changing.
I’m talking about a phenomenon called Arguing for Your Limitations.
It’s an interesting thing to pull apart don’t you think? When ... Views: 1133
Where do you wish to spend your energy? On things you have no control over or on things you do?
I’ve been collecting “tools” for a long time now. Tools that help me discover more about myself as I pursue a stronger sense of who I am and what I want to offer the world.
The most recent tool ... Views: 1262
I’ve managed to get myself on an email list that sends me all kinds of information on the latest and the greatest ways to improve my life. I’ve programmed my computer so that all of these emails and notifications go into a separate folder and when I have time I go through them to see what I ... Views: 1322
We recently brought a wild horse into our family and my mate has been applying a training method called Natural Horsemanship.
This method encourages the trainer to observe where the horse is at in their understanding and begin the teachings from there. For example, our new charge had never ... Views: 1043
Beauty so often gets distorted as a value of external conditions but beauty is also an internal quality that shines when we are being true to ourselves.
We are so unique in how we bring beauty to our world. There are countless ways people can be “lit up” by their surroundings and there are as ... Views: 1107
We recently brought a wild horse into our family and my mate has been applying a training method called Natural Horsemanship.
This method encourages the trainer to observe where the horse is at in their understanding and begin the teachings from there. For example, our new charge had never ... Views: 1381
Have you ever wanted someone to be different so that you could feel better? When a boss is impatient, a lover unkind or a salesperson is rude – do you find yourself retreating into a bad mood as a result of their words or attitude or can you navigate those situations and stay happy?
Most of ... Views: 1529
I can make things happen. I’ve been doing it for a long time. My partner lovingly (and sometimes accurately) calls it stubbornness but I prefer to call it stick-to-it-iveness, perseverance, a strong work ethic or what my mother used to call good old fashioned elbow grease.
The feeling of ... Views: 1351
Have you ever altered your behavior in an attempt to make someone else feel better? If you have, you may be pleased to know that you’re entirely normal. We’ve been trained since the moment we were born to put others needs ahead of our own. Perhaps our parents (or care-givers) wanted us to be ... Views: 1468