We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Affirmations and Positive Affirmations". If you have expertise in Affirmations and Positive Affirmations and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
There is a certain truth in this universe: You can be, do or have anything and everything you want using the powerful Law of Attraction. A lot of wise people have spoken about this simple truth since ancient times: Just ask, and it shall be given.
Your experiences, the people around you, the ... Views: 1132
Meditation clears the mind of thoughts and lets you connect with your inner self – something you need to attract abundance and activate the Law of Attraction to give you anything and everything you want. Affirmations on the other hand, strengthen your beliefs and help you live your life as ... Views: 628
Meditation clears the mind of thoughts and lets you connect with your inner self – something you need to attract abundance and activate the Law of Attraction to give you anything and everything you want. Affirmations on the other hand, strengthen your beliefs and help you live your life as ... Views: 940
Did you know that the Emotional Freedom Tapping technique or EFT can be used to get rid of smoking? Most of the time, smokers are much more affected by withdrawal symptoms than the realization that smoking is dangerous – the biggest reason why they almost always fail to quit smoking. ... Views: 645
Is it possible to live the Law of Attraction in these tough times? Well, frankly it is. It is within your ability to turn things around with the help of the Law of Attraction. If you are familiar with the principles of the Law of Attraction, you would know that thinking of what you lack will ... Views: 886
Have you ever been in a situation wherein you could not seem to get rid of a bad feeling or a chain of negative events come your way? Let me show you seven strategies to help you pull yourself out of this negative energy state and bring you back into a positive energy state.
Before reading ... Views: 1225
The dream board or vision board, whichever you want to call it, is becoming one of the most popular manifesting tools. This is because of many testimonials and well-documented reviews about the effectiveness of this method.
You may have seen them in use or have probably heard about them, but ... Views: 951
Affirmations are powerful. We sometimes make simple statements in either a positive or a negative tone, like for example, when there is something that we need to get done, we sometimes say “It’s too difficult.” That statement in itself is a negative affirmation.
How Do Affirmations ... Views: 634
Recently, due to the release of The Secret, people have discussed rather a lot about being wealthy. As people talk about this specific topic, it's expected that wrong beliefs will come up. Let us talk about these wrong beliefs in this particular article.
You will have a simpler time working ... Views: 665
Everybody should have the ability to attract wealth at will. In this text I'm going to share three easy steps which make this process as simple and natural as it should be.
If you follow these steps I outline, you'll be attracting wealth with ease soon. You could expect to see true world, ... Views: 615
All of us are born with powerful wisdom within us. It’s there to guide us in good times and bad. We need it most when we feel lost, alone and directionless.
We live in a time of turmoil and upheaval. The stability we’ve counted on, such as steady jobs, long-lived marriages, excellent health ... Views: 1833
Positive thinking is not always easy, especially when times are tough. Poor health, loss of employment, family problems these are all very real problems for many people that can make you feel anything but positive. Here is a great way to provide an instant boost to your positivity. However it ... Views: 1177
Don't blame your unsuccessful way of life on anyone but yourself, even if you feel the need to do so because you are feeling so badly about it. Whatever your history and baggage regardless of how difficult your life has been, you shouldn’t let it prevent you from future success. Rather than ... Views: 1462
Desire, belief and expectation. Three small words capable of evoking many great things. If you can get your head around these three concepts you will put yourself firmly on the road to success.
Desire is the starting point, where it all begins. Napoleon Hill Think And Grow Rich hit the nail ... Views: 2855
Perhaps we all know a person like this: a very positive upbeat person with all the ideas and good intentions in the world. However take a look at what they have actually achieved in life and you cn see straightaway that positive thinking hasn’t worked for them, they may be happy but no real ... Views: 1046
Afformations are a different way to bring what you want to your life …
I've been practicing positive affirmations for the last year and they have been working for me.
I just read about AFFORMATIONS and I think the two methods can work for anybody, as you BELIEVE (and feel) in what you are ... Views: 7663
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions." - Albert Einstein
People define the term, "creative visualization" as a mental technique using your imagination to create what you want in life. Creative visualization can create miracles by just creating images, ... Views: 2809
In this article I’m going to explain 2 elements to attracting wealth through the Law of Attraction. As you’ll soon find out, we have a lot of extra baggage when it comes to money, so special care needs to be taken.
Making use of these keys into practice will benefit you surpass those ... Views: 607
In this article I’m going to explain 2 elements to attracting wealth through the Law of Attraction. As you’ll soon find out, we have a lot of extra baggage when it comes to money, so special care needs to be taken.
Making use of these keys into practice will benefit you surpass those ... Views: 504
In this article I’m going to explain two elements to attracting wealth through the Law of Attraction. As you’ll soon find out, we need to have a special care when it comes to money because we have need it in our daily lives.
Putting these keys into our lives will benefit you to get over ... Views: 782
In this article I’m going to show 2 keys to attracting wealth through the Law of Attraction. As you’ll soon find out, we need to have a special care when it comes to money because we have need it in our daily lives.
Putting these keys into our lives will allow you to get over those ... Views: 1040
Thinking positively in everything an individual does is the most powerful tool one can have to attain conscious discipline. Using positive thinking techniques like visualization and positive affirmation guarantees a happy life. With this one is able to achieve whatever they set their mind to. ... Views: 1800
About: Astro Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot and astrology, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualizations by using the images, affirmations, with some astrological tidbits, while enhancing ... Views: 2031
Candle magic is one of the oldest and simplest forms of sympathetic magic, with simple candle rituals having been used for centuries. It is extremely easy for beginners to perform, since there are no elaborate ceremonial techniques required. And the supplies are easy to find – after all, you ... Views: 8759
Divine Mission
By Rosemary DeTrolio
Under God's special dictionary, the definition says, "You will be called to do a mission. I will ask you to do strange and wonderful things, which you will be compelled to do for me. Of course, your family will think you are crazy. I did invent humor.”
I ... Views: 3526
Winners Give Up Giving Up
When I think of ‘hanging in there’, I’m reminded of this story by Earl Nightingale, called
“Acres of Diamonds”, from Our Changing World radio transcript:
One of the most interesting Americans who lived in the 19th century was a man by the
name of Russell Herman ... Views: 1544
The brain and nervous system is the main conduit for the natural electrical energy that flows through the neurons through to the tiniest pathways. Injury is the greatest source of interference in the spines messaging system that may cause damaged nerves and or interference with the firing of ... Views: 2760
So, I’m sitting here looking at a blank page and I’m wondering—what should I write about today? What have I been thinking about recently, what’s interested me or is there something that’s taken me by surprise? I hear the faint voice of a ten year old in the deep recesses of my head saying ... Views: 1222
In this article I’m going to explain 2 elements to attracting money through the Law of Attraction. As you’ll soon find out, we need to have a special care when it comes to money because we have need it in our daily lives.
Making use of these keys into practice will allow you to go beyond ... Views: 632
In this article I’m going to explain 2 keys to attracting abundance through the Law of Attraction. As you’ll soon find out, we have a lot of extra baggage when it comes to money, so special care needs to be taken.
Putting these keys into our lives will allow you to get over those hardships ... Views: 647
In this article I’m going to explain two elements to attracting money using the Law of Attraction. As you’ll soon find out, we have a lot of extra baggage when it comes to money, so special care needs to be taken.
Putting these keys into our lives will benefit you to go beyond those ... Views: 555
In this article I’m going to show 2 keys to attracting abundance using the Law of Attraction. As you’ll soon find out, we need to have a special care when it comes to money because we have need it in our daily lives.
Making use of these elements into our lives will allow you to get over ... Views: 759
In this article I’m going to show two keys to attracting money through the Law of Attraction. As you’ll soon find out, we need to have a special care when it comes to money because we have need it in our daily lives.
Putting these elements into our lives will benefit you surpass those ... Views: 517
In this article I’m going to show two keys to attracting money through the Law of Attraction. As you’ll soon find out, we need to have a special care when it comes to money because we have need it in our daily lives.
Putting these elements into our lives will benefit you surpass those ... Views: 560
You could even pick up my full Attracting Abundance Blueprint at no cost over here: http://attractingabundancehq.com/
If you comply with these steps I outline, you will be attracting wealth with ease before long. Soon, people would come across the real results. Folks can still experience ... Views: 654
“When it comes to your money, what you think will direct what you say, what you say will direct what you do, and what you do will create your destiny” — Suze Orman
All of us have an inner dialogue that chatters to us during our waking moments. It is constantly judging, perceiving and ... Views: 1467
About: Astro Tarot Affirmations are positive statements with creative meditations, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! Using the tarot and astrology, my goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with visualizations, while enhancing perspective, confidence, and productivity. ... Views: 2399
The habit of positive thinking is something that many of us have to work at. It just seems to take less effort and it is more natural to have a negative mindset. However, in order for a person to be happy and successful, they must be optimistic and have a positive mental attitude. Here are ... Views: 1591
If you are tired of the way things are going, if you have lost your job and are getting those rejection letters as fast as you are submitting your resume, this will help you along. What do you do to stay positive and focused?
1. Do you need more education for what you want to do or for ... Views: 1685
If you are tired of the way things are going, if you have lost your job and are getting those rejection letters as fast as you are submitting your resume, this will help you along. What do you do to stay positive and focused?
1. Do you need more education for what you want to do or for ... Views: 1685
If you are tired of the way things are going, if you have lost your job and are getting those rejection letters as fast as you are submitting your resume, this will help you along. What do you do to stay positive and focused?
1. Do you need more education for what you want to do or for ... Views: 1685
If you are tired of the way things are going, if you have lost your job and are getting those rejection letters as fast as you are submitting your resume, this will help you along. What do you do to stay positive and focused?
1. Do you need more education for what you want to do or for ... Views: 1685
Whilst not everyone would agree that money makes you happy I think the vast majority of people would agree that it can certainly enable you to be happy in one way or another. That could be having the excess money to donate to charitable causes or that could mean buying the latest car on the ... Views: 2160
Now that we have come to terms with the fact that not only is important to face the fears but also that in order to achieve, we must move through them; let’s talk about practical ways to deal with those often silent thieves and debunk them once and for all.
When we remember that there is ... Views: 1359
At the writing of this piece Sarah Palin has not yet announced to the nation that she is going to run for President in the 2012 election. When or if she does, her name will not be alone on the republican ticket, in fact a lot of names will be on the ticket, some very worthy names.
The names ... Views: 1234
It’s not what happens to us in our lives, but what we do with what happens that makes the true difference. This is a notion, a truth, that has its roots in 100% responsibility, and this is precisely why many people do not believe or agree with it and often respond with anger to it.
When you ... Views: 8469
What we say to ourselves and how we say it have such a tremendous power to shape our lives. In fact, as you take a close look at your life right now you need to realise that who and where you are right now is the result of what you have thought up to this moment.
That’s right, every action ... Views: 1534
My spouse, CB, and I watched a mama bunny prepare a nest for her soon-to-be babies. It was fascinating to watch the cotton tail hop back and forth and bring twigs into the borough she prepared. Afterward she removed little rocks and sifted through the dirt to prepare the abode for her new ... Views: 1611
I am a mango tree and have learned to be a enlightened Yogi. To get enlightenment I Learnt to have complete faith in myself.
Now I am 45 and my height is also 45 ft 30 ft above earth and 15 feet below.
My abode is Venkats house in the concrete jungle of Mumbai.
Right from birth I started ... Views: 1584
Why everyone should read The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles at least once in their lifetime?
This book is, according to me, one of the most important book about the power of our mind to create the life we dream about. Here are some reasons why everyone should read The Science ... Views: 6296
The period of time between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day is always magical. Even during the most stressful times, we somehow manage to see joy in simple pleasures during this time of year.
So the question becomes, how can we stretch the magic of the season, that special joy we feel, into ... Views: 1369
The period of time between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day is always magical. Even during the most stressful times, we somehow manage to see joy in simple pleasures during this time of year.
So the question becomes, how can we stretch the magic of the season, that special joy we feel, into ... Views: 1369
The period of time between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day is always magical. Even during the most stressful times, we somehow manage to see joy in simple pleasures during this time of year.
So the question becomes, how can we stretch the magic of the season, that special joy we feel, into ... Views: 1369
You have been given a wonderful power within your mind to change your life and create a life of happiness and joy. If you can learn to properly use affirmations and adapt your life to fully take on this positive thinking technique, you will have the chance to finally get past all those negative ... Views: 1589
Phones are helpful but sometimes it becomes a tension for the person that comes in the shape of wrong calls by another person. I don’t know why people enjoy it by disturbing the people through making wrong calls. If you are finding problems in locating the phone number which is disturbing you ... Views: 934