So why am I having to scour the Web-verse to see if ‘my big puffy bed’ needs a comma?
I’ve been a ‘professional’ writer since my first real job in 1990. A master’s degree in Literature (Or is it a Master’s Degree in Literature?). A writing tutor in grad school. I’m just finishing a ... Views: 934
It’s that time of year … again. The bustling. The caroling. The tinseling. The wrapping. The chestnut roasting. The mistletoeing.
The parties …
If you’re new to holiday parties (office parties, family parties, friend parties, friend of a friend of someone else parties), or if you’ve been ... Views: 994
I spent a month in Europe after college (thanks Dad). I was 22 and had never been out of the country, barely able to speak my own language much less anyone else’s, with little more than a train pass, some traveler’s checks, and some dry shampoo. When I got home, I bragged most about how I’d ... Views: 1053
Best-selling author, John Grisham, was a practicing defense lawyer in 1984 when he began writing his first novel, A Time to Kill. Because his job demanded 60 to 70-hour weeks, he came to work several hours early for three years to work on the book. Some mornings it was the last thing he wanted ... Views: 1368
So you’re not more powerful than a locomotive? Who cares?
Just saw the superhero movie, Kick-Ass, and it raised an intriguing question: just because we’re not superhuman, can we lead superheroic lives? I believe the answer is yes, and I believe we can do it in five easy steps! (Okay, they’re ... Views: 2154
As we step into spring, I’ve been thinking about people stepping up.
There’s a lot of it going on around us, it seems, positive signs that even in the toughest economic winters people are as resilient as ever. Of course, that’s the nature of “tough times,” isn’t it? We all have a greater ... Views: 1110
“Paradigm shift.” “Value-add.” “Win-win.” “Customer-centric.” “Outside-the-box.” “Leverage our core competencies.” Clichéd terms like these buzz around the office like flies at a hot summer picnic … and they’re just as annoying.
Language is alive, and when it’s not, it’s time to liven things ... Views: 1405
I’ve been lucky with bosses over the years. No real bad ones. A couple of great ones. None of them perfect. (They’d say the same of me, I’m sure.) These days, my bosses are the managers and leaders in our classes every week.
To all my bosses, I offer these top 12 to-dos for the new year. ... Views: 1055
Even with today’s high unemployment rates, companies can’t take new employees for granted. It’s not enough to put good people into good jobs. We have to excite, engage, and prepare them or they might say goodbye ... wasting lots of time and money. A little investment in preboarding and ... Views: 1200