During healing sessions, Katrina began to see symbols and pictures. In the beginning, I did not pay attention. But the recurrence of visions attracted my interest. Looking through books, I learned about similar symbols. The visions came to Katrina either from her past lives or from the Cosmic ... Views: 1407
“Quasimir™ or Quasiworld™ – is term of Rachel Madorsky, for the genuine but invisible side of the Universe, which has existed forever and knows neither time nor space. It is the abode of the unconscious human mind and the source of paranormal phenomena. The Quasiworld™ is that unassailable ... Views: 1921
The words, “Know Thyself” were found inscribed on the walls of the Delphi Temple in the ancient city of Athens, Greece. This inspiring phrase has influenced minds throughout the history of mankind. It accompanies the human soul in its journey on the path to understanding the meaning of life and ... Views: 995
The lessons and conclusions we experience from our karma are sometimes clear to us immediately, and other times the understanding comes to us much later. Settling karmic accounts is inevitable for every soul. Every step of each life form is reflected in the book of destiny, or the Akashic ... Views: 4589
Karma can be viewed as a spiritual and material cause-and-effect cycle that leads the human soul through one or more embodiments.
Authentic written sources throughout history relate how the actions of people affect their lives, and then reflect on the future rebirthing of their soul and its ... Views: 1315
In the Hindu language the profoundly powerful word KARMA is used to identify this “Law of All Laws” ? the “Cause and Effect Law of the Universe.” If we subscribe to the laws of karma, we are open to the possibility that there is no such a thing as a “coincidence.” In reality, coincidence is a ... Views: 1109
The question of nutrition occupies a special place both in self-healing and in the process of treatment. Its significance is impossible to exaggerate; it is one of the major factors in the treatment of all diseases, without exception. Proper nutrition is one of the key weapons in the cancer ... Views: 1175
In special cases such as cancer-related illnesses, I insist that patients pray with true repentance to God, the Creator of the Universe, with requests for forgiveness for all reckless deeds committed either by one’s parents or ancestors.
And why should we have to pay for the mistakes of our ... Views: 1180
Horoscopes appear in numerous magazines and newspapers and are even more prevalent with the influx of the Internet.
It is not uncommon for people to read these horoscopes and try to take the advice personally and apply it to their own lives. Even some public skeptics can occasionally be ... Views: 1181
We cannot change the laws of nature, but we are can successfully adapt to them.
It is necessary to view each disease as a lesson from which we can learn. From the moment the sick person openly acknowledges the existence of his illness, he has taken a step forward in his fight with the ... Views: 1208
Knowledge of the anatomical and physiological structure of one’s own body leads to the discovery of ways to deliverance through nontraditional healing.
Who, besides you, must love yourself and your own body most of all? Your body demands knowledge to help it cope with disaster, and you are ... Views: 1033
Exchange of information could help add meaning in your life and assist in making the right choice to live life to its fullest. It is necessary to view each disease as a lesson from which we can learn.
From the moment the sick person openly acknowledges the existence of his illness, he has ... Views: 1169
The first step on the road to fostering resistance against disease is the beginning of your self-education. Each painful sensation is the impetus toward the knowledge of the new, which asks for some strength in the search for the truth. Each time you ask yourself: “Why is it me and why does some ... Views: 1116
The medicinal value of beets was used by such well-known doctors of the distant past as Avicenna, Hypocrite, Galen and Paracelsus. Doctors of Ancient Greece used beet juice to cure fevers, anemia, and diseases of the digestive and lymphatic systems.
The root of the beet contains a large ... Views: 1240
One of my co-workers was diagnosed seven years ago with leukemia. His prognosis was not very good; he was told he had about 6-12 months to live. His physicians informed him of the importance of chemotherapy treatment, which he refused to their surprise.
The patient decided to seek ... Views: 3413
Different sources, which have survived the centuries, bear witness to the invisible and often impalpable reality behind appearances. Engravings found on the walls of Pyrenean caves reflect the work of healers, as do descriptions in ancient Egyptian scrolls. The methods of treatment that act upon ... Views: 1162