We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Affirmations and Positive Affirmations". If you have expertise in Affirmations and Positive Affirmations and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
When we enter this world as babes, we bring with us two simple yet profound lifelong desires; to love and be loved. Everything else pales in comparison. We yearn for love and thrive in it. Experiencing love makes the world feel right. Yet growing up, we may have encounter people, situations, ... Views: 4784
With the media’s projections of today’s economy, it will be easy to view the current financial situation in a state of scarcity. The good news is, you can make a choice to believe in the scarcity or the abundance in any situation, and whatever you think, you’re right!
Try repeating these ... Views: 2964
Successful people have successful affirmations running through their heads all day. Follow these steps to create affirmations to lead you to your access.
1. Know the Goal
Tune your focus into where you want to be, not where you are. You reap what you sow, so if you are planting thoughts of ... Views: 1134
Many prominent self-help books have advised people with low self-esteem to recite affirmations like, “I am beautiful,” or “I am worthy of love.” However, I grew suspicious of these affirmations and throughout the years observed that they didn’t work for my one-on-one clients or my workshop ... Views: 1373
A couple of years ago, I came across this great website that advertised challenging 75-minute outdoor workouts that could burn up to 700 calories. Never being a fan of working out in a gym, this sounded perfect! I decided to try it even though I was a little nervous that I wouldn’t be able to ... Views: 1691
Recently, a friend of mine named Renee was driving her seven-year old son home from school, and she was preoccupied with worry. She had a lot of bills to pay and was having difficulty making money. Her husband had been ill and unable to work, so they’d fallen behind on their mortgage. This was a ... Views: 810
Is there power in Louise Hay affirmations and her positive thinking philosophy? Answered simply... Yes!
Let me give you an example of how positive thinking can affect your life. Have you ever experienced a day when you're not feeling well? Perhaps you didn't get a good nights sleep. Maybe ... Views: 4382
Though you're tired and it's been a long week and you just don't see where you'll get the strength, remember this:
You Are Strong Enough.
The other day, I went to work feeling exhausted. I had done too much, had tried to meet too many obligations, and just felt like I had just ... Views: 853
No matter what you're going through:
Don't let it affect your core.....
There is a special, sacred part of you that exists on the inside.
It is the part of you which gives you your self-worth.
It's where you draw your strength.
It's the part of you that believes in you and your ... Views: 1024
You've probably heard that saying affirmations over and over
again can change your life. You might have even used
affirmations in the past, repeating them a few minutes each
But do affirmations really work? The answer is yes and no.
When created in a certain way and expressed ... Views: 2065
Can automatic sub conscious behaviour be changed by practicing affirmations for new behaviour, even if the sub conscious behaviour is fear based & seemingly automatic without conscious control?
You might be able to change some of your subconscious behavior through ... Views: 1754
We all get stuck in patterns, many of us are reliving something over and over that has been with us since childhood. Some patterns can feel as if we are in some kind of nightmarish prison and unable to leave. We'll watch ourselves getting up at 3AM and eating leftover cake or cookies night ... Views: 1429
Positive Affirmations, how do they work? What changes can I expect?
Affirmations are one of the tools you can use to radically change your life. There is nothing new age, mystic, trendy and fashionable about it. Affirmation is part of an ancient ‘The Secret’ re-discovered and brought back to ... Views: 1371
“I believe in God, the Living Spirit Almighty; one, indestructible, absolute and self-existent Cause. This One manifests itself in and through all creation but is not absorbed by its creation. The manifest universe is the body of God; it is the logical and necessary outcome of the infinite ... Views: 1822
Our names are Lynne and June Faneuf. We met when we married into a wonderful family many years ago. Although our paths have been very different, they have culminated into a spiritual path. We share a lot of the same views and the same experiences as we accompany each other to different ... Views: 1205
“Stand in wonder before the majesty and might, the beauty and power, of that Divine Presence which seeks expression through your individual life.” – Ernest Holmes
God is the majesty of the Universe, the might of Mother Nature, the beauty of the ocean, the desert, and the sky, the power and ... Views: 1319
“The Truth (and healing) is instantaneous in demonstration. The process (or delay) is only the time and effort I undergo in my realizations of Truth.” – Ernest Holmes
With each breath I align my mind, my heart, my soul with the One; the One Mind, the One Heart, the One Soul that manifests in ... Views: 1259
“I am so filled with Love that no fear can enter my thought.” – Ernest Holmes
I know that the Infinite Source, God, always IS. I know that God is the unconditional Love that is over me, around me, through me, as me. I know this Love permeates every fiber of my being and is always available. ... Views: 3232
“My word is the presence, power, and activity of the Truth which is within me. There is none other.” Ernest Holmes
Knowing that the God within and the God without are the same God, I claim that the Infinite possibilities of the universe are available to me now. I know these infinite ... Views: 1205
“I see through all physical and mental issues to the one perfect Presence within me. My body is a Divine idea.” Ernest Holmes
I know there is an Infinite Source of all that is; I choose to call this Source God. I recognize this Source as the power, the presence, and the Love of All that Is. ... Views: 1085
By Kerrie Dancing Butterfly
My shadow is my friend. When my shadow appears, so does the opportunity to look inward and discover what illusions, delusions, addictions, attachments and projections are still present within me. When my shadow presents itself, during what seems like the most ... Views: 2345
“I control my mental household and conquer all fear and doubt. I control my life.” The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes
God is omniscient, infinite awareness and universal knowledge. God is omnipresent, present in all places at all times. God is omnipotent, unlimited power or influence. I ... Views: 1107
“It is not necessary to spend your entire time in prayer and meditation. Rather, seek to make your work a prayer, your believing an act, your living an art. It is then that the object of your faith will be made visible to you.”
God the omnipresent is wisdom, is joy, is love, is the creative ... Views: 1199
“It is better to cultivate the consciousness of abundance than to struggle against poverty.” Ernest Holmes
I connect to the Divine Spirit through my breath knowing that God is over me, around me, and through me. I connect to the innermost God through this breath realizing that the God within ... Views: 1052
“I live in a surrounding River of mind, into which thoughts fall, and which ceaselessly turns ALL these thoughts into form.” Ernest Holmes
There is One Life, One Heart, One Soul, One Mind that manifests in, through and as each of us. On this glorious God morning I connect to this oneness ... Views: 1403
“I recognize the Power of the Word, operating as the Truth, that can do all things!” Ernest Holmes
“The Word was with God and the Word was God.” We each are a manifestation of the whole; God IS, therefore, we each ARE a part of that which IS. As such our Word is powerful. Our Word can put ... Views: 1038
The problem I have with abundance affirmations is that if they aren’t believable to you and you say them, you’re not doing any good, know what I mean?
So here’s the trick, its called scripting for inner and outer intentions. Works like a charm!
Instead of reading abundance affirmations ... Views: 2559
God wants you to know that you cannot hope to solve any problem using the same energy that created the problem. Whether it's the endless wars in the world or the unending quarrels and fighting in your own home, the problem is the same: conflicting energy. If you want to change the outcome, ... Views: 871
“I shall not doubt nor fear, for the answer is swift and certain. My Answer comes.” The Science of Mind Ernest Holmes
The One Source that is present in all things works in and through and as me to the degree that I believe in the power and presence of this Source within me. There are many ... Views: 1145
A Tail Ender is your initial (uncensored) response to a positive affirmation. Tail Enders are an excellent way to find core issues and beliefs. Whatever our beliefs, we have the 'evidence' to support them - 'the evidence and proof' are the specific events that occurred in your life. You took on ... Views: 1854
“Stand in wonder before the majesty and might, the beauty and power, of that Divine Presence which seeks expression through your individual life.” This Thing Called You Ernest Holmes
God is the majesty of the Universe, the might of Mother Nature, the beauty of the ocean, the desert, and the ... Views: 2099
Have you ever felt your mind get away from you? One moment, you're completely calm, the next, you feel so distressed you can barely keep it together. Racing in a million directions, your mind plays out the countless possibilities, and all the while, your resolve to remain calm slips away. At ... Views: 3306
This is the phrase that acknowledges the Divine in others. It basically states the god in me recognizes the god in you. This is an important reminder that the Divine, Great Creator, The Universe, or God, lives within each of us, and the statement brings about constant awareness of ... Views: 1309
“Nothing is too good to be true. Nothing is too wonderful to happen. Nothing is too good to last.” Your Word Is Your Wand Florence Scovel Shinn
I know I am One the Universal Spirit; the Infinite Source of all there is. I know that as the energy of the Universe blows wind through the desert ... Views: 1236
Anyone who has ever done work with me knows that it is important to chose your words carefully. Thanks to the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto most people on the planet are aware of how words affect water and because our bodies consist of so much water, words also affect our bodies. In my experience, ... Views: 4449
Become a student of change. It is the only thing that will remain constant. --Anthony J. D'Angelo
Eighteen women gathered one weekend for a “Thriving through Tough Times” workshop I offered in Bozeman, Montana. Not the lightest topic, yet one that elicited lots of shared laughter from the ... Views: 819
Look around you what do you see? How are you feeling? Are you leading the life that you desire, or does everything seem to be a struggle?
It is a very hard concept to accept I know, but at some level you have asked for, or attracted, everything that you are currently experiencing. You are ... Views: 1532
“I am nourished by the Spirit within. Every cell in my body is filled with light. I give thanks for radiant health and endless happiness.” Your Word Is Your Wand Florence Scovel Shinn
The power, the presence, the allness of God IS always available; always residing in, through, and as us ... Views: 1541
“We are either the Way of God, or In the Way of God." The I of the Storm Gary Simmons
I sit and breathe deeply re-centering myself with Source energy. I consciously relax into this breath knowing that as I breathe in I picture each breath re-filling every cell of my being with a renewed ... Views: 986
The phrase 'inner psychic' refers to the untapped psychic potential in each of us, and also gives a nod to the concept of 'inner child'. How to unleash our inner psychic?
Training, learning, understanding, accumulating knowledge and skills gets you only so far. From time to time (or maybe all ... Views: 1286
“I make friends with hindrances and every obstacle becomes a stepping-stone. Every-thing in the Universe, visible and invisible, is working to bring to me my own.” ~ Your Word Is Your Wand -- Florence Scovel Shinn
The magnificence that is God surrounds me, embraces is me, is me. For I know ... Views: 1043
The words we speak and think hold great sway over the kind of life that we create for ourselves. Many people live their lives plagued by negative thoughts and never even realize this. They tell themselves and others that they are doomed to fail, not good enough, or not worthy of love, yet they ... Views: 1276
“I let go of everything not divinely designed for me, and the perfect plan of my life now comes to pass.” Your Word Is Your Wand Florence Scovel Shinn
I breathe in knowing that the innermost God and the highest God are the same One God. I know that in this field of Infinite Possibilities ... Views: 1252
For this article, the angels asked me to write about the power of intention, or rather focused intention, to be precise. Intention counts for more than 90% of your success. The remaining 10% is the work it takes to bring your intended result into reality, and by ‘reality’, I mean the world of ... Views: 2893
Affirmations are affirming something that is true. Something that is true yet unseen. When you affirm something in line with the word of God you are agreeing with God. Affirmation in line with the word should always be positive. And should always be spoken in present tense. Because the word ... Views: 992
"I am successful," "I am a wonderful person," "I will find love again," and many other similar phrases that students, the broken-hearted and unfulfilled employees may repeat to themselves over and over again, hoping to change their lives. Self-help books through the ages, from Norman Vincent ... Views: 1701
With the marketplace becoming increasingly competitive for professionals, service providers, and contractors, more people are focusing on their marketing efforts than ever before. While marketing seems to be the logical answer to the complex problem of creating greater awareness of your products ... Views: 1738
As a rule, I do not review books that I haven’t completed, but this post just goes to show you that rules are meant to be broken. This week Noah St. John answered a lifelong question for me. Why don’t affirmations work all the time?
If you live a life of spiritual practice, you’ll be ... Views: 1479
Ever feel like you are stuck going round and round on a race track being driven by
obligations, responsibilities and promises to keep? And the Holidays seem to be
looming ahead in a dreadful, foreboding way rather than the happy, joyous events
that you wish they would be? If you feel like ... Views: 926
It’s the Release That Teaches!
“That’s not fair!”
“You promised!”
“Why won’t you listen to me?”
“Why should I change, what about You?”
*Are you tired of the same old stuff day in and day out?
*Are you sick of being the only one who is changing?
*Do you wish people would simply “Get ... Views: 1198