There are many ways of presenting visuals--flips charts, slides, video, multimedia, overheads slides, props, charts and models. You can use still photos, animation, sound, laser, etc. The list continues to grow with advances in technology.
Whatever you choose to use, it should enhance your ... Views: 1599
A handshake is often part of that all-important, made only once, first impression. Introductions can produce some anxiety when we aren’t sure what to do. Rules are
more lax than they used to be, but following these guidelines helps to avoid anxiety and creates an atmosphere for building ... Views: 3036
"Lay your story down." ~ H. Janice Mark
Janice, my business associate and muse, and I have discussed "story" many times. Most of us were well trained to focus on our stories... the details, frustrations, anxieties, and stress of daily life.
Remember, what you focus on is what you create in ... Views: 1079
Leadership Quotations
Compiled for you by George Torok
One man that has a mind and knows it can always beat ten men who haven't and don't.
George Bernard Shaw, "The Apple Cart" (1930), act I
All great truths begin as blasphemies.
George Bernard Shaw, Annajanska (1919)
When a stupid man ... Views: 1198
Have you ever heard the phrases, "if you want love, give love" or "if you want joy, give joy?" Is it true? Does it work?
It's difficult to quantify love or joy. However, there are other things that we can measure. Here's an example that relates this concept to networking:
One of my good ... Views: 1236
Expanding your comfort zone isn't quite the same as building self-confidence. However, the two do fit together rather nicely. The one begets the other. So many people feel stuck in a rut... bored from a routine that is safe and comfortable but not very exciting. Fear of falling flat on your ... Views: 1927
Most people don't even know they're doing it. Throughout the course of normal conversation, they bombard themselves with negative self-talk. Even people who are aware of the power of their words seem to miss some of the most commonly used derogatory comments that are made towards ourselves in ... Views: 1588
Is neediness ruining your relationships?
By John Gray, author of Men are from Mars Women are from Venus
In a recent survey conducted at, “neediness”—clingy, controlling, possessive and/or demanding behavior—was one of the most commonly cited reasons for ... Views: 7225
Where is he when you need him...and why does it hurt so badly?
By John Gray, author of Men are from Mars Women are from Venus
Has this scenario ever played out in your relationship?
You and your partner are getting along just fine, and with no notice something changes. He’s no longer ... Views: 991
The Rubber Band Man
Is he taking a time out or is this a sign about your future?
By John Gray, author of Men are from Mars Women are from Venus
Just days ago your favorite Martian was holding you in his arms telling you how special you are and how much he loves you and now three days have ... Views: 29235
Unlucky in Love?
Learn the five golden rules to building a happy relationship
We recently asked our Mars Venus telephone coaches to name the top relationship struggle they hear from female callers. The number one response was dating relationships that have failed because the man pulled away, ... Views: 2441
Scene: the Head Office. The Vulcan and the Engineer sit at small desks. The Un lounges on a beanbag chair. The Canter and the Shudoff sit properly erect in straight-backed chairs. Others lounge in comfortable chairs.
Vulcan: The Boss wants us to mull about self-growth.
Engineer: To ... Views: 1050
Experience has shown that creative visualization works. It is quite possible to prove that circumstances and events follow thoughts. Take any situation or happening in your life, and go back to find what kind of thoughts preceded the event. You will find out that a particular event, followed ... Views: 1646
Madan Mohan Tripathy
Is there any magic formula that contributes to a successful and sustainable organisation?
This question has been bothering Corporations, CEOs and Board Rooms across the world. Is it Organisational and Business Restructuring? Is ... Views: 1561
Premises of the Belief Statement
Observing, Questioning and Understanding. These three actions are ones that each of us individually can and need to make on our own. True understanding and true growth must occur on an individual basis. Individual awareness is needed for true spiritual ... Views: 1217
The Elephant Trainers Method to Success
Are you an elephant? When I ask this question during my lecturesI get one of three responses. Some people laugh at the question. Some put on a face of getting offended. Others get this confused look. My purpose is not to make you smile, or offend you. For ... Views: 3948
How often do you say or think _______ (situation or person's behavior) just makes me sick. How about just being around someone and feeling exhausted? Or how about using an actual disease process or illness that you have as an excuse by saying, because of ____ I can't do that, when in all ... Views: 965
1. Solid Content. Even a person lacking charismatic gifts can develop solid content. Always share something the audience finds valuable to their lives.
2. Humorous. It's hard to hate someone you laugh with. The best speakers find a way to get people smiling early in the program. It opens ... Views: 2659
I spoke to a close friend today and he said something that greatly disturbed me. Okay it made me so upset I had to write this while thinking, "What the F@#K?!"
I was looking at a catalogue of upcoming seminars given by some VERY famous and successful people.
I called one of my best friends and ... Views: 796
If there was ever a principle that was responsible for the most happiness and achievement in the world, it would be the 80/20 Principle.
The 80/20 Principle or Pareto Principle was discovered in 1897 by an Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto while he was searching for patterns of wealth and ... Views: 935
Did you ever think that you are not playing the role which you should play in your life?
Don’t you think that you are born to play a leading role, a much bigger role in the real drama of your life? What is holding you back then? Your own short sightedness!
In order to play a bigger role in ... Views: 1042
Who Controls YOUR Happiness?
Where does happiness fit on a scale of 1 to 10 in your life?
Is that a silly question? Who’s in control of your happiness??
Well, if you want to maintain continued happiness in light of difficult moments then start by identifying your thinking. Often this ... Views: 979
Why is goal setting important?
Because without goals you don't go anywhere!
Whenever you see anything worthwhile being done anywhere, it is because someone is behind it with a passion, a belief and a goal!
When it comes to your personal life and your business, goal setting can make the ... Views: 3192
Letting go is one of the most difficult things for human beings to do. When our feelings are hurt, when we feel betrayed or let-down, the mind can really latch onto the idea of failure and begin to play a recurring negative tune which eventually drowns out hope, joy and confidence.
When does ... Views: 711
Business rises and falls on leadership. According to business guru, Brian Tracy, “Leadership is the most important single factor in determining business success or failure in our competitive, turbulent, fast-moving economy.” Still not convinced? Based on a study by Jessie Hagen of the US Bank, ... Views: 1604
Speed Reading by Wave Reading
Wave Reading™ is a newly patented method of speed reading that utilizes a twistable pointer called a “Wave tool” to wave beneath text lines. The purpose of the Wave tool is to induce your eyes to move in a faster and smoother manner to read successive lines of ... Views: 2388
For many people with ADD, work life can be difficult. If your working environment is not ADD-friendly, then you may find yourself feeling chronically disorganized and stressed out at work. Whether or not you choose to share your diagnosis with your employer, the following strategies can help ... Views: 1273
Experiencing anger is extremely dangerous to your health. Itcauses your adrenaline and blood pressure to rise up at abovenormal levels. Moreover, you could end up hurting someone ordoing something that you will regret later on.
Here are 7 fantastic tips to help you be the one in control ... Views: 968
"One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words."
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
When you get up in the morning, what do you do to start your day? You prepare yourself ... Views: 1837
Scenario A: You just finished an interview where you explained to the Human Resources (HR) manager your role in a recent project that brought revenue of $500,000 to your previous employer. The HR manager is the first point of contact in the interview process at the company for which you yearn ... Views: 1127
Webster defines a champion as someone who enthusiastically supports another. Are you a champion? Do you stand up and cheer when someone in your family, a friend or a coworker does as well or even better than you? Are you always enthusiastic about the success of others? Probably not, right?
As ... Views: 896
Copyright 2004
Oprah has extended her contract until 2011, that means you can still get on her show. You have to know how to get on the show. You also need to know how to make the most of it while you are there! Being on the show can mean millions of dollars worth of free publicity. Many ... Views: 2659
The above title is the name of a song, but it reflects a reality of life most of us would rather not face up to - that deep down inside, despite the friends that we have and the possessions we have accumulated, we still have a sense of loneliness that does not seem to go away.
To understand ... Views: 3139
One of the challenges of multi-career marriages is allotting time for the family and for each other. Some years ago, Sherry and I began to realize this and decided to take steps to insure “our time” every day. So, we began going to a convenient place in the evening just to have coffee and to ... Views: 873
Mind/Body medicine is based on the fact that our health and well-being depends on all the individual parts to work together effectively. So it should come as no surprise that healthy eyesight is also dependent upon our total well-being, which is affected by our genetic makeup, the food we eat, ... Views: 893
The value of an appointment
Activity is one of the key secrets to sales success .In my sales I use a one stop approach to making a sale and this article is based on this however you could you the same idea if you are using a two appointment process.
For the purpose of this article I am ... Views: 875
You pick up a packaged product and begin to read the label.
You see that it contains 8 fat grams, 300 calories and 20 grams of sugar. Based on that information, you decide to eat the product, believing that the eight fat grams are all that you need to worry about.
That is what the ... Views: 1359
The Fire of Now
This sacred moment of Now is the only door to freedom. How long has it been since you first heard this truth?
Many of you have been seekers for decades. You have acquired spiritual knowledge and had profound experiences, but the fulfilment of freedom has yet to embrace you in ... Views: 1053
"Know your Ruling Star. One man is better received by one nation than another, or is one welcome by one city than another. He finds more luck in one office or position than in another, and all though his qualifications are equal or even identical. Let each man know his luck as well as his ... Views: 1182
I'll be honest with you.
I'm not the best person to write about thisbecause I'm not an expert on this topic.
But, I have to write about it somehow becauseI'm currently practicing it and it seems to bevery powerful so far.
There are many self-improvement strategiesthat use the sub-conscious ... Views: 2069
You're becoming convinced that no one wants your services -- at least enough to pay for them! You're ready to give up. Are you being negative -- or facing a tough market?
1. Take a reality check. Are others in your field experiencing similar frustrations? Do you resemble those who succeed or ... Views: 1253
Have you ever wondered 'exactly' why we tend to sleep longer when we're sick? As you might already know, we sleep in "sleep cycles". We can categorize these cycles into "light sleep", and "deep sleep." But just HOW important deep sleep is to our immune system?...
As you read, it's during the ... Views: 1242
Probably one of the biggest challenges people have is getting themselves out of the bed! This really has nothing to do with understanding sleep science or any of the information I teach, It has to do with your will power, and a little bit of strategy.
You've probably had many times in your life ... Views: 1036
A recent study done by the University of California and the shocking finding of it: "People who sleep 8 hours or more have a 50% higher mortality (death) rate than people who sleep less." Yes, it's true that such a study was carried out, in fact in a moment I will give you a link to a short 2 ... Views: 1076
A lot of people feel "tired", and blame it on getting not enough sleep, or other external factors. Basically, the fact that they're tired is always "out of control." What they don't know is that there's a reason for feeling "tired", and that there's a simple method to change "tired" to ... Views: 939
One of the biggest questions I get asked all the time is ¡§Are naps good for you? Or bad? I've heard both sides of the story.¡¨ I'd like to settle this argument once and for all right here, and reveal to you how you can properly manage your sleep to create an abundance of energy in your life, ... Views: 908
MYTH #1 ) ¡§If you sleep longer, you'll be more awake and have more energy in your life¡¨
TRUTH: Sleeping Longer ROBS You of Energy and Damages your Sleeping System.
There are several reasons why sleeping longer damages your sleep system. What most people don't know is that there is a very ... Views: 1056
Have you ever wondered why is it that after we go through a bad phase in life we seem to come out better for it? It use topuzzle me too until recently after I stared down a gunman’snozzle I realized why.
If you have ever been in a situation like I did and survived totell the tale you would be ... Views: 1457
Wanna know the truth? If you’re going to be slim, you’re going to have to swim against the current. You’re going to have to take charge of your body and make your own decisions…cause if you go with the flow today, I guarantee that you’re going to be fat.
Here are 3 reasons why:
#1) ... Views: 1336
In the 34 years that I have been doing psychic counseling, it is only in the past 10 years that I have been involved with couples counseling. One thing I have noticed with many couples, whether those couples are a man and a woman, two women, or two men, is that there is often a lack of real and ... Views: 1129