We live in an incredibly effective media era. Daily via radio, television, magazines and newspapers we are informed about the in’s and out’s of corporate companies and government departments. More and more people are being called on daily to deal with questions the media may have. This is an incredibly effective marketing tool, but if you are unprepared or nervous it can be a public relation nightmare.

Media can help build or destroy an organization. But instead of dodging journalists and interviews, get prepared and face them with confidence. We need the media to tell our stories. Even if you are faced with a difficult conflict situation, that you would rather not respond to, get your story out there and clear up any incorrect facts.

I often hear while listening to the news “ the department was unavailable for comments”. This is inexcusable. We have to be available at all times to comment. But mostly you will find the media liaisons were not busy, they were unprepared and unsure of what to say. If you don’t comment you look guilty. The media wants to publish the truth, to inform their audience about the facts.
If they give you the opportunity - use it to tell your side.

You need a media response strategy incorporating the following:
- Areas of responsibility. Who will talk to journalists? If they are unavailable, who will take their place?
- Media monitoring. Keep records of all media coverage you get. Hire a company to do this if necessary.
- Get prepared and practice your response.
- Always tell the truth, be as forthright as you can
- Never say NO COMMENT – you must have something to say.
- Return calls from the press promptly
- Make sure you look and sound professional for radio and television.
- Send out press releases with your achievements. They will not get published every time, but send them out.
- Build a positive relationship with the media

So basically we need the media, it is the most powerful communication tool available to us. Welcome their calls have a good attitude towards them at all times. They are giving you the opportunity to tell your side.

Face The Media with Ease

Author's Bio: 

Delia Thompson holds an ATCl & LTCL form the Trinity College of London in speech training. She has been active for over 10 years in Public Speaking and Communications Training. She founded The Communication Academy to assist people with improving their communication skills