The other day I was surprised to see an article in the Guardian (a liberal mainstream newspaper in the UK) saying that Richard Dawkins was named the ‘world’s top thinker’ in a poll from Prospect magazine. Apparently Prospect listed whom they consider to be the 65 most influential scientists ... Views: 1431
We all experienced a sadly familiar sense of shock and horror when we read or saw that two bombs went off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Of course, it’s too early to know what or how or why; at this point, it’s all about images and anguish, sorrow for those on the scene and shock ... Views: 1407
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Death and Taxes - by Dr. Kyre Adept, Director of ART of Integration
Oooh, it’s that inevitable time of year again… not death, hopefully, but taxes. In the US, most people’s taxes are due on April 15th, so it’s a good day to stay away from the Post Office.
We all have an ambivalent relationship with taxes in particular and taxation in general. We want the ... Views: 1481
These are exciting times for the Roman Catholic Church. Maybe you’re not a Catholic, or even a believer in God, so why is this important? Because there are 1.2 billion Catholics in the world, making it one of the most influential cultural-social-religious groups out there. The direction of ... Views: 1399
In the Christian churches, Lent is the period of penance and prayer running up to Easter. It’s intended to prepare you for the Easter and its annual cycle of sacrifice and renewal. In 2013, Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 17, and of course it ends at Easter. In New Orleans and Rio, ... Views: 1605
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Everyday Miracles - by Dr. Kyre Adept, Director of ART of Integration
What if miracles were an everyday occurrence – something to create and enjoy in daily life?
If (like most people) you grew up in some kind of religion, you probably have a picture of miracles as something that happened long ago and far away. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, we see God ... Views: 1745
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The Fiscal Cliff - by Dr. Kyre Adept, Director of ART of Integration
We are all hearing so much about the Fiscal Cliff, and it is something we need to be concerned about – though preferably not to the point of hysteria. There are four things that you really need to know in order to meet this financial challenge with ease and grace…
1. Look at the larger ... Views: 1547
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Passion 1-2-3 - by Dr. Kyre Adept, Director of ART of Integration
Recently I’ve been offering free workshops to switch on your passion. As I’ve taught the basics over and over, I realized that there are only three steps to (at least) get you moving in the direction of your passionate life. Are you ready? Let’s go; it’s as easy as 1-2-3!
1. The issue: ... Views: 1631
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Your Inner Movies - by Dr. Kyre Adept, Director of ART of Integration
Ah, the movies… a multi-billion dollar industry, and a fount of entertainment, politics, culture and drama. In the US, going to the movies is an important part of family time, intellectual stimulation and romantic ritual. There is such a broad spread of movies available these days that you’d ... Views: 1784
As a culture, we seem to love gathering in groups to whine and moan about whatever we don’t care for in the world. On the phone, in person, by email, on Facebook – we love seeing the worst in our families, partners, bosses, politics or life in general. We call it ‘being realistic’ without ... Views: 2330
New Year’s resolutions are usually about what you want to do in the coming year, but what about the reverse? What would your life look like if you stopped doing what causes you stress and failure? Instead of changing what you do, what about changing how you feel and think? It’s a lot easier ... Views: 1370
Oooooh, here it comes again: Valentine’s Day.
Hopefully you have a sweetheart and some experience with romantic gestures. In that case, you probably don’t need to read any further because you’ve got it handled. But for those of us who have not experienced Valentine’s Day for a while, or ... Views: 1476
How do you know you are connected to the God of your being? Through color and laughter! I know it doesn’t look obvious, but there is a reason that hues (colors) and humor (laughter) sound similar: because ‘Huw’ is an ancient word for God.
According to, “In Sufism Hu or ... Views: 1681
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Starting Anew - by Dr. Kyre Adept, Director of ART of Integration
New Year’s resolutions are usually about what you want to do in the coming year, but what about the reverse? What would your life look like if you stopped doing what causes you stress and failure? Instead of changing what you do, what about changing how you feel and think? It’s a lot easier ... Views: 1464
If you’re like me, you get all fired up for the holidays – or maybe all stressed up, depending on your circumstances. Family, friends, gifts given and received, shopping and making food for the multitudes… it’s a lot to deal with. And even if you like Thanksgiving, Hanukah, Christmas, and New ... Views: 2224
Ah, New Year’s resolutions: we’ve all made and lost them. This is the year that…
1. I will get thinner/fitter/happier.
2. I will do more/different work, with more clients.
3. I really will clean up the garage/bedroom/kitchen.
4. I will exercise every day… and so on.
I’m sure ... Views: 1739
Here we are again, in a ricochet between Thanksgiving and Christmas/Hanukkah (and if you have a spouse or sweetheart, on to Valentine’s Day). If you are like me and most of my friends, part of your copious spare time is spent making mental or written lists of what you want to give to whom. The ... Views: 1723
Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year’s and possibly Valentine’s Day… ‘tis the season to be giving. On the one hand, yippee! I love both giving and receiving. On the other hand, I can’t help feeling exhausted in advance with all the shopping, money, stress and time required to fulfill ... Views: 1793
Do you look forward to the holidays – making, buying and wrapping presents, cooking a great dinner, having all your friends and family round? Or does the approach of Thanksgiving, Hanukkah or Christmas make your heart sink, your bank account faint, and your stomach feel like lead?
If you ... Views: 1498
Are you feeling stuck or paralyzed in your life or business? Do you spend way too much time on the internet, reading your email, drinking coffee or the equivalent because you just can’t focus on work? The fact is that many people are slackers and drifters, with mediocre lives…
The good ... Views: 1834
Are you feeling stuck or paralyzed in your life or business? Do you spend way too much time on the internet, reading your email, drinking coffee or the equivalent because you just can’t focus on work? The fact is that many people are slackers and drifters, with mediocre lives…
The good news ... Views: 1769
Are you feeling bored, frustrated or depressed when you look at your business? Do you wonder if there is some easier way to create your dreams, or whether you are doomed to stay stuck and struggling?
The good news is that in this series on The Missing Link to Success, we look at the ... Views: 1767
What is purpose? Dictionary definitions include “something set up as an object; an end to be attained; a subject under discussion or an action in the course of execution; determination or resolution the matter at hand or the point at issue.” In short, purpose means ‘what you are here to ... Views: 1864
What is passion? Dictionary definitions include “a powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred, or anger; ardent love; strong sexual desire; lust; the object of such love or desire; boundless enthusiasm or the object of such enthusiasm; an abandoned display of emotion, especially of anger”, and ... Views: 1781
I know lots of business people, and many of them are more and more successful, which is great for them, and very encouraging for me, too, because my job is to help people create the life and business of their dreams.
However, a lot of people get to a certain point and then plateau – they feel ... Views: 1806
As a member of the human race, you are here in God School, and your main course of study is co-creation with the divine. Did you know that? Well, now you do!
If you read my article on Attending God School, you’ll have picture of your life being a long, intricate course of study aimed at ... Views: 1966
Did you go to college? Was it fun? And did you learn something in between the parties? We are on this planet attending God School, and in a way it’s just like college: you get to learn a lot and also have fun. There are foundation courses that everyone takes, followed by electives that you ... Views: 1660
Did you go to college or university? Did you learn something while you were having fun? Well, we are here to attending God School, and it’s similar to college: you get to learn things and you get to come to the party. And just like in college, there are foundation courses that everyone ... Views: 1634
Do you live an abundant life? Do your blessings – including financial blessings – just keep hopping along? Do you know how to create exactly what you want, when you want it? That’s wonderful! Carry on creating!
Sadly, most of us find it a little more challenging than that. Many of us ... Views: 1915
Are you wonderfully prosperous? Do you have more money than you know how to spend? Fantastic! Keep doing whatever you’ve been doing up ‘til now, because you are on the right track!
If not… if you have any kind of block to your flow of riches, money, prosperity or wealth, then maybe it’s ... Views: 2296
If you’ve ever wondered why you seem to be blocked around money and abundance, then maybe it’s time to look at the spiritual laws that govern prosperity. According to Edwene Gaines, author of The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, these four laws are tithing, forgiveness, passion and planning. ... Views: 2400
If you’ve ever wondered why you are still poor when you are doing everything ‘right’, then maybe you need to look at the spiritual laws that govern prosperity. According to Edwene Gaines, author of The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, these are tithing, forgiveness, passion and planning. In ... Views: 8409
Do you have as much money as you’d like coming in? Are you surrounded by abundance? Does your whole financial life sing and soar?
Well, maybe you need to attend to some spiritual principles. Whether you agree or not, you are subject to the same spiritual laws as everyone else. ... Views: 4777
If you went to college or university, you probably have a picture of classes, notes, reading, all-night study sessions, exams, and exhaustion, interspersed with drinking, parties, sex and loafing off. The relative proportions vary according to your particular tastes, of course, but those are ... Views: 1621
We are meant to live on this planet with ease and grace. Funny, it doesn’t seem that ease happens too often, does it?
Now, ‘grace’ is the generosity of God that brings us extra goodies whether we deserve them or not. Ease, on the other hand, is something we can bring in for ourselves. Who ... Views: 1684
What if you could tap into the language of the universe? What would your world look like if you could let go of self-sabotage, had more focus on what you want to create, and were able to access your own genius?
Geotran™ human programming enables you to do just that. Using numbers, ... Views: 6501
If your divine blueprint has all the information you require for your perfect life, then it makes sense that you want to line up with what you already agreed for your life. Alignment with your divine blueprint is also called OBEDIENCE -- and of course there is another article by that name! ... Views: 2854
Your divine blueprint or life plan is created through the agreement of your eternal soul with its guides and teachers, under the overall direction of divine intelligence. Given the larger multi-dimensional perspective available in the interlife, it makes sense that following this blueprint ... Views: 9764
Have you ever found yourself doing or saying something that is just not ‘you’? Well, you probably have contaminations from other people that are just not compatible with your inner bio-computers. It’s like trying to run a Mac program in a PC computer, and your computers are trying to work when ... Views: 1528
Computers are made in the image of people, just as people are made in the image of God. Every creation is, in some respects, a self-portrait of its creator. So although we are not limited to the mechanical functions of computers, we work in similar ways. Of course, we humans are also our own ... Views: 7096
This is the second part of an article looking at different muscle-testing techniques. In Muscle Testing 1, we looked at the Arm Lever Test and the Standing or Sway Test.
A very common muscle-testing technique is the Finger Ring Test, which is another way of testing yourself without a ... Views: 3748
Muscle testing or kinesiology is what we use as a testing mechanism that allows us to discern clear Yes or No answers directly from the person’s body intelligence. This is a wonderful way of rising above what you think and feel to get a clear answer from your field – which knows much more than ... Views: 3541
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What is Passion? - by Dr. Kyre Adept, Director of ART of Integration
What is passion? Dictionary definitions include “a powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred, or anger; ardent love; strong sexual desire; lust; the object of such love or desire; boundless enthusiasm or the object of such enthusiasm; an abandoned display of emotion, especially of anger”, and ... Views: 1565
Stop for a moment and think about your day. If you’re honest with yourself, what per-cent of the time were you reviewing some thought or feeling in the past, or anticipating some event, feeling or thinking yet to come? What percent are you really in the Now?
This happens to human beings all ... Views: 3008
Intelligence is what sets us apart from other animals on this planet, so it is a crucial part of your human life. Intelligence can apply to mentation, emotion, your will and your beliefs. There is even such a thing as social intelligence. So what does this mean in terms of how you live your ... Views: 1457
Obedience! Now here’s a concept many people have trouble with! Yet obedience is pretty simple and painless, once you realize what it actually means.
In my world, every person has a divine blueprint, which your eternal self agreed with God (or divine intelligence) before you ever came into ... Views: 1655
There is a lot of misinformation about the Soul. Contrary to popular opinion, the Soul is NOT the eternal part of your system, nor is the highest level at which to live and learn. In fact, your Soul is full of blocks and confusion, and at the same time it believes it is the boss of your life. ... Views: 1599
Many people, both spiritual and religious, have some confusion between Spirit and the Soul. They are not the same! The Soul is NOT the eternal part of your system… that is the Spirit, which is already redeemed. (For more about the Soul, read the article What is the Soul?) As much as ... Views: 1537
The human energy system acts like a computer. This does not mean that people are mechanically logical; it's more that we have hardware, software, wiring and programs or automatic patterns that we use to filter and manipulate what happens around us. Unlike electronic computers, we are also our ... Views: 1943
Here’s the question I get asked all the time: “Is this really a church?”
Like all the best questions, there’s a simple answer and a complicated one. The simply answer is YES, this is a church, meaning a community organized by faith that is expressed through spiritual practice. The Church ... Views: 1703