John La Valle is The Official Guide to "Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)". You can find complete information on John La Valle and his products by visiting
You know things could be better and you are committed to make the necessary changes. You’re motivated. Why then is change so difficult? here’s why, You have, what is called, in NLP lingo, an Internal Map of Reality—an internal processing strategy and system, a life script, that takes what you ... Views: 1247
Anchoring is a process that connects or anchors memory or other factors to a stimulus. The anchor or stimulus becomes the trigger to the anchored reaction. The anchor may not have any logical relation to the reaction that it is causing and the reaction may be adverse or beneficial. However, by ... Views: 1893
Motivational interviewing (MI) refers to a counselling approach in part developed by clinical psychologists Professor William R Miller, Ph.D. and Professor Rollnick Ph.D. It is a client-centered, semi-directive method of engaging intrinsic motivation to change behavior by developing discrepancy ... Views: 3128
In the current economic climate, we find ourselves with millions of highly intelligent, overqualified job seekers around the world fighting for the same jobs. Millions of Curriculums Vitae’s emailed every day, followed by millions of phone calls, followed by millions of interviews, followed by ... Views: 2804
Did you know that 60% of your brain is fat?
- Source of energy
- Building blocks for cell membranes
- Building blocks for homones
- Help vitamin and mineral bsorption
- Control blood pressure
- Regulate body temperature
- Boost ... Views: 2070
NLP coaching is designed to further help those who are struggling with personal issues that are holding them back from living a fulfilled life. Whether it’s financial success or improving personal relationships, many can benefit from the assistance of someone else who has an understanding of how ... Views: 1927
Many of us spend very little conscious time thinking about our values, those principles that are most important to us.
This is not to say that we don't have values; we learn from our parents, our teachers, our culture and our friends. Most of us have learned to distinguish right from wrong, ... Views: 1925
Firstly, this article is aimed at those who are already practicing conversational hypnosis. Therefore it assumes that you have a basic understanding of the principles that underpin successful hypnosis. For example you should have a clear grasp of the 4 Stage protocol of covert hypnosis. You ... Views: 6050
The blockbuster movie Avatar conveyed the heart warming message that we are all connected to each other and to mother Earth.
And it seems we are; maybe not in the romantic slash holistic sense I got from the movie, but in a scarily futuristic and cybernaut kind of way. It seems we flew mother ... Views: 4624
Do you find it hard to focus or concentrate on the task at hand?
Do you ever get brain fog, can’t think clearly or retain information?
Do you tend to over analyze things or get mood swings for no apparent reason?
A lot of my clients do. Housewives, students, successful business people, ... Views: 2393
Drupal Programming has made a new CMS management tool, which has gained popularity among its users because of the customer oriented products they receive, and the maintenance they get even when the website has been properly set up.
Among the best content management systems online, Drupal is ... Views: 1191
What is rapport? Rapport is when you find you have established a friendly relationship with someone. It is like when you meet someone for the first time and you both instantly bond. For example you can be at a party and you meet someone and you both find that you have many things in common, i.e. ... Views: 2715
There's no point being shy about this is there? There are plenty of red blooded men, and some women to, who would love to be able to hypnotize women. However it should be said that hypnosis is not gender specific. These techniques would work just as well for women who want to seduce men or gay ... Views: 16684
What is conversational hypnosis? It is an art. A performance art, if you like. Like juggling or great oratory it is essentially a skill that can be learned, developed and, by some, mastered. All that's needed for most people to become proficient in conversational hypnosis is commitment and ... Views: 3759
Conversational hypnosis would seem to offer the possibility that you could discover how to hypnotize someone without them knowing it. If you are the kind of person that likes to take control off their own lives and really wants to get the most out of every opportunity then learning ... Views: 4056
Imagine being able to walk into any situation, with any person, knowing that you are not only able to guarantee that they will like and respect you but also that you can suggest ideas that they will adopt a their own. Welcome to the world of conversational hypnosis. Imagine he possibilities for ... Views: 1911
Being able to visualise enjoyably doing the activities that will lead to you achieving your goals is a strong predictor of you achieving them.
The following approaches will often help you achieve what you want:
1) Set your outcome or goal. It’s useful if you can imagine having achieved ... Views: 1295
It’s spring! Flowers blossom, trees bloom, landscapes boom with summer colours, animals and insects awaken from hibernation, and we…well, why not make this the time we start to love ourselves more?
It’s time for Self-love!
Most of us have spent enough time self-loathing to last us a life ... Views: 1958
Hair extensions, fake lashes, filled pouts, whitened teeth, pumped breasts, stick on nails, Spanxed hips, 6 inch heels… size ten women killing themselves to be a size eight, and size eight women putting their life at risk to be a size zero. All so we can all look like each other, be accepted and ... Views: 2866
Thought viruses are statements, ideas or comments, beliefs or beliefs about beliefs (also called values). There are two parts that you need to know about “thought viruses” the first of which is, that these beliefs come in many forms but mostly from people in positions of “authority”. The other ... Views: 4779
When coaching clients, my focus is to help them get from where they are to where they want to be in the quickest and most enjoyable way.
But no matter what challenges they present me with, most of the time, it all boils down to a lack of confidence and self-belief.
People want to feel ... Views: 2062
There are many people within the Neuro linguistic programming community you can meet and interact with if you happen to be somebody who is truly interested in getting immersed in this particular industry. Needless to say, as with any community, there will be a lot of different personalities and ... Views: 883
Having experienced in working together with a great number of certified NLP practitioners, I've realized that most of my students really enjoy Neuro linguistic programming anchoring a lot.
Likely due to its convenience and its effectiveness, Neuro-linguistic programming anchoring has started ... Views: 1854
Precisely what accurately is actually NLP anchoring?
I believed the technique of NLP anchoring initial got its start from a Russian researcher, Ivan Pavlov. And yes, he was the one who performed the particular famous research with the dogs. There was once while doing analysis on dogs’ ... Views: 1381
Sometimes we find ourselves low in motivation. The causes can be varied from having to do a simple task that we find boring to embarking on a new stage in our lives that we find challenging. Whatever the task, big or small, we need to get on with it! The task will be done quicker, better and ... Views: 1525
Stress is that feeling of being unable to cope with situations that arise; of not having the correct information on how to deal with a problem. Being stressed means to be in a state of extreme physical or nervous strain. Extreme stress then turns into distress when your state of mind slips into ... Views: 1116
Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking is way up there with the fear of death. Apparently studies have shown that the Americans fear public speaking more than death, and that the British fear it only second to death.
That really doesn't surprise me. I used to be an actor, and I ... Views: 1294
Nearly everyone would like improvement in their life. Whether if it's in their love life, at work, or life in general. So what is stopping most people from achieving a better way of life? Could it be that they lack sufficient confidence, and persuasive skills? There are many people of both ... Views: 1415
Do you have a bad habit like biting your nails, or twiddling with your hair? Maybe you can't help excavating your nose and ears - a habit that should definitely be eradicated! Well, if you do, the good news is that bad habits can be broken.
The first thing you need to do is to admit to ... Views: 2561
Being inquisitive and honest about what, specifically, you are doing now to achieve your goals is a powerful approach to achieving them faster and more enjoyably.
Asking and answering questions like:
Where do I spend my time now?
What am I currently doing now to help achieve my goals ... Views: 1220
What is anchoring? Anchoring is an outside stimulus that activates a particular inner state or reaction within you. In 1904 it was the Russian psychologist Pavlov who discovered about anchoring by experimenting on dogs. Every time he fed the salivating dogs he would ring a bell. He did this ... Views: 1539
We, as humans, have become experts at constructing beliefs in our minds and do not like other people telling us that we are wrong or that our beliefs might be harming us. We are also prone to making outrageous statements full of drama and excitement that we genuinely believe to be true in our ... Views: 3048
Self Esteem – “Serving others is good”… or is it?
Self esteem is central to our survival. It is the basis of our well being. Entire books have been written on the subject of self esteem and yet, there is no single one unifying definition of self esteem.
A confidence and satisfaction in ... Views: 1546
This is a question I get asked over and over again. Since the epic movie "The Secret" people have come to believe that you can say affirmations over and over again and all your dreams will come true. Well, will affirmations work at all? The answer is both yes and no! And here is the real science ... Views: 1415
There has been increasing publicity and acceptance of Mindfulness meditation in the public and medical domains. This to me is a great step forward. As I shall further explain in this article I see the combination of hypnotic processing with NLP skills and Mindfulness as a further evolution of ... Views: 3703
If you have an interest in learning more about Neuro linguistic programming, the great news is that you can actually study this subject for free. Needless to say, there are a variety of resources available to most people that public libraries as well as over the Internet through which you can ... Views: 1077
Diesel was my grandparents’ dog. I fondly remember this scruffy looking yet lovable mongrel while I was growing up. His passion was chasing cars. Everyone would know a car was coming long before we could hear or see it, because Diesel would sound the alarm and chase after each and every oncoming ... Views: 1582
Fireworks – What an amazing song by Katy Perry. She reminds me of my inner strength and how we just need to ignite and shine and how amazing it is to know we have all that we need to succeed already within us. Like a firecracker has everything inside and when ignited explodes with bang of color ... Views: 2042
There are basically two motivation strategies that people use. Moving away from or moving towards something. We have all developed this on a deep biological and physical level. Most of the time one of these will be more dominant. Motivation direction is a mental program that has a great effect ... Views: 1442
Any state associated with hypnosis is generally understood to be a synchronised state of peacefulness and attention because with hypnosis a person can easily access the subconscious mind and hence plant any ideas or believes there. Understanding this meaning, you can infer that hypnosis could be ... Views: 943
We’ve all done it, made a resolution and in a fit of urgent determination we vow to get fit, join the gym, stop smoking or change some other unwanted habit. Then, quicker than we can say “to hell with it” our old behaviour and old self re-surfaces and with a sigh of resignation we return to our ... Views: 1401
There is no magic way to lose or maintain your weight. The age old equation of energy in energy out equal’s weight remains true, unless you have a medical condition.
Excluding medical interventions the best way to loose weight is to re-educate your mind and body. When you engage with your ... Views: 1964
There have been many recent studies into what happiness means and how to go about consciously creating it. We are regularly told of the “age of austerity” with the implication we are all going to share, not only austerity but a degree of unhappiness as a result. If we buy into this we will. Many ... Views: 2093
One of the key skills taught as part of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the use of rapport. You know when you click with someone, you’re in rapport. You’re both listening and communicating in an honest, straightforward way. Rapport leads to trust.
There are many shades of rapport - from ... Views: 1461
Neuroplasticity: Your Brain and Leadership
Jay W. Politi
Original Article Posted at Hammer's Hemisphere 2-6-11
The human brain has fascinated scientists, philosophers, ... Views: 3115
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The Next Step! - by Jevon Dangeli: NLP/HNLP Trainer, Hpnotherapist & Coach
This article will focus on how to take The Next Step, even when you’re stuck, sad or mad, and make each experience a fulfilling one.
Life can be viewed as an endless stream of experiences that nudge us to adapt to constant changes. The meaning which we give each of our experiences is ... Views: 1322
Your mindset determines how you see the world. It determines your perception of the world, and this perception is like a filter. The great thing about filters is that they can be adjusted. Take a water filter. Maybe it is set to filter out only chlorine, but it also lets all the other yucky ... Views: 1367
Managing both expectations and perceptions
The way we perceive any subject or any event is often colored with expectations that we’ve learned. Even before the event itself or our meeting the subject. For example, the way an individual may dress is in large part factored into ... Views: 2140
Is creativity simply a pure inborn gift? Can creativity NLP helps transform you into another Walt Disney - a person who seemingly had the magical hands to transform dreams into reality?
Referring to the Neuro-linguistic programming technique created by Robert Dilts, the Disney Creativity NLP ... Views: 3094
Ok so go with me on this… if your car is your brain, and petrol and water are the fuel that make your car run smoothly, then the fuel that makes your brain run smoothly are the foods you eat, the drinks you drink, and the thoughts you allow yourself you have.
I’ve written before about the ... Views: 2076