John La Valle is The Official Guide to "Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)". You can find complete information on John La Valle and his products by visiting
How many times have you been hypnotized, today?
Well - much more often than you think! "I would like you to concentrate on any fixed point in this room you like, and while you do it you may realize your eyelids are starting to close..."
That is what the majority of people will picture in their ... Views: 1383
Recently, well over the last couple of months, I have been going to a great gym. Well not exactly a gym but a place called Core Cambridge where I am being helped to regain core stability and a better structure~ regain my way of standing and moving in alignment.
Well bully for you I hear a ... Views: 3160
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), is based on the idea that all language and behaviors are highly structured. It uses several techniques to affect the way we think, learn and communicate. John La ... Views: 3200
Neuro-Linguistic Programming™ (NLP™) is defined as the study of the structure of subjective experience and what can be calculated from that and is predicated upon the belief that all behaviour has structure. People such as Virginia Satir, Milton Erickson and Fritz Perls had amazing results with ... Views: 1710
Most of us have limiting beliefs that are sabotaging us from being empowered or ever achieving our goals. I want to teach you how and why these unnatural, restrictive beliefs are created.
The recipe is a result of three functions of the brain, each of which is positive by itself. But when you ... Views: 1782
In NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) we talk about people’s “maps of the world.”
This term describes a person’s unique experience of reality. A map is not reality itself, only a representation of it, just as a map of Yellowstone Park is not the park itself, but a two-dimensional ... Views: 1505
As an NLP practitioner, a lot of the work I do focuses on the Reticular Activating System or RAS for short. Simply put (I like to keep things simple) the RAS is the brain’s information filtering system and each person’s RAS is unique to them. We receive so much information at any given time, if ... Views: 1973
Neuro-Linguistic Programming & The Classroom – The Short Answer
Brief (very) History
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) first burst upon the psychological therapy scene in 1975 with the release of Richard Bandler and John Grinder’s written work, The Structure of Magic. At the time, Grinder ... Views: 1603
Not many people know this, but I've been trained in NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming. With this training I've been able to change thought patterns fast. How fast? I'm talking seconds, not hours, days or even months.
In this video I'll show you exactly how I change thoughts using ... Views: 1458
THERE ARE PLACES and times when being-in-the-now or, going-with-the-flow can be a useful strategy to employ. Can you think of some examples in addition to:
•Making love.
•Standing at the rim of the Grand Canyon.
•Listening as the officiate performs your marriage ceremony.
AND THEN CONSIDER, ... Views: 1192
In my last article I introduced Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) as a great tool to use for changing subconscious programming. In this article, I’ll introduce you to Neuro Linguistic Programming (or NLP) and give you an NLP technique you can use yourself to change an unwanted or unproductive ... Views: 5217
I have worked with a number of depressed clients, even Clinically Depressed,and on Prozac for 20 years, and we have had great success with Time Line Therapy for this. Depression is different from most other things we work with in NLP in that it is a "Clinical" issue. So..... First of all, it is ... Views: 3697
Since the introduction of the Time Line Therapy® in 1988 in the book Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality, there has been, not only excitement about the techniques
themselves, but also major interest by the psychotherapeutic community and a rather rapid ... Views: 1378
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) began as a model of how we communicate to ourselves and others which was developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. This model explains how we process the information that comes into us from the outside. The belief is that "The map is not the territory." ... Views: 1170
“To be always intending to make a new and better life but never find time to set about it is as... to put off eating and drinking and sleeping from one day to the next until you’re dead.”
- Og Mandino
Procrastination is the easiest thing in the world to perfect- and one of the ... Views: 1709
My journey along the pathway of learning and then becoming a Certified Trainer with the Society of NLP, has been regularly interrupted by the question, what is NLP? (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).
From the Society of NLP, (Richard Bandler), it is said that :-
NLP is an attitude to be able to ... Views: 1133
The two levels of NLP training are:
1. NLP Practitioner training course
2. NLP Master Practitioner training course.
In this article we will be discussing the first level, NLP Practitioner training course.
6 Reasons To Take NLP Training
1. NLP Training for Business
With an NLP training ... Views: 2911
How To Change or Improve Something In Your Life – Now – With The Amazing ‘NLP’ Method!
Anthony Robbins – Worlds #1 success coach and best-selling author confidently calls NLP – ‘an incredibly powerful tool’!
Modern Psychology – ... Views: 1830
Demystifying Neuro Linguistic Programming
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is well established as a powerful method to develop your potential and enhance performance. It can help you create order from chaos and encourages resourceful ways of thinking while expanding awareness of ... Views: 1439
MLM Scams crop up all the time. You need to make yourself aware of their existence. This will help you make sound and informed judgements. You don't want to be like closed minded people who scam everything and miss opportunities.You also don't want to become a victim.
Throughout the history of ... Views: 1571
We have all heard that subconscious patterns are the root of our limitations and that if we can change those patterns our quality of life improves. Without a doubt that is true. Yet, thousands of highly skilled students of growth still find themselves trapped in the cycle of two steps forward ... Views: 2148
Is it possible to reprogram the brain? Can reprogramming the brain change our behaviour? Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a combination of Linguistics, Semantics, Hypnosis, Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology. It’s about how we interpret the world we experience via the input through ... Views: 2076
Anchoring: The Keyboard To Your Mental States
Everyone has enjoyed a positive state of mind and also understands what it feels like to be in a negative state as well. Now given the chance most people are going to choose the positive state of mind, but feel that it is simply based on ... Views: 2776
Having arrived back from Australia the first of April, it has been an absolute whirlwind, with more going on than I could ever accomplish. The HNLP Practitioner is starting in a day, so lots of preparation for this life changing training. Additionally there are amazing opportunities to joint ... Views: 1202
Business was once based upon the most physical aspects of life. There were seminars and meetings all centred on gathering together all aspects of business and creating a team that moved together, thought together and lived the same business support together. Today, with the buzz surrounding the ... Views: 1253
Clinical depression is a condition caused by chemical imbalances in the brain that make a person constantly feel sad, aloof, negative, and unmotivated. Depression can last for days, weeks, months, or even years. It can be triggered by anxieties, traumatic events, or nothing at all. Depression ... Views: 2547
This article is about how you can learn NLP Accelerated Learning Techniques by applying those techniques to learning to play guitar.
Playing a guitar requires the application of knowledge and skills in a real time environment. As such it is a great situation to develop NLP and Accelerated ... Views: 6010
Do you fear public speaking, or work situations such as giving a presentation or negotiating a raise, or even simply approaching an attractive member of the opposite sex? Do you have an overall lack of confidence? This article is for you! Here comes an incredibly easy “mind game” with powerful ... Views: 2765
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the idea that all language and behaviors are highly structured. Tad and Adriana James are the Official Guides to Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Tad and Adriana have ... Views: 1276
This article discusses the foreground background switch of neuro linguistic programming nlp. The foreground background switch is a variation of the classical swish pattern of nlp.
Suppose you have client who has a problem. Say they have trouble dealing with a co-worker. Get the client to think ... Views: 2828
When visualizing your desires there are a few tricks that you may or may not be aware of. In this article I am going to introduce you to some basic, older NLP devices that can be incredibly effective.
First if you have never heard of NLP before, it stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. Be ... Views: 4926
When Joe came into my office last February, he was very distraught. He had already failed the Bar once and his confidence was at an all time low. Each time he took a practice test, he would just freeze up. Joe had all of the classic symptoms of test anxiety. Since there were ... Views: 3449
We all know someone who wants to move forward but something stops them. Sometimes, we are that someone ourselves!
Can we really shape our own lives? Imagine for example being able to write your future. Can we in some way paint the picture of a real future happiness? Is it possible?
Picture ... Views: 2392
On a recent day, I was working with a client on stopping smoking and thought it would be great to update you on the latest and greatest information from the world of Neural-Linguistic Programming (NLP.) First, as noted in last newsletter in the metaphor on the overweight person – you must ... Views: 1153
Accelerated Learning tools and techniques are common on the internet and there are two other parts that need discussing to make accelerated learning really useful. These are maintaining emotional state control and dealing with limiting beliefs. The tools and techniques are only really useful if ... Views: 1475
You can use a computer, but....
Perhaps you've managed, over the last ten years, to learn how use a personal computer, and now you are computer literate. But how much do you know about what's going on inside yourself and others? Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is about just that.
Knowing ... Views: 1508
Network Marketing programs are the latest in truly
successful residual income strategies.They are the choice
of online experts, and will be your choice too, when you
find out how much money you’ll be earning.
What is a Network Marketing, you ask? Network Marketing is
a partnership. You go into ... Views: 881
Your unconscious mind is that part of you that runs the blood in
your body...that beats your heart...that digests your food... makes you breath as you sleep deeply. Your unconscious is the one that does all that is vital for you to be alive.
I often say, your unconscious is like Citi bank, ... Views: 1666
If you are continually struggling with the same issues day-after-day, week-after-week, maybe it is time for a change. If you want to progress your career, or your life, maybe a NLP training course is right for you.
What is NLP?
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a set of models of how ... Views: 1370
Have you ever said or felt that one of the following statements is true about you?
“How come I can’t lose weight” (control my temper/get up on time/or whatever).
“What’s wrong with me? I know I shouldn’t do that.”
“I must be sabotaging ... Views: 1759
If you are trying to quit smoking cigarettes, you know how challenging it is to crush this harmful habit. However, it is possible, and half of all adult smokers are able to succeed in quitting smoking forever. Many smokers succeed in quitting smoking cigarettes by replacing them with new, ... Views: 3139
It is so easy to think that we’re right. It is so easy to think that our way of thinking is the way par excellence. We’re so caught up with our daily life that we don’t realize or don’t want to admit that other people may also be right.
Well, according to NLP and Alfred Korzybski, developer of ... Views: 1701
NLP Modelling is all about finding a model of excellence and then discovering how you can replicate that in yourself and others.
Most modelling is about taking a small slice of behaviour and being to replicate it, for example one element of a sales pitch…closing for example. This has a lot of ... Views: 4532
NLP has been under attack over the last few years. Without very much research in the scientific arena, I've found few people believing it to be credible. In fact, it's SO incredible, I decided to learn it.
Over the last 14 years, my investigations have paid off with a new kind of philosophy of ... Views: 3516
I am sat, writing this at the end of December 2008 I have met and talked with quite a few people that would like next year to be different from the last. This article contains a few ideas as to how you can make that happen more easily.
Many people are looking for the changes on the outside, ... Views: 965
If you’ve been anywhere near an individual or group of people who focuses on self-help or self-improvement topics, you’ve probably heard three little initials bantered around like their meaning was common knowledge. NLP is one of the buzz words of the better-yourself mega industries ... Views: 2303
So the concepts behind NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) sound interesting to you and you’re wondering where to get started with implementing such strategies. You will probably face the question as to whether it might be beneficial to your life and business to hire an NLP coach. Each year ... Views: 1153
This article is about some of the down sides to the winter months and how using a few mental tools you can not only survive but thrive through the dark, cold winter months.
Research shows that there is a general increase in stress levels amongst the western population on the run up to the end ... Views: 1210
This article is about the many different ways we can trip ourselves up in setting goals, particularly with New Year Resolutions and what you can do to change.
Many people evaluate their lives and set new patterns around the New Year. There are several ways that this can deliberately set you up ... Views: 1275
Meaning is the bread we eat every minute of everyday. We create meanings all the time about all sorts of things: ourselves, others, food, nutrition, exercise, God, wealth, happiness…etc.
Meanings don’t exist outside. You won’t say: “Please go to the fridge and get me some meaning” or “Oh my ... Views: 3183