Leonardo Da Vinci kept a notebook with him at all times so he could record his thoughts and questions that occurred to him. I think you’d agree that he was pretty successful, right?
Most of us just float through our days and don’t exercise our curiosity enough, nor do we do enough ... Views: 1146
Do you understand the power of words? Words can be terribly effective weapons when used with malice.
I have a friend who was verbally abused while growing up. Today – at 47 – he still suffers the wounds from the words used on him by his mother. “You’re no good,” she told him. “You’ll never ... Views: 1137
Making someone happy isn’t really hard to do, and the payoff is that you boost your own mood by spreading happiness all around. You cause a ripple effect that affects the happiness of people you don’t even know and you may even become healthier through your random acts of kindness. So, what is ... Views: 1118
Motivation is an inside job. Truth be told, business leaders, coaches and teachers often believe they can motivate someone. They are wrong.
A person must motivate herself, or at least agree that motivation from a boss is necessary before it can happen.
So, today, let’s talk about ... Views: 1065
Living purposefully adds years – as well as higher quality – to your life. But how do we go about living purposefully?
First, let’s look at a couple of recent studies and what they say about purpose and longer life. In one study done in the UK, researchers found that people who believe their ... Views: 1271
Time speaks louder than words. My friend, Max, got me thinking about this the other day. He was discussing someone in his life who chooses work or going out with other friends over him.
Time is our most precious currency. It is the currency of life. So, how you spend it shows what is ... Views: 1063
Regrets. We all have them. Our biggest regrets are about the chances we didn't take.
I regret not opening my first business until I was 49. I’m not sure I was ready until then, but still, I regret the delay. What do you regret?
A Forbes article once listed the top 25 regrets. Is your ... Views: 844
What’s your why? Do you know? Your why is your reason for being, your purpose. Much has been written about “your business’ why”, but not as much on your “personal why”.
I believe everyone – not just business leaders – should know their personal why. As Viktor Frankl wrote,”When you know your ... Views: 947
“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design into the present.” – Jim Rohn
I worked my way through UNC-Chapel Hill as the night manager of a gas station. A 78-year-old man named Butch worked with me most nights. He was a character, gruff and often ... Views: 806
Are you striving for complete happiness when just being happier is good enough?
I don’t know anyone who is happy all the time. Well, maybe the Dalai Lama, but aside from him, happiness eludes even the most cheerful of us from time-to-time. So, I don’t think your initial aim should be to ... Views: 895