An unconditional love is the sweetest, purest, richest gift you can give to another. There are no rules to adhere to, no strategies to employ, and no games to play when it comes
to this kind of deep, loving relationship. It is simple. It is honest. It is true.

If this is the type of relationship you desire, here are ten promises to keep to the love of your life.

1. I am constantly attentive to all of your needs and wants. I intend for you to have everything that you desire. I see you as abundant, rich and prosperous beyond your wildest dreams in every area of your life. You are infinitely creative. You are worthy. You deserve the best.

2. I do not judge you or compare you to anyone else. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You stand on your own. You are incomparable.

3. I know that you are not only good enough, but you are perfect. You are great. You are powerful. You are unlimited.

4. I forgive you for anything you are doing now, anything that you have done in the past, or anything that you may do in the future that is inappropriate, offensive, or even harmful to
yourself. But my joy knows no bound every time you choose to follow the path of love, honor and integrity.

5. I forgive you for all of the insulting, rude, impolite, and sometimes even abusive remarks that you barrage yourself with, but I am thrilled every time you utter kind words, whisper appreciation, yell out encouragement, or sing your own praises.

6. I always approve of and accept you. You deserve respect, esteem, admiration and adoration.

7. I forgive you for not thinking enough about yourself to keep yourself well. Illness is an indication that you do not love yourself the way that I love you. But it only makes me love you more as I watch you banish the anger, resentment, blame and negativity that stand in the way of your healing.

8. I forgive you for playing small. You are immeasurably powerful and creative, and I rejoice as you come to fully realize it as you reap the rewards of your deepest, most personal dreams coming to fruition.

9. I recognize that you are more than your personality. Although I love the way you act, including all of your quirks, peculiarities, and idiosyncrasies, I know that you are a spiritual being and I am elated when you honor, listen to, and trust your “beingness.”

10. I see that you are beautiful just as you are. Standing here before me now, you are radiant. You are ravishing. You are shining. You look marvelous!

Now, print out this list, go to the bathroom, stand before your mirror, and read it out loud to the love of your life—YOU!

Keep in mind that the “I’s” are the voice of your authentic, Higher Self talking to “you,” your ego self.

And know that any relationship that you have outside of yourself is a true reflection of the one that you have with yourself.

So if you want to develop a more loving connection or deeper bond with a mate, a lover, a child or a friend, start with Numero Uno; start by giving yourself what you want to give to them—a deep, abiding, no-holds-barred, unconditional love.

Manifesting Tip:
Use Heart Projects, LLC’s new inspirational jewelry and accessory items to help remind you to use mantras and affirmations to create your heart’s desires.
Visit us at .

Author's Bio: 

Mary Jo Shaffer is co-owner of Heart Projects, LLC, in partnership with her twin daughters. Their mission of love is to share their gifts and to help others use the Law of Attraction to manifest their own heart’s desires. Please visit their website at