John La Valle is The Official Guide to "Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)". You can find complete information on John La Valle and his products by visiting
Most of us lead a multitude of lives in today’s world. Adding to this, we perform a wide array of activities throughout the course of a single day… and then multiply that by seven. The result? Little to no time is left for us to appreciate the finer things in life. It’s no secret that we live in ... Views: 2200
A point of sales in involved in every aspect of life, and every one is a part of it. When was last time someone had to sell their superior or social group on an idea they had, or put together a suggestion to upturn their job budget? When was last time they had to persuade their kids to do a ... Views: 2329
Are you constantly battling depression, pessimism or negativity? Did you know that these emotions can cause you to fall sick easily? Well, you need to change your mindset to be one full of positivity, joy and optimism. In this article I will be sharing with you two tips to help you with just ... Views: 2208
Did you know that we use about six metaphors per minute in the English language? Are you aware that our unconscious mind thinks and responds best to symbolic language i.e. metaphors? Did you know that all learning and change occurs at the unconscious level?
A metaphor is a story told with a ... Views: 2509
There are many ways NLP has helped me, and it can assist you too in your career, business or in your personal life. NLP has helped me grow personally and professionally, and has been invaluable to me in growing my business from a start up to a thriving professional coaching business. NLP has ... Views: 2573
For a long time, I had been wondering what hypnosis for weight loss was, and why there were people raving about it. Well, to be honest, I didn’t know what mind power was initially and I thought they were just some kind of modern day gimmick. However, as I learnt more about the topic, I realize ... Views: 2512
Are you aware of the benefits of hypnosis? It can help you achieve a better lifestyle. I will talk more about that in this article. However, let me start off by telling you what hypnosis is about.
Hypnosis is a means of altering a person’s mental and emotional state. It may give you a ... Views: 2379
Have you ever heard of neuro-linguistic programming, also known as NLP? It comprises of ways and techniques to understand human behavior. Quite often, people make use of the power of the mind and emotions to mold the way they behave. This often results in them learning a new skill or becoming a ... Views: 3112
Do you need to be wildly successful with your communication skills ? Well, the key to succeed in communicating effectively, (as it happens to be for the majority of things!) can be found in how well we prepare and plan our path to growth. Lay out your goals first, identify the steps needed, and ... Views: 2650
When people first hear about waking Hypnosis they are kind of thrown for a tailspin. People usually think of Hypnosis as something where you are sleeping and you are totally unconscious. This is not the case.
With waking Hypnosis you can get all of the same Hypnotic phenomenon while a ... Views: 2930
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an approach to understanding human behavior and experience through the study of the brain. Over the last thirty years, NLP Practitioners have been exploring the practical links between psychological and neurological research and human behavior. They have ... Views: 2278
You might have heard about the neuro linguistic programming or NLP. This has become quite popular these days. Lots of people are taking the training with the assistance of NLP practitioners. We all know that everything's in our head. This is the proposition which leads to the NLP. There are lots ... Views: 1870
NLP training is actually a process that can be successfully implemented on an individual in order to change his/her overall behavior. By learning the proper NLP techniques one can easily influence others with positive thoughts. NLP training is a scientific approach that can be applied on anyone ... Views: 2044
NLP training online can be used as a great way to develop an individual personally. By using these unique training programs you can achieve personal development through a variety of ways. One of the best ways is to adopt a suitable Neuro-Linguistic training method. NLP is actually a collection ... Views: 2236
Are you easily influenced by people? Do you have less confidence? Do you feel insecure? Are you challenged under some conventional beliefs? If the answer of any of these questions is yes then you need to consult an NLP training expert. NLP is surely your possible solution to solve all these ... Views: 2178
I’m always drawn back to the drawing of the iceberg in my first year psychology text book. The iceberg was a representation of ourselves, where only a small percentage peaks above the water line. The unconscious mind plays such a pervasive yet hidden role in our lives. Within it is hidden who we ... Views: 2587
The true power of hypnotic suggestion lies in the language you use to create an altered consciousness and develop suggestion within your subjects.
Conversational Hypnosis is a powerful tool of persuasion with the ability to influence and suggest desired outcomes, and the development of a ... Views: 4193
Spontaneous remission, also known as spontaneous healing and spontaneous regression is a phenomenon that occurs when a disease unexpectedly improves or disappears altogether.
This occurrence usually leaves doctors at a loss, unable to explain why for example, a cancerous tumour regresses and ... Views: 2049
Losing weight is a long-term process and requires sustained effort and continual focus on the goal. It also requires daily decisions about food and eating. Days of discouragement, impatience, and frustration are to be anticipated. So how do you handle days when the scale will not budge or when ... Views: 4089
There are several kinds of careers that benefit from the use of NLP training. Many become trainers simply to further their own personal development and become much more charismatic, powerful men and women. Just having the desire to be more effective, organized and emotionally secure is ... Views: 2043
If you're searching for NLP training you might be wondering what kind of course is ideal for you personally. The type of NLP training you select will also influence how much time you invest educating yourself on NLP practice. It varies person to person from a number of days to many years.
In ... Views: 1952
You have put considerable time into preparing your presentation. You want to make sure that your audience both understands your main points and comes to the right conclusions. How do you get them up to speed quickly, especially when you can predict that there will be some conscientious objectors ... Views: 1701
Proactive people initiate. They tend to act with little or no consideration; to jump into situations without thinking or analyzing. They may upset some people because they can bulldoze ahead with what they want to do. They are good at going out and getting the job done. They do not ... Views: 1983
Jamie was listening patiently to his potential customer. George had said what he was looking for, why he wanted it and what would happen if he didn’t solve the problem soon. Jamie was eager to close the deal but couldn’t tell if now was the time to ask for the sale.
Like Jamie, many sales ... Views: 1977
Do you want a surefire strategy to convince skeptical people? Check this out
Are you Macho? Not sure? Take the Macho Factor Quiz! (click on the link at the end of this article)
One of the most irritating aspects of workplace politics is trying to convince someone who takes a Macho ... Views: 1822
Jodi is waiting for Marco to come to her office. Today is feedback day and she has the Feedback Sandwich formula open on her desk.
Marco arrives and plunks himself down in the chair opposite Jodi, submitting himself reluctantly to what is about to occur. “I’m glad you’re here,” says Jodi, ... Views: 2295
The news is bad. Few are the days when any positive announcements are made. Job losses are announced by the thousands in many countries. Even if you turn the news off, the negativity still confronts you from everywhere. Many people are walking around with high levels of fear, anxiety and panic. ... Views: 2299
The Mac versus PC commercials have been playing on television in North America and elsewhere for quite some time. They are very engaging. Many people stop whatever they are doing to watch them. If you have not seen them, check out Mac versus PC on YouTube. They pose a challenge to Microsoft ... Views: 1784
What exactly is NLP?
NLP, which means Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is an epistemological practical discipline that is utilized to destroy harmful patterns and alter one’s behavior for the better. Sound difficult? It’s not. Epistemology is a form of philosophy that looks at the validity ... Views: 2143
Have you ever felt that time seems to fly by? Or else, move along at snail’s place?
Do you sometimes find yourself you overworked with so much to do and not enough time, at others you’re bored to tears and feeling the tick of every second.
If yes, it’s probably thanks to lack of time ... Views: 3958
The seven habits of highly effective NLP practice was written in honor of Stephen Covey, and the beautiful legacy he left in his teachings.
After learning NLP,students want to be as effective as their trainers or even more effective. This effectiveness can easily be achieved by practice, and ... Views: 2461
Just as easily could I have called this article “Follow-up in coaching”, but I find this particularly true in NLP based coaching. Simply, because NLP particularly seems to launch a coach to a level where they can go beyond merely a basic surface layer of coaching. Not only can you work with the ... Views: 1674
I'm a world-class violin player. I make hundreds of thousands of dollars each year playing in public shows that get massive audiences and rave reviews. I stay in the finest hotels, hob-knob with some of by far the most talented folks on the planet and I'm frequently asked to play solo on ... Views: 2068
I have been a yoga Teacher, neuro linguistic and wellness practitioner for the lasdt 12 years. Nonetheless lately I've wanted to expand my client base and draw in further practitioners in each the job areas of yoga and NLP to work with me at my newly enhanced facility. A number of years ago I ... Views: 2066
When I first decided to get certified as a coach so that I could become a Life Coach and NLP specialist I didn’t know where to begin. I had spent most of my 30's and a part of my 40's as a paramedic till the shift work took its toll and compelled me to resign. Though I knew just about ... Views: 1653
I'm a multi-level-marketing and publishing professional who specialises in promoting books on Clickbank and also other internet sites where you can self-publish. Soon after an extraordinary boom in my business from the years 1999 to 2007 I had a huge drop in traffic and sales right after Google ... Views: 2252
Working with Neuro-Linguistic Programming can modify habits and behaviours in yourself and others. It allows you to become a far more successful negotiator and achieve more inside your work. NLP may also assist you to alter your mental behavior to emulate those used by successful people.
Do ... Views: 1989
The answer to the question "What is NLP?" is simple - 'It's the methodology for creating a wonderful and magnificent quality of life'.
What's more - anyone can learn it!
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
It is known by various names such as the ‘science of creating ... Views: 1542
Just before I took my training in NLP I had a one of those brains that constantly switched a positive assertion into a unfavorable one. My childhood years full of sarcastic and harsh critical remarks had led me to think that to be cynical was to be wise. This mind-set towards myself and others ... Views: 1516
If you are trying to find a career that makes an actual distinction on the planet then try being a life coach. Well-trained thoughtful life coaches have a genuine capability to make a good influence on somebody else’s life.
I am a life coach myself. I became one to increase my ... Views: 1598
We all will have heard the saying “to walk in someone elses shoes” when used as a metaphor for building empathy with someone. For most of us this is something we probably think we can do quite well. The friend who comes to us for advice, or reading a sad or shocking story in the news and then ... Views: 3992
Remember that fantastic old David Bowie tune called, “Crashing in the Same Car?” The track was about living a life where you keep repeating patterns that bring about catastrophes. If this sounds familiar to how you life is going, even if you feel “this time it will be different” you then need to ... Views: 1456
Is there anything sadder than observing a girl with intelligence, potential and skills squander these skills because she lacks the capacity to make rational choices in life rather than emotional ones? I was that girl until a couple of in years ago, when I discovered life coaching.
Before I ... Views: 1326
Training in NLP Changed My Life
Before I took training in NLP my entire life was a mess. That was mainly because I couldn't make a single move in my life without “taking a poll” or asking a close friend what they thought I should do. I had absolutely no belief in myself to make a good choice ... Views: 1664
By the age of 45, I was divorced and depressed with two children to support by myself. I was working in a job as an office temp in Melbourne and was barely managing to survive. I felt I couldn’t have been more in debt or less successful.
I understood I needed to move forward somehow yet I’d ... Views: 1554
Neuro Linguistic Programming is a method of modelling that is used to study how other, successful individuals have achieved their incredible level of success and then applying this to our own lives. It is essentially a means of empowering the individual so that they are more able and better ... Views: 1192
When I initially made a decision to investigate the potential for life coaching I believed I would be doing it to help others! I had no idea that the largest beneficiary of this sort of training would be me?
I have always wanted a profession that would help make this world a much better place ... Views: 1286
A couple of years ago I was looking for a solution to dream a larger dream for myself. I had been to some self-help seminars and New Age fairs and I still needed to decide on an occupation. I wanted to be a counsellor or therapist of some kind but I did not see how I was going to be in a ... Views: 1201
Sometimes finding the right hypnotist or NLP practitioner to work with can be a challenge.
While I was having breakfast this morning, I was thinking a bit about the different talents and life experiences of people who are drawn into any field or career not just the field of hypnotherapy or ... Views: 3082
I first heard about neuro linguistic programming training when a friend of mine was going through a rough patch in her marriage. The problems which threatened to destroy their marriage were not the obvious ones such as infidelity, abuse or financial, but they were more subtle than that. ... Views: 1114