John La Valle is The Official Guide to "Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)". You can find complete information on John La Valle and his products by visiting
For several years now, lots of authors have talked about emotional intelligence in the family and in the business or the organization. We are now shifting towards spiritual intelligence; term popularized by Stephen Covey in his book "the 8th Habit"
In the article entitled" The Spiritual ... Views: 1439
"Time heals all wounds." This aphoristic bit of common sense contains very little usable information about the relationship between time, healing, and woundedness – about how time heals. However, we all probably can recall situations where this apparent dynamic seemed to hold true. An old ... Views: 1401
Relationships are fragile. You can start or end a relationship in
1 minute. If you want to end it, everyone knows how to do this
one so I won't talk about it.
Now, keeping a relationship is what almost anybody wants to
master: "How to stay in good terms and have better
That's ... Views: 1721
Think about your family. Your children are the most precious thing you can have. Nurture them. Love them. Calm them down. Have fun with them. Create your life with them. Teach them the simple truths of life.
Think about yourself. Too many people sacrifice themselves and that’s the only thing ... Views: 1436
Coaches, mentors! I have a great tool for you. This tool will help your clients eliminate a limiting belief in 10 minutes or less. I promise you that.
But you need to do something special. You need to go to the nature. Take your car, bring your client and tell him that he’s going to have a ... Views: 5442
Sometimes, I wonder if people actually know themselves well. After all, we human beings are social beings and often, hide in the shadows of society in order to avoid many painful truths about ourselves.
Do you really know you?
If you haven't thought about it yet, perhaps it is time to ask some ... Views: 1957
The power of NLP comes from its fast and effective way of dealing with problems and difficulties. If we could summarize NLP in one equation, it would be: present state + resources = desired state.
The present state is where the person is, with his challenge, difficulty or problem he wants to ... Views: 1905
NLP developed through the years numerous tools and strategies to influence people. Unfortunately, people abuse these tools and use these techniques without any ethics.
Before learning these tools and use them, I want you to read the article I wrote entitled: “NLP: 6 Steps to Become a ... Views: 2373
Translating NLP for Abroad -- The French Experience
by Brian Van der Horst
NLP is taken perhaps more seriously in France than in any other country in the world. In 1985, when I began teaching NLP in Paris, my company took an informal poll. Nearly 95% of the French companies and 75% of the ... Views: 2655
NLP has developed a number of tools to reprogram yourself, change a habit or solve a problem. Hypnosis has discovered that by altering a person’s state, you can ask the subconscious mind to change a belief, a behavior, a way of thinking or a habit almost instantly. Of course as the proverb ... Views: 1662
The Lover’s Curse of Memory: How to Be Here Now In Bed
By Al Link and Pala Copeland - 4 Freedoms Relationship Tantra
The curse of memory is that memory robs us of being in the moment. We remember the last time we saw something and we see it as we remember it, rather than as it is NOW. We ... Views: 1292
Jodi is waiting for Marco to come to her office. Today is feedback day and she has the Feedback Sandwich formula open on her desk.
Marco arrives and plunks himself down in the chair opposite Jodi, submitting himself reluctantly to what is about to occur. “I’m glad you’re here,” says Jodi, ... Views: 3784
Consider a life limited by terror and anxiety, in which every movement is inspected and even the minor decision is agonized over. Hours are exhausted examining daily obligations or conditions that many people carry out easily. According to the National Institute of Health, more than 40 million ... Views: 1261
It's stunning to see how much nonsense people are spouting about NLP nowadays. It's not for anything else, but the fact that NLP has been bastardized by so many people running so-called training programs on NLP. Pardon the rant, but it's ironic that the field of personal excellence has been ... Views: 2219
Your parents, environment, friends and other influences have shaped your life. Habits have been created, programs have been setup and behaviors have been learned. In the first 10 to 12 years of your life, you have learned 80% of the habits you have now.
De-programming negative behaviors and ... Views: 7967
Motivation is a set or reasons for engaging in a particular human behavior. There are some conditions that are to be met in order for you to be able to motivate someone the correct way. So what is the motivating force, the stimulus, or the kind of influence we need to have in order to motivate ... Views: 3231
Rapport is one of the most important characteristics of human interaction. Simply speaking, building rapport or being in rapport is being on the same wavelength, or the same page as the person with whom you are communicating. Rapport is also a feeling of harmonious connection between people or ... Views: 2945
NLP Training in Scotland and the UK generally has increased exponentially in the last few years. Many new NLP trainers are being qualified each year. In fact you can go from knowing nothing about NLP to being a fully qualified trainer in around six weeks.
Add in the fact that several NLP ... Views: 1015
George, the entrepreneur is fantastic at closing deals, he seems to know exactly when to ask for the order and spots opportunities and closes orders that his colleagues simply miss.
Fiona, the coach is amazing at helping people to change rapidly and when she meets her peers they often ask "how ... Views: 867
So what does personalized learning really mean and why is everyone within the education and training communities getting so excited. In the first of three articles we take a look at personalized learning , from an NLP perspective .In this the first of three articles we profile the Auditory ... Views: 1721
Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the respiratory system. During an asthma attack, airways, which carry oxygen to and out of the lungs, tend to tighten and hence decrease the flow of oxygen coming to the lungs. The airways also become inflamed and lined up with mucus. Those symptoms may ... Views: 2871
"You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think." ACIM Chpt 2/Vi2
NLP is the study of how we ... Views: 1466
YOU'VE PROBABLY HEARD it said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, a word may just be worth a thousand pictures, or MORE!!
SINCE NLP(tm) IS ABOUT how the brain works and language, it's been one of my hobbies, since I was knee-high-to-a-grasshopper, to listen to various people ... Views: 4593
Do you have the problem of thinking negatively, instead of positively?
Worse, what if you really don’t get it, don’t think of negative thinking as a problem? Read on.
Is this you?
You don’t like it when people say *it* will be OK, and you KNOW *it* won’t be? You think to ... Views: 2145
NLP is becoming a familiar buzz word among forward-looking business, self-help and self-improvement circles. But what exactly is NLP and how can it help me?
This article will cover the basic precept of NLP techniques and provide an example of how they can be used to change the perceptions ... Views: 3448
As we move through life it can be exciting, invigorating and stressful. Sometimes, much too stressful. So what is it you need to emerge stronger and in peace when life’s everyday hustle and bustle goes to an extreme?
What we need and recommend is many moments alone. These moments must be ... Views: 2747
Did you ever meet someone with whom you just clicked? Someone who was so much like you that you practically knew what he was thinking? How comfortable did you feel with that person? Did you trust him? Chances are that you have very high rapport with that person.
Rapport means harmony between ... Views: 2569
Rapport is the foundation for any meaningful interaction between two or more people - rapport is about establishing an environment of trust and understanding, to respect and honor the other person’s world. Which gives a person the freedom to fully express their ideas and concerns and to know ... Views: 18398
NLP - or Neuro Linguistic Programming - has been around for about 25 years. A body of knowledge that was originally put together by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, many have since invested years of experience and training working with people to create what has evolved into a science. And as a ... Views: 1105
In the early part of 1996 I began to experience severe chest pains; stopping of breath, painful pressure in the center of my chest. Being only 31 years old at the time, I was petrified that this might be a cardiac problem. These chest pains lead me to my family physician's office and emergency ... Views: 2760
You have the power to run your own thoughts and to decide to
increase the level of your self-esteem. Here is a new
approach on self-esteem using the kind of states and emotions you
experience every day: acceptation, appreciation and esteem. You
will use these feelings or states of mind to ... Views: 1170
Recently, I gave a presentation on NLP and Motivation, so I’d like to share one of the processes I designed and included there.
Now, motivation is not a new concept in the field of personal development, nor in NLP. In fact, one of the ‘metaprograms’ we present in our NLP ... Views: 2846
Achieving Your Goals Means Being Present in Your Current Reality
The only reason you have not achieved your goals in the past is because somewhere along the way you lost your focus on them. Make this the year of your power and fulfillment where your heart opens, you contribute more, and you walk ... Views: 1401
In light of current biological research, it seems that the phrase "madly in love" is not merely a metaphor. There is ample evidence to suggest that falling in love is physiologically similar to mental illness. Disorders like OCD are associated with an imbalance of serotonin, and when studied, ... Views: 9419
There was some sunshine this weekend while I was writing this! At least here on the sunny south coast of England there was. I went out walking along the sea front with my partner Sara on Saturday morning and it was wonderful; the feeling of sunshine on my face, the smell of the air, the sites of ... Views: 1825
I've really been having some doubts about whether I should write this because I wanted to talk about “mind control”.
What made me decide to write this is that the information I'll tell you about is already out there. I want to add some spin on it that you can use to power up your persuasion ... Views: 4442
I was assisting on an NLP practitioner course, when I noticed some interesting things. One participant was having some difficulty visualising ‘understanding’ in an exercise, so on an intuition I asked them just to picture what colour it would be. This proved to be ... Views: 1557
Emile Coué, the French psychotherapist once said: "When theimagination and will power are in conflict, are antagonistic, itis always the imagination which wins, without any exception."Then you can program yourself for success by understanding thepower of imagination.
Imagination builds cities. ... Views: 7975
If you strive setting NEW goals,
if... you constantly excavate
inside your own mind to extract
powerful characteristics...
if ever you wished someone,
sometime, showed you
how to *unlock* the
hidden cells inside
your ... Views: 3856
As parents and teachers, we need to enhance our abilities tocreate a relationship of trust with the students or thechildren we interact with.
The task sometimes seems hard and we often feel discouraged. Fortunately, there is hope with the visionthat both teachers and children can discover the ... Views: 1809
You’ve all learned a lot about state control and will know the first principle, ‘you go there first’ and then you take the other person with you. How exactly do you do that?
Well perhaps you’ve answered something like – you know what the state feels like, so you get that feeling and maybe you ... Views: 3166
As a certified NLP trainer, I am often asked What is NLP? The term NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming and was coined in the early seventies by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. They began their work by studying: Fritz Perls, psychotherapist and originator of the Gestalt ... Views: 1670
This article was written with my dual perspective as an Aikido instructor, and as a certified trainer in NLP.
Aikido is a martial art that can help a person achieve a greater sense of relaxation and well-being, grace, balance, compassion, and overall awareness.
The principles of Aikido ... Views: 2478
Do you want to make a change? You can, and very easily too.
Did you know that your penmanship tells a lot about you? If you are flamboyant, your writing will be flamboyant also. If you draw within yourself, your writing will be small, self-contained.
Therefore, it stands to reason, if ... Views: 4221
Do you know how to focus?
Well, if you did know how, would it help you remember people's names? Would it stop you from being nervous, or at least help you control your thoughts so your thoughts don't make you nervous?
You Bet!
How about if you talk too much or too loud? Would ... Views: 11909
Are you programmed?
How can you tell what programming you have in your unconscious mind?
That's easy. Just look around your life and see what has manifested. If it's happening -- manifested -- you have a program in your mind that attracts it.
Now, don't go blaming ... Views: 1438