What is perfection? Have you ever researched its meaning? For a word that creates such a challenge for people and can ruin lives, it isn’t very perfect! Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia defines it as, “broadly, a state of completeness and flawlessness.” It then goes on to discuss its ... Views: 5671
Did you know that smiling will make you instantly feel better? Yes, it is a scientific fact! So, all you need to do to feel better is smile. I am going to explain the science behind your smile and give some tips to practice and get better at wearing one.
"A smile is an inexpensive way to ... Views: 2691
Who is in control of you? Well, if you're not accepting responsibility for your life or what happens in it, it isn't you! In order for you to really create the life you want, then you have to accept responsibility for everything that happens in it. If you accept responsibility for something and ... Views: 4586
Have you ever wondered how people get what they want?
I mean people who consistently get what they want, you know the ones that others call lucky or fortunate or think that they have some unfair advantage over others. Whatever others think, I am sure you are wondering how they can do ... Views: 1544
Why is gratitude so important when leading a happy and successful life? Simply, if you don't appreciate what is then how are you going to appreciate what is to be! Yes, to be truly happy you need to appreciate everything.
- All your abilities (creativity, imagination, work ... Views: 2395
What is procrastination? It is the avoidance of action towards the start of or completion of a task and/or project. The reason that you procrastinate is not important, because it has become habitual and an automatic response for you.
What is motivation? It is the focus or energy necessary to ... Views: 1724