We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Affirmations and Positive Affirmations". If you have expertise in Affirmations and Positive Affirmations and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
My life experience has made me think that some healings occur in a very short period of time, while others demand perseverance, patience, persistence and being firm in our faith. Trust in God or good helps us overcome difficult moments in our earthly experience, but often because of ignorance of ... Views: 4662
As we learned in Part I, listening to or saying prosperity affirmations, or affirmations in general, is a great way to consciously change your life.
But what do you affirm?
That's up to you. Still, the following ABC's of Affirmations will help point you in a positive direction to start. ... Views: 1584
Listening to or saying prosperity affirmations, or affirmations in general, is a great way to consciously change your life.
But what do you affirm?
That's up to you. Still, the following ABC's of Affirmations will help point you in a positive direction to start.
As you read these ABC's, play ... Views: 773
Be not lax in celebrating. Be not lazy in the festive service of God. Be ablaze with enthusiasm.
—Hildegarde von Bingen
When you embrace the connection of body, mind, and spirit as the foundation for creating optimal health, enthusiastic affirmations are a powerful way to take action.
Why ... Views: 1818
There is a subtle nuance to making affirmations focused. This detail will supercharge your life. The thing you think you want is not what you truly desire.
Coming up with wants is easy. “I want a new job, house, car, body, etc…” Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you want those things? ... Views: 1308
Living things vibrate. The quality and rate of the vibration may vary, but the fact of the vibration is sure. Your language and thoughts vibrate, too. When your language and thoughts match the vibration of what you want to create in life, those things can be expected to arrive. When you dwell on ... Views: 1257
Wouldn't your thoughts about money be different if you were experiencing the life of a wealthy person?
Of course they would be.
But before you can experience wealthy results, you need to change your thoughts FIRST.
And that's why listening to affirmations about prosperity are the first step ... Views: 881
Listening to or saying affirmations alone is not enough for you to become prosperous.
"But don't we manifest what we think?"
Yes, we do.
"So, then why isn't it enough to just think prosperously?"
Because we never just think something.
A more complete statement would be that we manifest what ... Views: 748
"All these suggestions must be made in a monotonous and soothing voice (always emphasizing the essential words), which although it does not actually send the subject to sleep, at least makes him feel drowsy, and think of nothing in particular."
The above words were written by Emile Coue ... Views: 870
An affirmation is a positive statement you can use to keep your mind focused on creating an outcome you desire. So many of us, by default, tend to focus instead on what we don't want. If you'll take a moment to observe that "little voice" in the back of your head, you may find that you do it ... Views: 1464
There are many great ways to incorporate the Law of Attraction into your life. Here are two powerful, time tested tools that will enable you to utilize this universal principle to its fullest. Each of these self growth tools is a proven success blaster that works on several levels to help you ... Views: 3150
Do you know how beautiful you are? Yes, you! You're beautiful beyond compare. Affirm this to yourself ten times right here and now.
Okay, now that you're back, think about how you felt as you affirmed your beauty. Did you feel a spark of power? What if you used that spark to ignite filling ... Views: 2935
Affirmation statements -we hear them spoken often by motivational speakers, authors, writers etc., but what can we personally do to harness the power of affirmations in our own lives?
Think about a time in your life when you desired to make a change – something major, like finding a new ... Views: 649
To understand the impact that affirmations can have on your life, you must first understand the basics of affirmations. An affirmation is a statement you make to yourself and it can be either positive or negative. Regardless of which it is, it helps to maintain your existing emotional ... Views: 935
A few weeks ago, I set up a booth at a public expo. People who stopped by my booth were offered their pick from any of 5 affirmation cards to take home. Some people were delighted! In fact, a few asked if they could have one of each. Others were puzzled. They didn't really know what the cards ... Views: 959
If you are seeking self growth or change – have a meeting with yourself… while looking into a mirror. Tony Robbins talks about mirror affirmations. He recommends looking into your eyes and saying “I love you” many times a day. Some people find it really hard – they are the exact people that ... Views: 1228
As I was thinking about my article to write this week, I decided to speak about the Entrepreneurial spirit of Thanksgiving. I would like to pay a special thanks to all of the entrepreneurs of our era who have paved the way for us to live in such a wonderful world.
While celebrating this type ... Views: 795
Creative visualization is a mental technique that uses the imagination to achieve our dreams and make them come true. Used in the correct way, creative visualization can increase happiness in our life and attract success and prosperity. Visualization about your different dreams and important ... Views: 1192
Momentum is a powerful force.
Once you are in motion, the tendency is to keep moving. And your movements, especially when hurrying and worrying, can be in both body and mind. All you need to stop the momentum of mind and body begins with giving yourself permission to stop.
Try this practice ... Views: 939
Making New Years’ Resolutions That Stick
“This year, I resolve to make more time for myself in my schedule.” Sound familiar? Every year we make New Years’ resolutions with the idea that we will make ourselves into better people if we just make a resolution. If we could ... Views: 985
Once becoming clear about a goal you want to achieve, there are a number of ways to help support the journey toward its accomplishment. One very effective method is through the use of affirmations.
An affirmation is a statement that describes a goal in its already completed state. The purpose ... Views: 1113
We all like to feel safe and comfortable. The older we get, the more "set in our ways" we become. We get settled in our career, our social life and our overall daily routines. To some extent, routine is beneficial. It provides a sense of predictability and reliability and in some settings, ... Views: 1656
Short, witty statements are easy to remember and we use them a lot without much thought. Have you ever noticed that many of these phrases used in our society aren’t as empowering as they are meant to be? The more they are used, the more they become acceptable. A lot of the phrases we use may ... Views: 2484
If you have ever considered buying self improvement CDs, you know there are a lot to choose from. It isn't just about different authors though. There are very different types to think about as well. Here is a look at five of them, with some pointers as to which may be best for you.
Subliminal ... Views: 2284
I am a big fan of positive affirmations and the belief that every one of us has the power to influence and change the world for the greater good. Recent research has shown the incredible, unlimited power of the mind. Advances in neuropsychology are showing the brain can be rewired and will, ... Views: 1301
A Guide to getting the most from Affirmations by Johnny London (http://www.AffirmationStation.com)
There are many different ways to learn, and most people have their own particular ways they pick up and retain information, some are visual learners, others sensual or audio. With the products ... Views: 586
When I first signed up for the Amazon.com
Bestseller Campaign course, I created a list of
affirmations for myself. I knew that this course
would take months of dedication and hours of
concentrated work. Many people said that it was
very difficult to reach the #1 position, and that
even so, ... Views: 1582
The past has no power over me. As I move forward, I AM energized with the excitement of new beginnings
When you are around someone who lives passionately in the present moment, do you feel uplifted? On the other hand, how do you feel when you are with someone who can’t seem to let go of the ... Views: 1513
I AM okay with letting it be OK
What if we could “be okay” when things don’t go exactly as we think they should?
Would it mean that we don’t care or that we agree with the outcome? Being okay does not have to mean that we give up or give in. Being okay is about releasing negative emotions ... Views: 1991
Frequently we read or are told how to tell when we need to look for help and the things to look for to notice when we are going backward.
In my own experience, we do not often have an inventory list to check against when we are achieving.
On a cloudy ... Views: 636
On a daily basis we are bombarded with information. Information that will be useful at some point along the journey of development. Then there’s information that may stagnate ones development. You know the information that I’m talking about. This is the very information that will stop you dead ... Views: 510
We all have our journeys in life to travel, we all have our paths to walk and we ALL have our very own- we’d like to think- demons to slay on our path to ‘enlightenment.’
From Scared to ... Views: 1535
1. On a tombstone, this epitaph appeared: "Tried everything twice...loved it both times!"
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. (Keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches.)
3. Keep learning: Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the ... Views: 1050
I shouldn’t be writing this. Wealth affirmations are such big business for my friends and colleagues and the people who hire me. And affirmations are stupid.
When you can’t get (or leave) a job, or pay your mortgage, or find a date... chanting to yourself, “I'm a ... Views: 2410
The angels want you to know that you are a very powerful being. Do not be afraid of your power! God has given you the amazing ability to manifest your desires. In order to turn your dreams into reality you just need to ask the angels for assistance and then listen to your intuition.
You ... Views: 3804
If you've been around the personal growth world at all you've probably used a few affirmations to improve your experience of life. Affirmations are positive self talk statements like "I am healthy," "I am happy", "I am a winner" and so on.
The promise of affirmations is that you can use them ... Views: 2437
We’ve all heard of affirmations – they are little phrases that, if we think over and over, will help us achieve some goal (feeling better, greater financial abundance, success in an endeavor, etc.)
How do affirmations work?
Well, our conscious and subconscious minds are always at ... Views: 883
The traditional purpose of affirmations is to create new, empowering beliefs that will override the old, limiting beliefs you may have formed during your life time. For example, if you want to be more confident you would recite a phrase like, "I am strong, confident and successful in everything ... Views: 1403
To put it quite simply, an affirmation is a thought, silent or spoken, either positive or negative, which is repeated throughout the day. Most of us tend to think of affirmations as always positive, as in “I am confident and successful!” But the thought “I am useless!” is also an ... Views: 981
Life Mastery Unlimited has created a child empowerment program that is a first of it's kind. This audio program consists of six different music CD's. Five of them are to be used when the child goes to bed at night. The other is a music CD to be used any time of day to instill positive ... Views: 793
Affirmations form the basis of our perceptions. They are defined as the things we state to be true. But notice how there’s nothing in this definition which claims that an affirmation must, in reality, be true.
Affirmations are merely declarations of truth, but these declarations can be any ... Views: 875
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***Work Out Your Mind!*** - by Carrie Sokalski, the Official Guide to Affirmations and Positive Affirmations
How many of you have a “physical work out” routine? A routine where you run, do cardio machines, lift weights, hike..... How many of you have a “spiritual work out” routine? A routine where you meditate, go to church, belong to different like minded clubs.....How many of you have a “mind work ... Views: 1284
I have to say that affirmations are a personal favorite manifesting tool. Once you start to use affirmations, you realize just how easy they are, and what an affect they can have on your life.
An affirmation is simply a positive statement. You can create an affirmation about just about ... Views: 2079
…thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself…leviticus 19:18
If we look at this, as it is worded in the fourth of the Reiki Principles, it appears to be fairly straightforward. It is pretty obvious to us that one of the most important things in this world is to love and respect ... Views: 2795
Affirmations are extremely powerful; they are great tools that can help you to build your confidence, to develop a positive optimistic attitude; to change unwanted beliefs and patterns with the new chosen ones, to attract into your life what you want. Positive affirmations can help to manage ... Views: 861
Most people have been conditioned by their previous attempts. If you want something to happen you have to make it happen, wishful thinking begets more of the same. Self-approval and self-acceptance works wonders when you’re changing your lifestyle. First, give yourself permission to be ... Views: 2005
Not only do we exist within a multi-level field of energy, we are comprised of that same energy. Energy surrounds us -- electrical, magnetic, light, sound, spiritual, quantum ~ each with its own frequency, in-wave and out-wave .. .. .. how can we connect with these energies and enable ... Views: 1964
Hello and welcome to today'Positive Affirmation. We, each of us, have the power to alter our NOW, which in turn impacts our future, simply by establishing a positive train of thought. Today's affirmation is one of a series that will be presented to help improve our attitude and bring more joy ... Views: 2363
If you struggle with weight gain it’s a good bet that you have tried at least one of the “fad” diets that crop up on a regular basis. The truth is that some of these diets may grant you temporary weight loss. In the usual case, however, the weight returns as soon as you stray from the diet. The ... Views: 1074