Has this ever happened?
You’ve just enjoyed a great meal, you feel great, but within minutes your stomach bloats and a slight headache rapidly turns into something more than mildly uncomfortable.
Or you reach for your favorite fruit after a run only to have the sudden urge to hit the ... Views: 650
At some point during your day, you have decisions to make. From the minute you wake up you are likely making decisions. Many are done by rote, while others take considerable thought with lots in between.
Decisions like what to wear for a key meeting, to what foods to add to tonight’s menu, to ... Views: 641
In a recent interview the publisher of Success Magazine asked one of the nation’s foremost fitness and nutrition coaches, “What is the most frequent question that you get asked as a health and wellness expert?” Her reply was, “The most common question is- What can I eat?”
Food news is major ... Views: 792
At any given time, there will be the “latest and greatest” in diet fads. Whether it be the low fat, low carb, calorie counting, high protein diet, there is always something grabbing the news headlines.
Right now, IF – Intermittent Fasting, is all the craze. In a nutshell, intermittent fasting ... Views: 711
Have you ever wondered what your dog is thinking? Can you discover if they have aches and pains, they want you to know about? Are they happy or sad? Do they care about what they eat, or are they willing to eat whatever you feed them? The answers to these questions are available to you, when you ... Views: 749
With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, stress is likely to be at an all-time high. Traffic, spending, eating and nerves are at an all time high, causing us to eat mindlessly.
This is the time of year there is a lot of stress eating. The very eating that sabotages your goals ... Views: 718
January is the month that countless men and women say, “This year will be different.” With all the sincerity they can muster, they go headlong into one, or more, resolutions.
According to Forbes.com contributor, Ashira Prossack, “The statistics on how many people actually follow through and ... Views: 674
In the time I’ve been working with clients on intuitive eating, I’ve heard just about every buzzword there is for the latest and greatest diet. The problem is this; diets usually don’t work.
Well, in the short term they might, but long-term, most diets are not sustainable. And many are ... Views: 639
I work with a wide cross-section of entrepreneurs, corporate management types and executives. A common thread among all of them is they want to be their best, feel their best and truthfully, look their best, but many are missing the mark.
They push themselves to get so much done, but by day’s ... Views: 716
Have you ever eaten something and within minutes, you regret it? Maybe your stomach starts to gurgle. You might feel the onset of indigestion or heartburn or your head starts throbbing.
It’s not uncommon for people to experience these types of reactions and immediately pop a pill or drink the ... Views: 778
Chances are, those eating the SAD diet– Standard American Diet – have one thing missing from their plate…beans.
Beans are associated with better health, increased (and healthy) bowel movements due to amount of fiber they contain, and longevity.
According to research by Dan Buettner, author ... Views: 722
It seems more every day, families are being pulled in any number of directions that minimize their time together. Add to that, the rushed lifestyles most people live and it’s no wonder sit-down mealtime is almost nonexistent in many families.
Millions of people are on the “window” diet. ... Views: 950
With the New Year upon us, health clubs are ramping up for the influx of new members, store shelves are being lined with the latest and greatest “diet” pill and countless individuals are ready to set diet and weight loss resolutions they erroneously believe will somehow be different than in the ... Views: 652
With the New Year upon us, health clubs are ramping up for the influx of new members, store shelves are being lined with the latest and greatest “diet” pill and countless individuals are ready to set diet and weight loss resolutions they erroneously believe will somehow be different than in the ... Views: 696
It’s that time of year where the holidays are either a reason to indulge or the catalyst to finally commit to becoming your healthiest self. The end of the year and the shifting of seasons should be a prompt to look more deeply inside ourselves.
For most, the commitment lasts a week or two, ... Views: 739
Conscious cooking
The first time I heard the term “conscious cooking” I didn’t give it much thought. However, over time, I realize I’ve been a conscious cooker for as far back as I can remember. I just hadn’t put a label on it.
Shift in Perception
Let’s start with what conscious cooking ... Views: 830
Do you ever feel “out of sorts?” This is when, for all outward appearances, nothing is wrong, but you just feel like something is off. Maybe you feel anxiety one moment, depression the next.
You might feel down for no apparent reason. It could be the feeling of wanting to go back to bed and ... Views: 672
Wouldn’t it be great if you could eat to support your focus, energy and clarity? You can. When you tap into what your body is asking for, you can achieve all this and more.
But with all the different food choices available as well as the latest fad diets, one is left wondering what is best ... Views: 759
If someone were to ask you, “When is the last time you were stressed?” you likely wouldn’t have to give it much thought. If you’re like most people, the answer would be, “Today.”
The reality is, we live is a stress filled world. Yet, we don’t have to let stress work against us.
But if ... Views: 740
I’m fascinated with the relationship most people have with food. With many people it’s a love/hate situation. They love the taste of certain foods but hate the guilty feelings they get knowing these foods are not very healthy for them.
They love the rush they get when they take a bite into ... Views: 825
Do you worry about what you eat? If you’re like most people, you do. Actually, you are likely to have a love/hate relationship with food.
You love how it makes you feel when you consume it. You hate how it makes you feel when you eat something that doesn’t agree with you.
Okay. Hate is a ... Views: 752
The average person has several diets in their lifetime. Over 45 million Americans start a diet each year according to an article by Linda Searing in the Washington Post. 45 million!
According to Express, the average person tries 55 diets in their lifetime. These numbers are staggering. ... Views: 776
It seems wherever you turn, people are talking about morning rituals. Whether it’s the Miracle Morning created by Hal Elrod, the 20/20/20 from Robin Sharma or the 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins, morning rituals are all the rage.
I’m a proponent of a healthy morning ritual. One that I can ... Views: 664
Have you noticed how people seem to move in one of two directions in life? There are those who feel exhausted most of the time, including upon waking. Then there are those who seem almost superhuman. They wake up energized, have a very full day, yet, they are not dragging by day’s end. Sure, ... Views: 655
If you’re like most people, you deal with gas, bloated belly and indigestion. It’s become such a common occurrence; most people automatically reach for the “thick pink liquid” or a little pill to get rid of the problem. Or so they think.
The problem goes beyond the symptoms and actually is ... Views: 878
I have a confession to make. Not many people know this about me, but I am a data geek. There, I’ve said it. I’m a data geek.
Ahhhh, that felt good to get that out.
My primary focus with gathering and analyzing data has to do with food, health and nutrition and energy. Recently, I read ... Views: 731
Have you ever watched the commercial where there’s a group of good-looking friends out for dinner and the really good-looking guy has an upset stomach from what he ate? Rather than addressing the cause, the guy talks about how he popped a little pill and the problem is gone.
He smiles, ... Views: 737
It’s easy to get confused with terminology used to describe food. Take the words enriched and fortified. On the surface, they sound like words we want associated with the foods we consume but digging deeper may reveal a completely different story.
Fortified and enriched foods were introduced ... Views: 957
Everywhere you look, there’s a new diet. “The Latest and Greatest” is often associated with the newest craze. Yet, dieting in the sense of what most people associate the word with, is not at all what it was initially intended to be.
The word diet is one of the most misused words in our ... Views: 838
In years past, most people didn’t give thought to how their food was grown and processed. It was a pretty simple process of “from farm to table.” That was the past. Today, it’s a completely different reality.
In recent years, the Internet has exposed many hidden secrets as to the way our ... Views: 743
Wouldn’t it be great if you could tap into your inner knowing to determine the best foods for your body? The type of foods that allow you to perform at your best?
Actually, you can. The best way to do this is with muscle testing. I’ve been muscle testing my foods for decades and teach my ... Views: 1203
Your subconscious mind, sometimes called the unconscious brain or the body-mind, holds and is continuously recording your existence. It’s in a state of “record on” day and night, recording every bit of information in your environment and every thought and emotion.
Your conscious mind can ... Views: 1086
More every day, people are eating more plant-based foods including diets filled with beans and legumes. Yet, some hesitate to continue past a few days due to the amount of gas they experience.
When prepared correctly, you can minimize, and in some cases, eliminate gas entirely. Ten to ... Views: 719
Just as each person’s fingerprints are different, so are each person’s nutritional needs and solutions. You have your own unique health issues, and foods that are healing and health-building for one person can cause another person great distress, such as pain, inflammation, bloating, weight ... Views: 1190
“Don’t eat so much.”
“All you need is willpower.”
“Just resist temptation.”
How often have we heard things like this from well-intentioned loved ones?
Often, overeating has nothing to do with willpower or avoiding temptation. It has to do with the level of stress you are dealing ... Views: 766
Food. On the one hand, one of our greatest pleasures. On the other hand, one of our greatest challenges.
We love to eat, and more than that, we have to eat. Food, air, and water are primary requirements to sustain life.
Yet, it’s the kind of foods we consume that can either help us or ... Views: 1345
The busier our lives get, the more likely we are subjected to stress. Although we like to think we have things under control, stress is managed in any number of ways with overindulgence of social media time, television binge watching and eating junk food as a few of the most popular.
When ... Views: 825
Over the last decade, it has become increasingly obvious that obesity is on the rise. According to the most recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 18.5% of children and nearly 40% of adults had obesity in 2015–2016.
In a recent article by Amy Norton, published on the WebMD ... Views: 955
If you’re like most people, you’ve experienced food cravings. Out of the blue, you get an urge for something that you swore you would never eat… again.
You find yourself automatically heading to the cabinet, mindlessly open the door, reaching in, and grabbing an unopened bag of potato chips, ... Views: 795
Did you know your body has different requirements for food in the hot summertime than it does in the cold of winter? It’s true.
Your body probably needs light, cooling foods in the summer, like fruits, vegetables, and raw foods, and requires less food than at other times of the year.
If ... Views: 710
Ahhhh food. In many situations it’s an incredibly pleasurable experience. Yet, some food is not so pleasurable. There are foods that are actually stress inducers.
You might not have thought of food as a stressor before, but here is some food for thought: The last two decades have produced a ... Views: 713
Stress is a natural reaction in humans and animals.
The key word is reaction. Each person reacts differently to that which they perceive as stress. Some people are very sensitive to changes in the energy around them. What is a grievous stressor to one person might not bother another person ... Views: 788
Most people know they need to drink more water in the summer, but amazingly, they pull back in fall and winter. This could be wreaking havoc on their health.
Regardless of the season, you need to drink a minimum amount of water to sustain good, let alone great health.
The question of how ... Views: 812
Have you ever heard of wholistic stress? Wholistic stress is all you do, all your mental, physical and emotional habits, that either enhances or negates your health and moves you closer or further away from optimal health.
Something that enhances your life, on all levels is to take holistic ... Views: 818
Have you ever gone to a restaurant and watched people eat? Really watched? Most people are so unconscious of the way they are filling their bodies (by way of their meals) they are what we can classify as unconscious eaters.
It’s the same with where our food comes from. Ask most people where ... Views: 839
Most people don’t consume enough water. This is evident by the number of people who complain about headaches, lack of energy, sleepiness mid-day, and other easily remedied conditions that proper hydration can address. Yet, most people grab a pill, energy bar or some type of caffeinated drink to ... Views: 954
Although I’m not a vegan or 100% plant-based eater, I get a lot of fruits and vegetables in my diet. When I use the word “diet” I’m not referring to a restriction protocol. I’m simply referring to how I eat.
As a food intuitive, I do eat very healthy. I also feed my family a healthy bounty ... Views: 1046
Have you ever eaten with someone who is slow and deliberate while eating? They savor every bite. They may even close their eyes in a form of quiet reflection while eating.
Chances are they are doing what is called “mindful eating.” Simply put, mindful eating is consciously paying attention ... Views: 772
Wouldn’t it be great to intuitively know which foods are best for you and which to avoid? A knowing that wouldn’t require a bunch of time and energy to “receive” the correct answer.
Actually, you can. With my method, called The Food Codes™, I teach you exactly how to do this. It’s with ... Views: 899
Einstein made no secret that everything is energy. He was responsible for bringing awareness to the fact that we are made up of energy.
All parts of the body including muscles, brain, heart, liver and the brain, need energy to work. This energy comes from many sources, but most of all from ... Views: 1251