John La Valle is The Official Guide to "Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)". You can find complete information on John La Valle and his products by visiting
There have been so many developments in every field and this includes in the area of personal development and growth. There are people who are always interested in bettering themselves and will do anything to improve their bodies and minds. To this extent we have seen the growing popularity of ... Views: 878
Every field and career has two paths, the conventional and the slightly off beat one. The same goes for the field of medicine, where there is the conventional and traditional way of treating patients with the use of drugs and surgery, and then the other holistic approach. This includes many ... Views: 889
Cascading Cash Flow
Cowboy Wisdom NLP Coaching
Robert Wilson: The Coach with the Most!
I play today in a cascading cash flow collaborating awesome sapience hallowing forthright omnipotent willingness ... Views: 1746
Sometimes, and for no apparent reason at all, we get stuck. It’s like something breaks inside the engine of our brain, keeping us from moving forward. We feel the symptoms, we can’t seem to think clearly, make decisions, or get motivated. We wrestle with problems, understanding concepts or are ... Views: 2946
I Am Free When I Say “I Don’t Know”
Cowboy Wisdom NLP Coaching
A download the unlock your mind and open your eyes Expand Your Life
I am free when I say I don’t know allows me to let go of what I know opens ... Views: 1564
I Define the Rhyme in My Subliminal Mind
Cowboy Wisdom NLP Coaching
An article about Cowboy Wisdom NLP Coaching, Hypnotherapy, NLP and a live recorded show with Rob.
I define the rhyme in my subliminal mind to say I expand my innate ... Views: 1560
Every day we present our thoughts and ideas to business prospects, teachers, organizations, coworkers and family. Whether you are giving a sales presentation to a large number of individuals or casually sitting across from two people at a table, use the following tips to ensure your non-verbal ... Views: 1432
Do you ever wonder why your mood can suddenly change when you hear an old favorite song, and then change as quickly as it did when you see a long queue in a bank? This is a process that goes on around and within us all the time, whether we are aware of it or not, called Anchoring.
Anchoring ... Views: 1898
Every day is full of little happenings that bring us happiness: getting home form a hard day at work and slouching on the couch, a hug from a partner, a call from a friend… it is the little things that are determining factors in our estate of mind. We need these to minimise the hardships we ... Views: 2512
Here's part II of "New Year Resolutions: where you've been going wrong". If you haven't read part I yet, make sure you do that first!
Mistake #6 Failing To Plan
We say we want to do things, but often we leave it to chance, or to God… to actually get us to do them. I believe nothing ... Views: 1986
It is that time of the year when a lot of us reminisce about what we have accomplished over the past 12 months, and, start thinking about new goals and objectives for 2012.
We’ve been making New Year Resolutions since as far back as the year 153 B.C. and yet, we still have trouble with ... Views: 2049
Sugar coated insults, or backhanded compliments are insults disguised as compliments. Sometimes a backhanded compliment can be inadvertent, other times the intention is to belittle or condescend.
“You drive well for a woman!”, “you’re very clean and tidy for a guy”, “wow, you look amazing in ... Views: 7046
There is much talk and discussion of remapping of the brain through the use of NLP. But what exactly does this mean? Remapping the brain is a way to change the pathways that your thoughts take in order to control your reactions to a given situation. Your brain is a complex system of pathways ... Views: 2010
Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, is the integration of three important concepts in our lives. It is the combination of our neuro (brain) processes, our linguistic inputs of experience, and the programming that occurs between the two. As a science, it was developed in the early 1970s by ... Views: 3169
The advantage of having an NLP trainer is that he can have a positive impact on multiple people at once instead of just one single person. During his session, he will encounter people who want to become trainers but the fact is that even others will benefit from the key communication skills that ... Views: 1006
Facts are important as they are often necessary to enable people to come to logical and correct decisions. However facts on there own are often not enough to lead to either understanding or action. Stories with some emotional element are much more to likely to lead to both understanding and ... Views: 1586
Recent discoveries into a very interesting illusion that reduces arthritic pain have been made. Researchers at the University of Nottingham in the UK discovered, by chance, that there was a major reduction in pain if a person suffering from arthritic pain put their hand into a simulator wired to ... Views: 2988
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Delving Deeper - by Nicole Schneider, Global NLP Training
"The map is not the territory."
-Alfred Korzybski, Polish-American Scientist and Philosopher (1879-1950)
Contrary to popular belief, NLP is not simply a collection of methods, theories and exercises. It is a body of knowledge put into practice by living, breathing human beings in the ... Views: 1275
The Pillars of NLP For You’re Career Your Business
First I would like to thank God for giving me the ability to overcome my own personal limitations and fears. I like you have had obstacles that prevented me from living my full potential. What I have leaned in my studies of ... Views: 1837
Neuro linguistic programming, or NLP, can be applied to a variety of issues and problems. While you can spend years learning about this technique, you can reap a lot of rewards from it by learning some easy movements. NLP works by making alterations in the way you speak to yourself or others, ... Views: 1872
You've got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
And latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between
Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive - Johnny Mercer 1944
We often say in NLP that the unconscious mind can't process a negative, but what on earth does that mean? ... Views: 3732
We are seeing the most dramatic shift in public spending since the 1930s. Some businesses and entrepreneurs will be wondering how they will cope with the effects of a reduction of 81 billion pounds. Many small and large businesses will already be shaking in their boots, wondering what to do now ... Views: 977
“Happiness Doesn’t Depend Upon Who We Are Or What We Have; It Depends Upon What we Think”
Happiness… our ultimate goal. But should it even be a goal, or a daily habit?
Thousands of books have been written on the subject, seminars taught, articles published, debates debated… yet a lot of ... Views: 2125
There are many theories about using affirmations for success. The most common theories, however, have misled many folks into believing things which simply are not true.
I’d like to take a moment and set the record straight.
The theory most often taught says, “the subconscious mind cannot ... Views: 1938
No, I’m not talking about the infamous and autumnal flu vaccine, even though I have already got an email and text reminder from the doc… I’m talking about a different type of vaccine; this one is made of 100% natural ingredients and has been proven to induce a quick and comforting feeling of ... Views: 1890
As humans, being rejected is one of our biggest fears. This fear sometimes keeps us from doing things that we want to do, or that we need to do in order to improve our lives.
One of the inherent needs we are born with, or that maybe we acquire during out childhood, is the need to be liked and ... Views: 2654
This is a topical subject for me, because, in just over a week’s time, people from all over the world will converge in Brighton on the South Coast of England for the NLP Academy’s annual NLP Trainers Training. I relish the fact that I will be sharing some of the most useful presentation tools ... Views: 1056
Words we use to sabotage ourselves
How we use certain words in our daily vocabulary or in effect the order in which we use these words harm and hinder us in the ability to attain our goals and create a positive loving and happy life. Words that we use can sabotage everything we work ... Views: 2042
Your comfort zone is defined as places or situations where you feel most comfortable and natural with. While there is nothing wrong with that, you still need to move out of it if you really want to develop your full potential and succeed in life. One good example of comfort zone is your ... Views: 1705
NLP rapport building is one of the most subtle yet effective techniques you can use to persuade anybody and everybody. The good news is that it's also very easy to learn! Understanding the basics takes only minutes. And applying it takes only a few practices to get right.
So if you're ready ... Views: 4601
The growing global trend is the desire for many people like you me to make more money and become wealthier. We all want to improve our financial circumstances.
Not only do you want to increase your income but you definitely need to efficiently spend and use the dollars and pounds that you ... Views: 3802
NLP reframing techniques have been known to have positive influences on anyone! They can make you see beyond what is obvious and can generally encourage you to be a better person. Applying these techniques are also quite easy, as long as you keep an open mind. If you want to learn more, read ... Views: 3270
The other day a client told me he had been taking anti-depressants. I didn’t know him to be depressed, so I asked if he had been diagnosed. He said he went to the doctor because he’d been having trouble sleeping and he’d been stressed out, and the doctor prescribed anti-depressants.
I was ... Views: 2382
1. The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way
2. The general desire or willingness of someone to do something
3. *My own definition: the art of getting off your butt and getting stuff done
Because here is the thing: you may have a ... Views: 3866
NLP and hypnosis are truly remarkable skills to understand when it comes to behavioural change and the development of new patterns and states of mind.
One difficulty many people have is nervousness around public speaking. This can manifests itself in many ways; some people are so shy they ... Views: 1422
NLP pacing and leading is a strategy often used to take control of situations. It's quite revolutionary actually. When used correctly, you'll be able to diffuse arguments, win over people and generally avoid trouble.
Read on to learn more...
NLP Pacing and Leading Technique # 1: Mirroring ... Views: 8655
Nested Loops can be done many ways. They can range from being very simple to very complex. There is not only a single right way to create a nested loops or a loop for that matter. I have found this to be one of the most useful tools in helping people change quickly and easily. So, with that ... Views: 5865
Have you ever heard about NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)? It is a very useful behavioral science than can literally assist you in changing your life.
It was developed back in the 1970s and it is combined of techniques from neurology, computer science, and linguistics to assist people to ... Views: 1211
How many times have you heard business gurus telling you to visualize success if you want to achieve it? I can't count the number of pieces of literature I've opened on subjects totally unrelated to psychology with a section in the book telling me to "program my subconscious" by "visualizing ... Views: 1553
These days, social media is all the buzz. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and FourSquare are great tools, but how can they help NLP coaches? I use social media to:
*Stay connected with the people that I love, providing a constant source of happiness and inspiration.
*Offering ... Views: 1429
Your "internal map of reality" has produced a "life script" that is creating your experience of life. And I think it safe to say that it's not always what you want. Yes?
Now, your "internal map of reality" and "life script" are about 2 things; seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. Anything ... Views: 1356
This past year I’ve thoroughly enjoyed coaching clients starting business ventures. New coaches trying to find a suitable niche, young businessmen and women with organisational and time management issues, a lovely lady starting a franchise, a self proclaimed entrepreneur with lots of ideas but ... Views: 2401
Women, and men, of all ages and backgrounds come to my coaching practice: singletons looking for love, young professionals looking for a job, career or life direction, business people with public speaking fears, a lot of people struggling to lose weight… The common denominator is usually low ... Views: 2378
So much of our internal processing is happening at warp speed, and happens beneath our conscious awareness. So once again I say it's going to take practice, and persistence, to become a skilled observer. I know that you can do this, you can achieve mastery. And, as you begin to intentionally run ... Views: 1246
Let’s imagine for a moment that we are each equal in some aspects to a chunk of time… we sort of are, right? And let’s imagine that our minds are similar to a fine time piece, because in some ways it is. We are gloriously complex and beautiful in our ... Views: 1591
NLP is Dead
At least, the market is.
Every market for a product or service goes through a sequence of stages as it emerges, grows, matures and then dies. It doesn’t matter how attached you are to your old vinyl LPs, or your VHS video tapes, or your NLP techniques, their life must come to ... Views: 2929
Top Hypnotic Principles that will make you a more effective hypnotist
1 - Calming the Conscious Mind
A model of what we’re doing in hypnosis is that we’re calming the neocortex, which is our conscious brain, so that we can develop a greater connection and communication between all our ... Views: 2698
Time-lines are an NLP Technique in which a person either physically walks, or imagines theirself moving along a line that they take to represent future events. This enables them to gain insight into the stages of the journey ahead of them in regards to a certain goal. Time-lines are a way to ... Views: 1677
If you’ve read amount of self-help material, you’ll be familiar with the idea that the way you think creates your experience of life. It was Viktor Frankl, the famous psychiatrist and survivor of the holocaust who wrote that, 'between stimulus and response there is a gap, and in that gap lies ... Views: 2395
Are you one of those people who frequently set new goals but lose sight of them over the next few days or maybe even the next few hours ?
A goal is an extremely powerful self development tool if used the right way.
Think of a goal like a GPS devise in your car. It can help you with ... Views: 1203