We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Affirmations and Positive Affirmations". If you have expertise in Affirmations and Positive Affirmations and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Your attitude towards life can make you or break you. Your attitude determines your experience in life. It determines how people respond to you and whether you will be a success or a failure!
Now, by your attitude, I mean your disposition towards yourself, other people and things.
Let's ... Views: 1159
“Raising your vibration is a choice.
You are the master of your own light.
Within you lives this undeniable radiant beauty.
Awaken to your gifts and share them as was intended.”
~Ananda Anahata
Tip #1 Choose Optimal Fuel
The way we fuel our bodies deeply and radically affects the way we ... Views: 1291
Brainwashing is typically looked at as a negative thing. At the same time, we sort of innately know (plus we have science to prove) that our lives consist of what we think about all day. So, truth is, we are sort of brainwashing ourselves anyway. It’s just a matter of how conscious we are about ... Views: 1453
I cannot repeat too often the fact that when you pray and when you visualize, you have to be specific in order to get what you want out of life. You have to be definite with the infinite!
You have to define and declare the good you want before you can get it.
By "the Infinite" we mean the ... Views: 3576
When Elevated Existence Magazine first launched in June 2008, the life-changing movie sweeping the nation was, “You Can Heal your Life,” based on the bestselling book of the same name, by Louise Hay, founder of publishing firm Hay House Inc. The movie features Hay, along with other well-known ... Views: 1843
By now, most people have heard about The Secret and the Law of Attraction. Perhaps you've read the book or seen the movie, or maybe you've caught one of the many episodes of Oprah that she has devoted to this concept. Manifestation, co-creation, and visualization are all the newest buzzwords and ... Views: 3429
I first learned of this valuable strategy from my good friend and mentor Richard Sutphen, author of Radical Spirituality.
Many try to change outer circumstances instead of working with the law of attraction and changing their inner world. Often trying to change the outer world will work ... Views: 2048
When you are doing something – perhaps you're working on the computer and have to wait for the software to perform its tasks – take a few seconds to do a self-check on how you are feeling.
Take the attention within; perhaps – if it is safe – close the eyes for a few seconds and breathe ... Views: 1677
One of the great things about this New Age form of getting people to improve themselves is that it is pretty easy to do once you get the hang of it. The only problem with this is that the action is fairly repetitive and you will get a lot of mental and physical inertia when you are first trying ... Views: 1892
As Awakening Leaders in these ever-changing turbulent times, it is important to check-in periodically and evaluate your situation. When was the last time you took a look at the various aspects of your life to see how your choices are creating your reality? Is everything going smoothly or are ... Views: 2145
In Genesis 1:26, God says: "let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth,and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."
Have you ever doubted your ... Views: 1474
I spent the last week in sunny Florida with my family and what a lovely time we had. Not only are we a hoot and a holler and know how to have a good time, but I reached a whole new level of appreciation this week – in more ways than one.
My sister and I, who are both single, made it our ... Views: 1069
This is a blog I posted in December 08. I still love sharing it...
Hi everyone! I have a personal story that I want to share with you all. I hope it inspires you and contributes to your belief in conscious creation and the magic that we truly manifest.
Over the summer, my graphic design ... Views: 1338
If you are suffering from increased anxiety and stress, move over. You are not alone. Statistics are showing that almost 85 % of Americans are feeling anxious. It should not come as a surprise that sales of anti-depressants are up.
That’s the bad news. None of us has the power to personally ... Views: 1772
In the land of love, most of us consider sex to something as a means to pleasure, a means to create a bond of love between two people, to fulfil a need and to maintain the emotions necessary to make a relationship fresh. In all biological sense of the word, sex is something that is functionary, ... Views: 3168
The holiday season is a rich time of year. We celebrate with those we love, and we delight in the closeness of friends and family. Does your seasonal business, holiday business or this present business cycle give you the same warm feeling, or has it become a chore? If this ... Views: 3000
Not too long ago, a business associate told me that you just can’t find some rose colored glasses and wish the world to be a better place. And I answered her that yes; you really have to start somewhere. With this in mind, we have to realize that affirmations are really much more than just ... Views: 1753
We all know that affirmations can be very powerful and effective. But to get the most out of them, you have to believe what you're saying! How many times have you tried saying an affirmation only to feel dumb afterward or like it doesn't feel true to you? Here is one way you can create ... Views: 1565
Prosperity affirmations are alot like positive affirmations and how they work is quite the same. Affirmations is actually a part of New Age and Thought terminology and it refers mainly to the noble practice of positive thinking, in which the user affirms with him or herself the messages of a ... Views: 1041
I was recently at home of a friend's daughter and she had affirmations taped on the walls everywhere.
"Are these helpful to you?" I asked.
"Not really," she answered. "I do them all the time but they don't seem to be doing anything. I've read about the law of ... Views: 4635
The technology of self affirmation is something that has been spawned from the New Age philosophy of affirmation and positive thinking. Positive thinking is the belief that if you bombard yourself with enough positive messages on a daily messages, you will become a better person. In fact, there ... Views: 1056
Today is the day on the calendar when we officially celebrate Mothers' Day. However, mothers work their craft 365/24/7.
It's nice to have a day, but what mothers need is encouragement and reminders of how important they and their work are. Today I present 14 newly written affirmations ... Views: 4307
Positive affirmations have been a practice that has been going round since a very long time ago and now you can be a more confident person with the benefits of this method. It is not classified as a technology, although the old ideals behind this method has spawned many a scientific arena and ... Views: 1856
We sometimes need a force to change any sort of financial situation we are in and that is succinctly placed in the ability to attract wealth and prosperity, or the situations and principles that would allow those two very important ideals to flow with abundance into your life. One of the ... Views: 3585
An unconditional love is the sweetest, purest, richest gift you can give to another. There are no rules to adhere to, no strategies to employ, and no games to play when it comes
to this kind of deep, loving relationship. It is simple. It is honest. It is true.
If this is the type of ... Views: 854
Lost jobs. Lost homes. Lost hope.
It's in the headlines, it's on the news, and it's in our day-to-day conversations with people we care about: family, friends, co-workers, neighbors and people within our spiritual circles. When you're out of work, where do you turn when it seems nobody can help ... Views: 1630
We cannot change the laws of nature, but we are can successfully adapt to them.
It is necessary to view each disease as a lesson from which we can learn. From the moment the sick person openly acknowledges the existence of his illness, he has taken a step forward in his fight with the ... Views: 1215
I used to hate my toes. I know it sounds odd, but I was so convinced they were ugly that I wouldn’t even wear sandals during my early 20s. Truthfully, I wasn’t really fond of anyone’s feet, but I thought mine were particularly hideous.
And then I had a baby. Like many infants, he fell head ... Views: 1481
In the life state of appreciation, good things happen to your heart and body: your heart rate slows, your blood pressure drops, and your digestion is facilitated. You feel more peaceful, your stress diminishes and your immune system benefits. The crucial next step however is to use appreciation ... Views: 2780
Many people go through their lives without considering why they make the same mistakes, follow the same bad patterns, and exist in the same rut for years. They aren't happy with their current situation, but they seem to be unable to make any lasting changes. Are you perhaps one of these ... Views: 3549
The hills are green, flowers are blooming, neighborhood yards and trees are beginning to show leaves and buds. We typically shake off the winter doldrums at this time of year. But not this year.
This year, people are despondent despite the fine weather and promises from a new administration. ... Views: 2019
People travel to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering. — St. Augustine
The ancient Greek aphorism “Know Thyself” was ... Views: 1962
A lot of excellent articles list tips on how to construct a “good” affirmation.
It’s generally agreed upon that a “good” affirmation is one that’s personal, in the present tense, emotion-evoking, focused on what you desire as opposed to its opposite or absence, and so on, as discussed in those ... Views: 1043
Affirmations form the basis of our perceptions. They are defined as the things we state to be true. But notice how there’s nothing in this definition which claims that an affirmation must, in reality, be true.
Affirmations are merely declarations of truth, but these declarations can be any ... Views: 1240
If you've gotten into the habit of creating positive affirmation statements to support your desired results in life, you're probably noticing some changes already. Yet sometimes at first your feedback comes in fits and spurts. Something great will happen, and then things will taper off for a ... Views: 1342
Since the release of The Secret movie a few years ago, the "Law of Attraction" has become more mainstream. But where did this law, and all it speaks of, come from?
Well, it was not invented by Rhonda Byrne, the producer of The Secret, or by any of her many guests (Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, Bill ... Views: 822
As time keeps changing and our vibrations are moving into higher realms and seeing thinner veils, we become more enlightened – more aware of who we really are and becoming fully conscious that we are all connected. We are one ~ we are perfect.
Yet, at the same time we are bombarded through ... Views: 4884
"Your thoughts and beliefs of the past have created this moment,
and all the moments up to this moment. What you are now
choosing to believe and think and say will create the next moment and the next day and the next month and the next year."
-Louise Hay
If your thoughts and beliefs from ... Views: 2926
Divine inspiration. The world of spirit. The place where your affirmation lives! It's not exactly magic. More like magically inspired. You can be there in just 3 steps. Let's explore!
Have you ever found yourself in this situation? You know what you want to create in life, but you're not sure ... Views: 1342
Creating and using a metaphorical understanding is one of the primary ways we communicate a new idea. The process is very apparent with scientific knowledge. For example, we explain an atom using the metaphor of a little solar system in which the nucleus sits like the sun in the middle and the ... Views: 941
When really bad things start to happen in your life, the most obvious response would be to just sometimes give up or let them overcome you. This is not the best course of action and you should come to the realisation that you have the power to make things better and come out a better person ... Views: 1626
Did you ever just want to shout your latest positive affirmation from the rooftops? Or do you keep the really good stuff to yourself? You know the ones I mean -- maybe they're just a little outrageous... "I am a gorgeous, lean charisma machine!" "I am abundantly wealthy with riches beyond my ... Views: 2047
Just like everything else in this world positive affirmations also can be negated by mistakes. These mistakes keep people from accomplishing their goals when using positive affirmations.
Whether you are already using positive affirmations and not getting results, or plan on using them, here are ... Views: 787
You may be playing around with the idea of using positive affirmations. Are you still wondering if they work? Well, rest assure whether its changing the stars of the universe or simply your mindset, THEY WORK! This is how you can get started right now with the top 6 ways to use positive ... Views: 956
Using affirmations is a great way to boost your moral, help you to become more positive and change how you view yourself and your life. However all over the Internet you can see many instances of people stating that affirmations do not work. But is this really true? Are affirmations useless?
It ... Views: 2358
Anger is a normal part of life. However, if it gets out of control, it can really damage your family, your work, the people around you, and your lifestyle. If you are easily irritated and get angry over minor problems, it is important to learn how to curb the excessive energy that this emotion ... Views: 6497
We live in a world of negativity. A positive affirmation is a little message that raises your spirits and helps achieve a positive mental attitude. Here are the top 7 reasons to use positive affirmations on a daily basis.
1. Get A Visual
So many people are visual learners. We write lists to ... Views: 1976
The Great I Am’s
Please answer a few questions to help us uncover your great I am’s
If you were describing yourself to someone that didn’t know you (personality, physical characteristics)- what would you say?
______________ is ... Views: 860
We all want to succeed. It's a reachable goal many of us desire. There's a number of ways to be successful. Everyone creates their own definition for success. It's up to us how much work it takes to achieve those goals. Regardless of how you define success positive affirmations may help you ... Views: 693
You know it’s a good idea—to make a list of what you’re grateful for—but you just don’t get around to actually doing it. So take the next five minutes and do it now.
1. Grab a pen and paper.
2. Start with your body and record what you’re most thankful for. You may list: Good health, good ... Views: 1545