By Carolyn Ellis, Visual Coach and Founder of
Is doodling a sign of an idle or distracted mind or a key to creativity and breakthrough thinking?
Many folks doodled as children, but as we grew up a lot of us lost that willingness to scribble and draw. When we grew up ... Views: 2444
Failure and rejection are tough pills to swallow. But sometimes they prove to be the best medicine in the long term.
Let me explain.
We live in a fast-moving, success-driven, “quick fix” oriented society. Encountering disappointment, under performance or outright failure it is something ... Views: 8667
Warning. This is a true story and it ain’t a pretty one. It’s actually a bit embarrassing too because, as a teacher and trainer, I should “know” better not to get stuck unconscious behavior. By sharing this personal examples I hope to illuminate for you more clearly how tolerating those little ... Views: 4623
Is there a noticeable disconnect between your efforts and the level of success and abundance you are experiencing?
Does something seem “off” or “not quite right” despite all the proactive steps you are taking to manifest abundance in your business and life?
If so, it’s time to take a deep ... Views: 2222
Are you feeling stressed out? Isn’t this time of year when families and friends come together to celebrate special holidays and connect supposed to be a time of joy and peace? Then why are so many people out there feeling stressed out, short-tempered and run down?
A key ingredient for success ... Views: 3106
Some of the greatest challenges our society faces today is overwhelm and distraction. It seems like most of us suffer from an inability to maintain our attention and focus on getting our dreams and goals across the finish line.
In Part 1 “5 Ways Spiritual Overload Syndrome Sabotages Your ... Views: 2784
It’s a busy, busy, busy world out there. So many people I know, friends and clients alike, are feeling truly overwhelmed these days. The internet and our various battalion of electronic gadgets most of us use nowadays can bring an entire world of data, information and ideas to your fingertips ... Views: 4752
Are you struggling to become more productive and get ahead of your “to do” list? Do you feel overwhelmed at how meet all of the demands life makes of you? Most people focus on external solutions like time management skills or organizational systems to help them become more productive. An ... Views: 2843
Are you on the threshold of a transition in your life somewhere? As we move from where we are to where we want to go, we go through different kinds of transitions and changes along the way. Perhaps you’re leaving an old job to start your own business. Or the nest is emptying as your children ... Views: 2344
Life is not always going to be a “smooth sailing” kind of experience. Right now there is a lot of turmoil going on in the world – economically, politically, environmentally, even socially. In the world of your own life, how are you faring? Are you getting rocked by the waves and wondering to ... Views: 2574
We’ve all had those great moments of inspiration, where an amazing idea is sparked within us and we’re totally energized to make it happen. Your focus is clear and your creative juices are flowing. With your confidence and joy at an all-time high, you feel invincible. That was certainly the case ... Views: 5260
As a coach, I’m privileged to be part of a process where my clients create a new and exciting vision for their lives and take action towards it. The excitement is palpable as they connect with what’s truly important to them. But often they’ll hit what I call, the “How Hurdle.” “How will I do ... Views: 3819
It can be tricky to find that place of balance in life. Juggling work, family, community and personal needs isn’t easy, but I believe it is part of what makes life joyful and meaningful. I’ve certainly had my fair share of days when hours spent on the phone or behind the computer whizz by and I ... Views: 4416
Manifesting is the latest “Big Thing” and buzzword. People seek out seminars, workshops and gurus to help learn the secrets of manifestation so we can fulfill our heart’s desire.
My manifestation guru looks a little different than most. She has a shaggy beard, 3 inch eyelashes, four legs and ... Views: 2869
Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to divorce your inner critic? You know that questioning, nagging little voice inside you that is never at a loss to point out your flaws, highlight your doubts and cross-examine you on your decisions? If you don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s the part ... Views: 3453
Progress is never a straight line. Often it’s a matter of one step forward, two steps back. Just ask Oprah, icon of self-improvement, who publicly confessed how sabotaging beliefs contributed to weight issues that continue to plague her. Backsliding after we’ve started some new habits or set new ... Views: 3956
Divorce and separation can be quite a ride. Up and down. Up and down.
Will it ever stop?
Even before the decision to separate or divorce is made, life can feel like it’s spinning out of control. One day you’re up, the next day you’re down. It can feel like you are losing your mind.
Divorce ... Views: 4939
Divorce etiquette is often badly needed after separation after separation and divorce.
How many times have your family or friends “How’s the Ex”?
You know all too well that divorce requires an adjustment in how you see yourself outside your marriage. When you’re used to saying “we” or “ours”, ... Views: 2483
It’s not uncommon for the difference in parenting styles between parents to become very apparent after separation. Children usually experience some transition time to get acclimated to the unique rhythms of each household.
Realizing you have little control over what happens “over there” at ... Views: 3120
Are you familiar with the phrase “The shortest distance between two points is a straight line?” While this may be true in math or drawing, it is not true in the journey of healing your heart after divorce.
When dealing with our emotions, progress is definitely not linear. It’s ... Views: 3971
Manifesting and attaining your goals has become an increasingly popular pursuit. The movie, "The Secret," jump-started the discussion of the law of attraction and manifestation in mainstream culture. People seek out seminars, workshops and gurus to help learn the secrets of manifestation so we ... Views: 2444
Blended families are becoming a reality for more people every year. Did you know that one in three Americans is part of a blended family, either as a step-parent, step-child or step-sibling? What kind of blended family will you have?
Here are 7 sure-fire ways to undermine your blended family ... Views: 4999
Is divorce draining your vital energy? Are you facing your own personal energy crisis? It’s a common challenge. Going through divorce is like playing a whole new ball game in life. If you’re feeling drained, overwhelmed or worn out, please realize that some of those old moves, habits ... Views: 3091
Divorce generates drama. I remember riding those rollercoaster moments of my own divorce and wondering, “How is this movie going to end?” I personally love going to the movies. My favorites are the ones that have relationship plotlines that are rich, complex and surprising. ... Views: 3922
Divorce is an enormous life transition. The basic storyline goes something like this. One day you’re in a relationship and the goal is to live happily ever after. Then over time, your relationship hits the rocks. People get unhappy with each other and someone makes the decision to divorce. ... Views: 10480
Divorce has a lot of difficult moments, but one of the toughest has got to be when you utter the words: "Kids, mommy and daddy are getting a divorce."
No parent likes to see their children suffer or be in pain. Yet learning that family life as they have known it is about to radically change is ... Views: 2528
You're divorced and you have kids. How do you handle different rules and discipline between mom's house and dad's house? Do you have any say about what goes on in the other parent's home anymore?
Here's how one of my readers expressed her frustration:
"My two children are with my ex every ... Views: 3929
Dating after divorce can be intimidating. For some people, it may be a few decades since you've been out there in the dating scene. As a divorce coach and author, a big concern my clients have is what to do to ensure they have more success in their future relationships.
Here are some important ... Views: 3187
Divorce and separation can mean that special family holidays, like Mother's Day or Father's Day, can end up being stressful and full of conflict. When you're separated or divorced, what kind of role does the ex-spouse play in helping the children show that for their other parent?
Here are a ... Views: 6280
Divorce is an enormous life transition. The basic storyline goes something like this. One day you’re in a relationship and the goal is to live happily ever after. Then over time, your relationship hits the rocks. People get unhappy with each other and someone makes the decision to divorce. ... Views: 2198
People going through divorce often focus on the endings it represents – the ending of a relationship, a dream, a way of life. To thrive after divorce requires you to look at divorce as a beginning – the beginning of a new life, of new possibilities for loving relationship, of a sense ... Views: 3169
Have you ever wondered if it's possible to divorce your inner critic? You know that questioning, nagging little voice inside you that is never at a loss to point out your flaws, highlight your doubts and cross-examine you on your decisions? If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's the part ... Views: 2457
When we’re going through a stressful time like a divorce, how do you move forward? These are the moments that define who you are and reveal the important inner workings of your own mind. Sure, it’s easy to feel good about yourself when things are going your way. More important to ... Views: 3295
Often people going through divorce focus on the endings it represents - the ending of a relationship, a dream, a way of life. To thrive after divorce requires you to look at divorce as a beginning - the beginning of a new life, of new possibilities for loving relationship, of a sense of ... Views: 2610
There’s a saying that “those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” If you’re separated or divorced, chances are high there was a lot of difficulty in your past. Living in denial of the past means that you are robbing yourself of the opportunity to ... Views: 2213
Divorce is one of the most emotionally demanding life transitions you'll ever encounter. One big pitfall is what I call "going for the martyr medal." You get so preoccupied and consumed with making sure everyone else is taken care of first, that your own needs fall by the wayside. Single parents ... Views: 3707
When a couple decides to separate and starts the process of splitting up the children's family home into two separated homes, there is inevitably a sense of guilt. Divorce is an adult problem created between two adults, but as parents watching our children adjust to going to "mom's house" and ... Views: 5947
The break-up of a love relationship can be emotionally devastating. As I shared, I recently joined the ranks of the heartbroken when an important relationship I was in ended abruptly and unexpectedly. Life in the void is an important opportunity to let go of an old paradigm and prepare yourself ... Views: 3820
Divorce is one of the most emotionally demanding life transitions you'll ever encounter. One big pitfall is getting preoccupied and consumed with making sure everyone else is taken care of first. Some divorcees adopt a martyr role as they navigate the new waters of their life. "Yes, my life is ... Views: 3440
Let's be honest. I believe separation, divorce, and relationship break-ups always have a gift to offer us, but the initial breakup period sucks. For most of us, when we're in relationship, it feels like we're on solid ground. It may feel comfortable and soft to walk on, or it may be rocky and ... Views: 4664
Appreciation is an underutilized, yet hugely valuable, ingredient in successful relationships. Many of us take a major blow to our self-esteem when we divorce. Practicing appreciation of ourselves and others can help heal our wounded hearts. It is like a fertilizer that can help relationships ... Views: 2278
Is there anything more mysterious in the world than the formula to having a successful romantic relationship? As a divorced woman, I now marvel at those who are able to create passionate, loving, long-term relationships. From my studies with books and the school of hard knocks, I believe that ... Views: 2904
Have you ever been emotionally triggered and hijacked by something your ex said or did? Have you ever been emotionally triggered and hijacked by something your ex didn't say or do? When you're "plugged in" to the actions of someone else, you typically have a strong emotional reaction. You know ... Views: 10886
Family holidays are supposed to be relaxing and stress-free, but often they aren't. Holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas can take you back in time to when you were a family with both parents living together under one roof. Holidays that have a strong cultural tradition of "family" can ... Views: 2642
Divorce can really knock your self-esteem for a loop. When you’re in an intimate relationship with another human being, a huge sense of who you are and your self-worth is tied up in the relationship. When that committed relationship ends, the degree to which you’re reliant on someone ... Views: 4954
A new study by Statistics Canada shows that men are more likely to suffer depression than women in the two years after a marriage or common-law relationship breaks up. The longitudinal data from the National Population Health Survey showed that men, aged 20-64, were six times more likely to ... Views: 7383
Picking the right divorce attorney is a critical decision. Divorce lawyers are your guides through the legal system. They are your teachers about your legal rights and obligations. At a time when you’re not in your peak decision-making form, you have many important questions to answer when ... Views: 2919
Blended families are becoming more and more the norm. One in three Americans is a member of a blended family. I’m sure Canada’s statistics are very similar. Looking at my own family of four, 75% of my family is blended because my children have step-siblings. Bringing divorced parents ... Views: 2743
After you separate or divorce, the most important tool you have at your disposal is your mindset. What are you thinking? What are you telling yourself? Is your goal to "survive" your divorce? Do you feel like you're a failure or "damaged goods"? Your thoughts have a powerful impact on your ... Views: 3657
Procrastination is a dream stealer. It's insidious and has the potential to snuff out our vitality and diminish how we feel about ourselves. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, to procrastinate means "to put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness". ... Views: 3275