Sunspots are the source of the manifestation of intense magnetic activity. Most solar flares and coronal mass ejections originate in magnetically active regions around visible sunspot groupings. Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) creates the solar winds, which show up on Earth as Auroras or the ... Views: 1728
When you are doing something – perhaps you're working on the computer and have to wait for the software to perform its tasks – take a few seconds to do a self-check on how you are feeling.
Take the attention within; perhaps – if it is safe – close the eyes for a few seconds and breathe ... Views: 1687
This is all about being true to the energy blueprint for your life which you as a Soul designed before you were born, and about being true to your inner dreams and aspirations.
So many young people these days are looking in magazines for an idol on whom to model themselves – a pop or rock star, ... Views: 1567
Releasing tension is one of the best ways to re-establish balance and wholeness in your life. This is something you do for yourself consciously and with awareness through being present in the Now and centred within yourself.
Life has many pressures that can affect your balance and wholeness. ... Views: 1752
As the energies build in group consciousness it is easy to become aware of the energy fields within our awareness. I feel this most as I am between sleeping and waking in the morning. I start to scan through my body and just be consciously aware of the energies and how they are feeling.
I ... Views: 1584
A lightworker is a person who is holding the vision for society as a whole – working with conscious awareness to create balance and harmony within his light body, and thus vibrating in resonance with the higher frequencies of the ascension process.
A lightworker uses his or her imagination and ... Views: 1871
The secret of how to be happy is based in the words – to be. It is all about being true to your own nature and honouring your dreams and aspirations. Happiness comes from within and you have the freedom to choose to be happy in any moment of your life. Happiness is not dependent on what is ... Views: 1543
It has been known for centuries that the full moon can affect people’s consciousness and behaviour. Many people may feel wakeful at night with energy streaming through their body for the three days before full moon.
It is only recently that I have discovered why this may be happening. ... Views: 15808
If you put an EEG (electroencephalograph) on your head it is easy to measure the electrical activity of your brain as all the synapses fire their electrical charges, like thunder and lightning going on in different parts. Where there is electricity there is also magnetism, which exists in a ... Views: 1608
Can you think of all the ways we are connected to everything around us? We are connected by the air we breathe. We are connected by the light radiating from what we are looking at. We are connected by sounds we hear, which also flow and touch everything around us.
How could we possibly think ... Views: 1932
This is a time where you can reflect on what has happened in the day; and, if you are relaxed and at peace, you may notice thoughts coming into your head about what it is you would like to do tomorrow. If you have good visual powers of communication you may be able to watch your activity for ... Views: 1110
It is true that we are all looking through our Aura at the world around us. The world shows up as a reflection of our personal emanations. We tend to be most sensitive to this at the junction point between waking and sleeping.
As we go to bed at night it can be like going into a kind of ... Views: 3891
When I was talking of seeing spiritual energy, this is nothing to be concerned about, as it is well known that the human body has an energy field surrounding it, called the Aura. It is this Aura – or light body – that underlies your physical body and, in religious-mystical terms, may be ... Views: 1286
As parents, should we be worried, should we interfere when our children reach adulthood? Or should the now adult choose their own life path, following their own dreams and intuition? For parents these are difficult questions.
A number of children and young adults are looking at the world in ... Views: 1031
No one can make us unhappy unless we let them. It is not what happens in our life that brings unhappiness; it is how we choose to react to what happens that sets the mood for our feeling and emotions. I say this to allow you to take personal responsibility for your reaction in every ... Views: 991
What is the nature of New Spirituality? – Is it simply the difference between "doing" – as in the work we do, and "being" – as in our current state of consciousness? Or could there be a deeper meaning to "being", which also takes in our "sponsoring belief" systems?
When we talk about our ... Views: 1040
Distant Healing contains within it great power to heal and bring balance back into your life, or the life of a loved one. Distant Healing has many advantages, the main one being there is no need to travel to the Healer's premises; it can be requested over the Internet.
I have been practising ... Views: 1112
What do I mean by "One's Nature"? Take a few seconds to consider all the different types of dogs in the world. You would never see a greyhound mimicking the nature of a German shepherd: it is not in its make-up or nature to do so.
Yet, we watch young people every day reading magazines or ... Views: 1693
Thank you for your detailed description of the pain you are experiencing.
After hearing your description, I feel the best way to deal with your pain is on another level.
In your detailed description you describe your broken dreams and I feel that these broken dreams are now the cause of the ... Views: 1093
YOU CAN CREATE the wealth, love and abundance your heart has always known is its birthright. This is the time to wake up to who you really are.
Your success in life flows through your imagination and your willingness to see your Self as being one with all that is in the universe. You have ... Views: 1071
I was asked to give distant healing to a person in another country. My experience of connecting with his energies was very vivid, so I thought I would describe the feelings and emotions for you to understand the process.
Following a conference call with a colleague I was asked to give distant ... Views: 1277
We live in an ever-expanding universe and the universe expands from the unmanifest silence of Spirit or light outwards into more and more concrete expressions of our dreams, which we create in our spiritual blueprint of reality.
We have all heard about The Secret and Quantum Physics – a field ... Views: 1171
YOU CAN CREATE the wealth, love and abundance your heart has always known is its birthright. This is the time to wake up to who you really are.
Your success in life flows through your imagination and your willingness to see your Self as being one with all that is in the universe. You have ... Views: 1128
Life is ever changing; as we walk along the path we notice, at this time of Now, that the speed seems to be a little faster. Life is becoming more integrated, whole, and multi-dimensional.
When one talks about the New Energy, it is difficult to put it into words, as the change may be a subtle ... Views: 1140
The movie "The Secret" does not lend itself to scientific analysis, because the threefold nature – mind, body, spirit – is too multi-dimensional for one to be able to analyze it and look at its individual aspects. True research into The Secret is done with conscious awareness turned ... Views: 1099
As we go through life we sometimes become aware of Anxiety and Tension within the body. These can have their roots in the mind, body or the human group psyche.
As we advance on the personal development path and open up our awareness, we start to become aware of these more subtle aspects of ... Views: 1340
As we get ready to settle down to go to sleep at night, you may start to be aware of the connection between you physical body and your non-physical spiritual nature or aura surrounding and permeating through your body.
The junction point between different states of consciousness; i.e. waking ... Views: 1249
Business is all about work and making money, so why develop the individual who does the work and creates the money?
Teams run most businesses and teams work best if each member is aligned with the whole group and works in a happy friendly way. Team building has been very popular over the last ... Views: 1159
It is through your feeling and releasing, relaxing and centring your energy that you can truly know whom you are. Take a deep breath and stay conscious of your breathing as you reach out with your feeling.
We see all the top Scientist and Physicist and Business People, all using their mind to ... Views: 1482
I would like to start with the understanding that all things are within me and I am becoming aware on a daily basis that this is so.
I am becoming aware of spirit round me, and the intelligence that this spiritual energy displays. For example, my eyes keep being drawn towards digital clocks ... Views: 3915