This is the second part of an article looking at different muscle-testing techniques. In Muscle Testing 1, we looked at the Arm Lever Test and the Standing or Sway Test.

A very common muscle-testing technique is the Finger Ring Test, which is another way of testing yourself without a practitioner. It’s popular because it takes very little energy and puts no strain on the body. You can do this by yourself or with a partner. Follow the instructions below if by yourself; if working with a practitioner, the other person can pull apart your fingers instead of your doing it with your other hand.

To do this Finger Ring Test, start from a relaxed calm state. Make a ring with your thumb and pinky finger. (You can use other fingers, but the pinky finger is the weakest, so it gives the clearest read.)

Hold the ring tight and say Yes. Use the index finger of the other hand to pull against the ring; it should stay firm and intact.

Now hold the ring tight and say No as you use the index finger of the other hand to pull through the ring; the ring should break and let your finger pull through.

The advantages of the Finger Ring Test are as follows:

1. It can be done virtually anywhere, such as in cars, meetings, on line, etc.
2. It can be done with people who are not able to stand.
3. It requires little energy, and puts virtually no strain on the muscles of your hand.
4. It doesn’t require a partner, so you can test yourself at any time.
5. When used with a partner, nearly everyone is able to get clear, immediate and accurate results.

The disadvantages of the Finger Ring Test are that:

1. Most people require some practice before they can accurately test themselves using this method.
2. It is not the best technique for demonstrations for a group because it can be almost impossible to see whether the fingers stay in the ring or are pulled apart during the muscle testing.

If you choose this technique for self-testing, start with simple yes/no questions that you know the answers to, then simple yes/no questions that you don’t know the answers to. As you become more confident, you can move on to more significant questions that you don’t know the answers to. Remember, your field knows much more than you do!

My personal favorite of all the muscle-testing methods is the Flip Test, which is another self-testing technique. It takes very little energy and puts no strain on the body. This one you can only do on yourself, but you can do it anywhere, even while driving!

To do this Flip Test, get calm and balanced. Using your dominant hand, tuck the middle fingernail under the pad of your thumb. (If you are ambidextrous, ask internally which hand you should use for muscle-testing, or have someone else test you on that point.) Press the middle finger outward as if your hand is spring-loaded. Then state the follow-ing: “I now set my intention that when I reach a YES answer, my finger springs open like this”, and let your middle finger flip open. You are telling your body what you want it to do – tell you a clear Yes or No.

Tuck your middle finger nail under the pad of your thumb. Say Yes. Your middle finger should flip outwards and release the connection.

Tuck your middle finger nail under the pad of your thumb. Say No. Your finger should stay trapped under the pad of your thumb.

Now start asking simple yes/no questions, and let your fingers do the talking!

The advantages of the Flip Test are as follows:

1. Once you get the hang of it, it’s the easiest and most accurate method possible.
2. It can be done anywhere, such as in cars, meetings, on line, etc.
3. It can be done with people who are not able to stand.
4. It requires little energy, and puts virtually no strain on the muscles of your hand.
5. It doesn’t require a partner, so you can test yourself at any time.

The disadvantages of the Flip Test are that:

1. Most people require a little practice before they can accurately test themselves using this method.
2. It is not the best technique for demonstrations because you can’t always see the fingers release if you are in a group.

I find that you need a week or so of practicing this technique to build up confidence in your connection with your body intelligence. As always, start with simple yes/no questions that you know the answers to (like your name), then go on to simple yes/no questions that you don’t know the answers to (like what to have for dinner). As you become more confident with any of these techniques, you can move on to more significant questions that you don’t know the answers to. Just practice, practice, practice until you recognize the inner feeling of Yes or No; your ability to discern that inner truth is much more important than the specific technique you use to test yourself. Every answer you need is somewhere in your body intelligence, and now you are on the way to finding those answers!

Here is some general principle that will help you use muscle-testing effectively:

1. Always test in the Now, not the past or future.
2. Always test a question for which the answer is Yes or No. Even complex issues can usually be broken down into yes/no questions.
3. Don’t ask ‘why’ questions; your subconscious cannot answer those any more than your Mac or PC can.
4. If possible, check statements rather than questions. The best way to test is to say “This body/person is/has ______” with a little lift on the end to make it a question.
5. Your system contains much more than the singular person identified by your name; that’s why it’s best if your test statements address ‘this body/person’, so all parts, facets and dimensions are included.

Muscle-testing is only checking the subconscious mind; this means that the results are not necessarily universal Truth or the Mind/Spirit of God. Muscle-testing uses stress in the body to indicate conditions in the subconscious mind – what is unconsciously true for you, in your programming. It’s appropriate to use muscle-testing to find out what is stressing you in the Now; it’s not appropriate to use muscle-testing to find out the winning numbers of the lottery or how your stocks are going to move, because those are external conditions that have nothing to do with your inner thoughts, feelings, knowledge or beliefs.

On the plus side, the subconscious mind is very intelligent AND it has access to parts of your system that you don’t know about on a conscious level, such as DNA-based files of all the experiences of our genetic ancestors for the past seven generations. Muscle-testing can also access experiences from other lives and dimensions – what some call ‘past lives’, though these can be from other ‘lifetimes’ within this physical incarnation.

So muscle-testing is best at telling you what is and is not going on in your subconscious mind… and those are the programs that create the conditions in your life. For instance, you can use muscle-testing to find out if you are running a subconscious vow of poverty that is still keeping you in lack, and you can also find out if it’s your vow, a genetic-line vow, or a contamination from someone else’s vow. You can clear any of these using Geotran, and then muscle-test afterwards to check if the vow (or whatever) has cleared.

Most people have very little idea of what is running in their systems at any given time, which is why it’s so good to learn how to check yourself. Use any of the techniques and ask (or state), “This body/person has ___________.” and test the indicator muscle. It’s simple, accurate and can even be fun!

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Kyre Adept is a certified Geotran™ practitioner and instructor. Her practice ART of Integration is based in Santa Barbara, and she works with clients all over the world via phone and skype. For more information about individual sessions and/or classes in Germany, Austria and Croatia, contact Dr. Kyre at, or by email at