John La Valle is The Official Guide to "Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)". You can find complete information on John La Valle and his products by visiting
Two most important traditions have empowered the study of language in their separate and very different ways; however, the two topics of the study of language are hotly debated by linguists like the sort of synthesis of philosophical grammar and structural linguistics begins to develop. The two ... Views: 1771
Two most important traditions have empowered the study of language in their separate and very different ways; however, the two topics of the study of language are hotly debated by linguists like the sort of synthesis of philosophical grammar and structural linguistics begins to develop. The two ... Views: 2099
Building responsiveness in your prospect is what NLP Rapport is really about in a sales situation. Using pacing and leading, opening anticipation loops and covert hypnosis are some of the techniques used to build responsiveness above and beyond usual matching and mirroring.
Being able to ... Views: 1543
Covert Hypnosis will give you assistance in having people make your life better and you can now rule your life!
A lot of people are using covert hypnosis to make their businesses more profitable. A guy I know is in real estate and really needed to sell a house. The people that seemed ... Views: 1242
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the study of communication and the mind in others. It allows you to see why people who are successful are that way, and NLP training allows you to become a trained professional in these skills and this will allow you to help others become successful also. ... Views: 2225
Welcombe to Part 2 of Using NLP and Self-Hypnosis for Habit Change. I hope you enjoyed part 1.
Having decided you really want change you have taken the essential step towards it.
What attitude and behaviour would you like instead of the old habit?
It is not enough just to not want the ... Views: 1346
NLP is a self-help approach that assists patients in understanding the way we think and feel. It is said that NLP can be a helpful fibromyalgia treatment by helping the sufferer find freedom from underlying emotional issues that contribute to chronic pain and other symptoms.
NLP stands from ... Views: 1465
Have you ever wanted to change a habit yet just seemed unable to break the pattern. Well just about everyone has so you're not alone nor are you simply too weak willed.
There are innumerable reasons why changing a habit can seem so difficult. Stress response, anchored situations and stimulus ... Views: 2796
“To be blind is to miss out on so much beauty but most of us waste this valuable gift by only choosing to see negativity.”
We all perceive the world through our senses, primarily the Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic senses. In NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) we add in Olfactory (smell) and ... Views: 1802
One of the things that I always take into consideration in a coach-client relationship and self-actualization is the word, SELF. Self-Actualization, by its very nature, is about the person, the self.
Now, before I continue, let me say something about the SELF, because for some, the self does ... Views: 1676
Personal development brings choice to the individual. And I believe in choice, but, can our choices be limited by our maps of the territory? Unless our maps are updated or at least revealed to us (usually by a personal development professional) our choice of change is limited.
This article is ... Views: 1620
In the field of personal development I find that some people like to collaborate and share ideas and learn from each other, which to me, is personal and profession development and growth. This got me thinking about collaboration, which got me thinking about collaborating with others who have ... Views: 2063
“Neuro-Semantics” is it a new word, or is it a new concept? Dr. Hall states, “Neuro-Semantics is actualizing your highest and best. It is making real your highest meanings and visions, and it is implementing your best values and ethics.” How is that done? Again by Dr. Hall, “Neuro-Semantics is ... Views: 2453
When a mastermind group is facilitated by a skilled coach, participants reach an ecstatic state that is so positive that they want to hold on to it until the next group meeting. This is not only possible, it's one of the special advantages ... Views: 6524
At some stages of our life we have all made mistakes, we have taken the wrong decision and failed. In itself this is a great opportunity to learn but usually we feel worthless in those dark moments. We feel we are not good enough; that we are losers; that we will never make it.
I often hear ... Views: 1432
Whether you call them challenges, opportunities or big hairy problems, the only people without them are in the graveyard. Someone once said don’t wish for smaller problems, wish you were better. The fact that you have problems at all are signs of growth, progress and movement. Once we set a goal ... Views: 1743
Certainty is an Inner Game and You Can Win It!
Why do you need to master inner certainty?
Here's a few reasons:
There's a lot of stuff going on in the world that's enough to freak you out. You're accustomed to looking around at the things you trust to be solid and stable to give you ... Views: 2024
1. Listen to other people. The most successful people let others talk more than they do.
Use questions to expand the conversation beyond small talk.
Ask probing questions to elicit a person’s dreams and passions.
Uncover ways that you can contribute to others and take action immediately.
2. ... Views: 3032
Lose over 20 pounds per month. Enhance your love life. Stop being a prisoner of your job. It’s all up to you. Here’s the miracle formula. And we’re going to give it to you for free. Goal-setting will change your life. Throw off the shackles of the shoulds in your life. If you only invest in one ... Views: 2130
Motivation, Reinforcement, Support and Accountability
Behavior change is not merely a matter of knowledge or skill. If that were true, then all the information campaigns on how to improve your health would have made behavior-related illnesses a thing of the past. And birth control information ... Views: 2238
Are you Macho? Not sure? Take the Macho Factor Quiz!
One of the most irritating aspects of day-to-day communication is trying to convince someone who takes a Macho attitude. Close colleagues are often dismayed to find that while amongst ourselves we can build on and critique each other's ... Views: 1644
The news is bad. Few are the days when any positive announcements are made. Job losses are announced by the thousands in many countries. Even if you turn the news off, the negativity still confronts you from everywhere. Many people are walking around with high levels of fear, anxiety and panic. ... Views: 1431
The weather has been unusually bad this summer. Either rain or it’s too hot. Or too humid. And summer doesn’t last very long anyway. The price of gas goes up on long weekends. And don’t get me started on the dollar! When it hit + 10 percent over the US dollar last year I lost a huge amount on my ... Views: 1509
How NLP and Hypnosis can help Manage Stress
by Matthew Ferguson
Modern life equals Modern stress, is there any way-out of here!
Well, the answer lies in understanding how to handle stress because it cannot be avoided.
The stress response is a natural and healthy response to perceived ... Views: 2549
With the field of hypnosis becoming increasingly respected and accepted amongst the medical profession as well as the self improvement movement more and more people are happy to try hypnotherapy for themselves. One question often pops up in peoples’ minds though before they are willing to put ... Views: 4128
As much pain and suffering that sensitive people go through because of worry and anxiety, these are traits that have actually saved humanity’s collective butt since time immemorial.
What do I mean?
Well, first of all you have to understand that anxiety is a thought process. It is NOT a ... Views: 1936
In this article I will explain to you how to build rapid rapport. What do I mean by rapid? I mean you will be able to create rapport in minutes not in days or even weeks as it is in normal cases.
What is rapport?
Rapport is a connection between two people. If you know someone, with time ... Views: 5215
“Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly, and they will show themselves great.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The way you treat other people is a reflection of your own attitude. You cannot expect to sustain a positive attitude by acting negatively toward others. Even if your ... Views: 2132
In this article I will try to describe, ins and outs of using hypnosis for learning. What you will need to try out these methods is, someone that wants to learn under hypnosis, hypnotic script and teaching materials.
Very important thing to remember is, never teach more than one person at the ... Views: 1314
How many times do we say thank you?
Yes we, well a lot of us, have read and try to have an attitude of gratitude and I've written about that and how to feel grateful. But what I was thinking about this morning, over my cup of coffee, do we say thank you to those close to us? The people in our ... Views: 1895
Do you have a phobia? If you do try and imagine facing that phobia right now. It could be a spider, it may be a glove or it could be walking under a bridge. Whatever it is try and picture it right now and focus on how it makes you feel.
This little exercise goes to prove a few of things. ... Views: 1596
“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.”
- Jim Rohn
Perhaps you are one of those people who are thinking just now, “You can’t tell me to be happy. I don’t have to be happy if I don’t want to be. Isn’t this supposed to help me find ... Views: 3046
“Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.”
- Tom Blandi
Perhaps as important as what you believe is the manner in which you believe ... Views: 1756
One of the words that is used a lot in everyday conversation is the word “but.” Usually, it’s considered to be a pretty benign word, or at least that’s my impression given the way in which it’s carelessly bandied about. I mean it’s a fairly small word, seemingly innocuous enough. I think, ... Views: 1808
Do you realise that every time you speak to yourself you are actually coaching yourself? Are you empowering yourself through your own internal dialogue or beating yourself up? Is that little voice inside of you your best friend or a saboteur? How would you like to be able to train your ... Views: 1387
The self improvement movement is growing by the day. Both the internet and the lecture halls are awash with self-help gurus who promise that their methods can make you a better person. Often the main crux of these programs revolve around positive affirmations, creative visualization and NLP. ... Views: 1268
Guided visualization is perhaps the most powerful form available. In this method, you act as the captain of your visionary ship, guiding yourself through the images you conceive as though they were actually happening. When using guided visualization, it is especially important to set your timer, ... Views: 3369
The Power of Positive Being - By Beth Sutherland
Since 'The Secret' was named the most purchased book in Canada for 2007, many of us have heard, or believe in the power of minds ability to attract what you are thinking. Or perhaps, you are a non-believer because of the commercialism and ... Views: 1520
You found it! This is your ticket to the club of people healing themselves at a more rapid rate than the general public. This is your ticket to the lifestyle of healers—whether you practice with clients or not! In this lifestyle, if you do the work, it's possible to have a healing almost ... Views: 1866
Learn this quick exercise, and when your mood falls down, pick it up fast. This whimsical yet spiritual exercise really works! Whatever problems you have on your mind be they personal or world problems: they can be more easily solved when you are in a better mood.
The HappyU Exercise
Get ... Views: 2162
First, a note (pardon the pun:) about music.
Music affects both the mind and the body. It affects our brain waves. When we’re relaxed, our brainwaves are slower. Music with around 60 beats per minute corresponds with the human heart at rest. Listening to some tranquil classical pieces is ... Views: 3557
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), is based on the idea that all language and behaviors are highly structured. It uses several techniques to affect the way we think, learn and communicate. John La ... Views: 1924
Lets start this article with a a simple question:
"When approached by a colleague, family member or staff member with a problem are you a talker, interrogator or a listener?
With a bit of self awareness it's not hard to see which one we are:
Talkers do just that, they just talk...and ... Views: 1625
Athletes do it, business men do it and sportsmen wouldn't be without it. I am of course talking about using the power of your mind to help you improve your health and wellbeing.
Of course, there are many mind skills techniques available to help you enhance healing and create change but the ... Views: 2039
In one of Edgar Alan Poe's short stories, a stolen letter was hidden out in the open on the desk of one of the characters. Because it was in an envelope from another writer, the searchers looked at it, but never thought to check inside the envelope. In a similar way, it is possible to hide ... Views: 9037
The latest STAR TREK movie with the new young cast and 78-year old Leonard Nimoy as "Future" Spock is a big, fun statement about the power of reframing your thinking and not only changing your world, but healing it too.
SPOILER Alert: If you have not yet seen the movie, you may want to read ... Views: 1899
Have you ever noticed that some people do what is expected while others seem compelled to bend all the rules? And this is true, not only for people, but for whole cultures as well. What does the following riddle tell you about Canadian culture?
Joke Alert!
How do you get 25 Canadians to ... Views: 1666
The idea of hypnosis conjures a variety of reactions from most people, but it’s rare to find someone with no opinion at all regarding the validity of “being hypnotized”. The strength of opinions generally fill a range from believers who have had first hand experience (or know someone who has), ... Views: 1703
I was reading an interesting book on the subject of the Law of Attraction. How we attract what we get by the way we feel. If we feel lack, we attract more lack (I know that's not a good way of putting it but you understand what I mean) and if we feel abundant in anything we attract more of that, ... Views: 1800
Being grateful by definition is being appreciative or thankful
I wonder how many times we actually consider what we are grateful for?
Maybe if we all did this more often we would realise what we have.
From the air that we breathe and the fine body we have to breathe
to everything else we can ... Views: 1733