Rapport is the basis and foundation for every meaningful interaction between two or more people. Rapport is about establishing an environment of trust and understanding, to respect and honor the other person's world. This allows the person the freedom to fully express their ideas and feelings ... Views: 5350
Successful people act in spite of fear, while unsuccessful people let fear stop them, because successful people are self-confident and they move intuitively in the right direction. Well, self-confidence is not about a self-confident look on your face, acting like you are better than others. It ... Views: 955
NLP was discovered and developed by Richard Bandler, a psychologist, and John Grinder, a linguist. What the NLP is saying is that successful and effective people are actually 'programmed' to be successful and effective. The goal of applying the NLP is to apply the structure, to simulate, and to ... Views: 1459
There are a number of variables to consider when discussing the topic of hypnotize someone, such as: how well a person responds to suggestions, what they expect, what they believe, worries, and his or her ability to trust the hypnotizer. When a person agrees to an induction, it is important not ... Views: 1938
Building responsiveness in your prospect is what NLP Rapport is really about in a sales situation. Using pacing and leading, opening anticipation loops and covert hypnosis are some of the techniques used to build responsiveness above and beyond usual matching and mirroring.
Being able to ... Views: 1530
NLP is a self-help approach that assists patients in understanding the way we think and feel. It is said that NLP can be a helpful fibromyalgia treatment by helping the sufferer find freedom from underlying emotional issues that contribute to chronic pain and other symptoms.
NLP stands from ... Views: 1455