We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Mind Body Healing". If you have expertise in Mind Body Healing and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Despite the amazing advancements in emergency care, when it comes to chronic health conditions and longevity, our current system very often falls short in improving the status of our vitality and long-term health. We are now facing epidemic levels of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and ... Views: 708
First published in Coaching World, the magazine of the International Coach Federation
Your client offers another excuse as to why they didn’t do what they committed to in your last session. You’ve seen this pattern lead to failure, and know you need to focus on the underlying cause of ... Views: 711
My friend Michael, an expert rock climber, told me he wanted to do something special for my 50th birthday – take me up a famous rock climbing wall, Cathedral Peak, in Yosemite Valley.
“Sure!” I replied. I some rock climbing experience in college, and 4 years earlier, Michael had taken me ... Views: 831
My friend Michael, an expert rock climber, told me he wanted to do something special for my 50th birthday – take me up a famous rock climbing wall, Cathedral Peak, in Yosemite Valley.
“Sure!” I replied. I some rock climbing experience in college, and 4 years earlier, Michael had taken me ... Views: 800
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3 Mindful Tips for Dealing with Grief - by Julie Potiker, author of Life Falls Apart, but You Don’t Have To: Mindful Methods for Staying Calm In the Midst of Chaos
When we experience deep loss in life – whether from the death of a loved one or a “death” in some other area of our lives – grief is a natural response, and it looks different for everyone. From outpourings of sadness or anger, to feeling shut down and closed off, to the countless variations in ... Views: 1459
Selecting a Massage from a menu can be little hard. Which do you choose? What would work best for you? Each massage focuses on different healing approaches. Blue Heaven Spa providing you some list of massage. Blue Heaven Spa is well-known Spa in Udaipur. Here are some options and reasons for ... Views: 464
Long term, unresolved emotional distress is very common among trauma survivors. And, just as there is ongoing emotional repercussions from trauma, there are ongoing physical repercussions.
How Trauma Causes Pain
A traumatic event is one in which a person has been exposed to actual or ... Views: 776
Pain is often a complex and not easily resolvable problem. The fact that there are over 100 million Americans with chronic pain—pain they have not been able to get rid of—attests to the difficulty of the problem. So why is chronic pain relief so elusive?
Common Mistakes Pain Patients Make ... Views: 817
Essential oils have become an important part of our lives. It has properties that not only enhance the beauty but also has healing effects. It is becoming a part and parcel in our day-to-day lives. Essential oils have extra-ordinary agents that helps to treat various health issues. It is one of ... Views: 562
For most Americans, sweating is simply an unwanted side effect of heat, exercise, or stress. While many of us may enjoy the beads of sweat dripping from our foreheads at the gym, taking it as a sign of a good workout, sweat and sweating is still something most of us would prefer to do without. ... Views: 501
Sometimes people lose a body part due to an accident and other times they are just born without it. They struggle their best to be normal and taken like that by those around them too – but are they? You know the answer just as much as I do. They are either bullied at schools or kicked out of ... Views: 982
Getting your health consulted on a regular basis is a very important thing to do these days. Health care consultants provide you the services which are not available easily at home. There are a lot of health consultants coming up these days who are the experts of the field. In today’s world ... Views: 606
Since 1988 I have spent the better part of every day helping people overcome their problems ranging from ordinary bad habits to extreme PTSD. The whole process centers around introducing people to the nature and function of our mind.
Isn’t it ironic that we need help to understand something ... Views: 1234
What is the importance of building a healthy, sexual relationship with yourself?
Today I want to talk to you about the importance of building a healthy, sexual relationship with yourself. Masturbation, whacking off, self-exploration or self-love, it doesn’t really matter what you call it as ... Views: 831
Burnout. We've all been there. We've all experienced that state of extreme physical and mental stress that makes it impossible to focus on any other thing other than the pain we were going through. Burnouts, especially as a result of job stress (the commonest) are not desirable, but all too many ... Views: 525
Acknowledging you are a divine being with divine powers, is the first step to discovering your divine beauty. You must take in all of your positive attributes and work towards perfecting them every day. Recognize your gifts and talents. This is not the time of self-doubt or self-pity. When ... Views: 768
Healthy Mind Healthy Body
I want to always remind you that we are Spirit, Soul and Body, and we can only enjoy holistic health when all three areas are given attention. We need to be nourishing our Spirit, Soul (Mind) and Body to cope with much stress and anxiety that life bring.
Having and ... Views: 634
Do you find yourself caught in the middle of busy schedules, deadlines and meetings? Have you ever thought what it’d be like to go off the grid just for a few days? Well, you’re at the right place. Let’s talk about off grid camping. What is off grid camping? Basically it’s camping in the most ... Views: 806
Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information today. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram allow users to stay in touch with friends, share their thoughts, access news in real time and become part of communities with individuals who share common ... Views: 623
Eating clean, healthy foods and exercising are part of the puzzle. A new study reveals a positive attitude and mindset could be the missing piece. In this study of over 1,000 people, they refer to a positive outlook as a "promotion focus." These positive participants focused on pursuing and ... Views: 776
Many people always feel stressed or busy to help others. They only focus on helping during their spare time. Helping others actually contributes positively to
improving your mental, physical and overall health. A non-profit organization and its volunteers live a life that help people to change ... Views: 513
Nature has all kinds of cure or solution to the health ailments that human beings have ever faced or will face in the future. Our planet earth is abundant with herbs, stones, roots even water with healing properties.
While Planet Earth already provides everything that a living ... Views: 1326
This guide to camping with dogs first appeared on Pet Factz.
Summer is perfect for camping, road trips, and vacations, and who better to travel with than your best friend! Travelling and camping with dogs can be incredibly fun, but it does require a little more planning. Read on for some tips ... Views: 806
So then, what are Mystical Secrets? Metaphysics, meaning beyond the physical senses, covers a lot more territory than I can possibly cover in any ten books. I will only be covering the most practical of these aspects.
Merriam Webster gives us this definition of mystical:
Having a spiritual ... Views: 987
There are situations when we feel like the world is coming to an end and that we would never get the opportunity to get in a position that can be considered normal. This happens when we are unable to decide what should be done and how. When we have such thoughts in our mind, we need to force ... Views: 625
Do you start your day with a cup coffee? Good work, because coffee appears to be incredibly healthy. Numerous scientific studies have shown that coffee can protect you against various serious diseases, boosts your fat burning system and even protects your body against hazardous substances. That ... Views: 705
Have you tried to meditate but you find it hard to quiet your mind? Maybe you just aren’t getting the results you want to get from your meditation practice? Or maybe you love meditating, but you want to take it to the next level.
Crystals are wonderful tools for meditation because they ... Views: 885
There is no shortage of techniques and tips for bringing more health and happiness into our lives, but some of the best ways are spiritual. When we embrace our spiritual side, we bring new life into our body, mind and spirit, and that’s often where the greatest transformations come from.
Here ... Views: 673
Listening to music is an activity that provides incomparable pleasure and allows you to relax both your body and mind.
Among the many places where you can listen to music, there is one that seems very appropriate: the shower or bath. Indeed, this is the time to take care of your body. So why ... Views: 1420
Have you frequently felt overcome by an unexpected wave of anxiety and terror for what seems like no reason at all? Then, you might be dealing with panic disorder.
This potentially debilitating condition can cause you to deal with sudden, repeated panic attacks, which may make you feel like ... Views: 1238
Look to your feet and you will find health and healing are only two feet or two hands away.
Life is a journey , not a destination.
Feet really do reveal the story of your life. Your body speaks through your feet. And what are your feet trying to tell you? That's why no two people's feet are ... Views: 1070
Look to your feet and you will find health and healing are only two feet or two hands away.
Life is a journey , not a destination.
Feet really do reveal the story of your life. Your body speaks through your feet. And what are your feet trying to tell you? That's why no two people's feet are ... Views: 1098
A good night sleep is vital for health and alertness especially when you need to focus and be mentally active the next day at work. However, you may want to look at your bedroom and its surrounding features to make sure that it is conducive for a peaceful slumber.
This is both practical and ... Views: 988
Delirium occurs commonly in hospitalized older patients but is poorly recognized. Though there is an abundance of confirmed delirium screening tools, it is unclear which tool best suits particular populations.
To assess validation studies of delirium screening tools ... Views: 795
Your mental health is just as important as your physical fitness. Because you feel good when are you physically and mentally balanced. You can better deal with setbacks, get the best out of yourself and enjoy what you experience. We all want that, right? Today we are going to share that how you ... Views: 514
Transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS is a noninvasive process applied to cure depression. This process involves the use of magnetic fields to excite nerve cells in the patient’s brain to cure the causes of depression. This cure is chosen when other treatments do not work to cure the problem. ... Views: 977
Let's handle it: Being a parent isn’t an easy job. What is more, many parents have developed survival techniques, some more effective than the other. Unfortunately, there are a lot of moms and dads who choose medication and alcohol to better cope with the everyday bustle of life. However, there ... Views: 779
Developing a growth mindset is something that needs to be done not just by entrepreneurs and business people, but by regular individuals. There are many ways to grow and develop and you can learn how to achieve a growth mindset for whatever it is that you want to do. In order to do so, you need ... Views: 913
How someone acts in a Crisis, can this be an indication of their True Colours - Or Not! What Do you Think?
“Do you think people reveal their true selves in times of crisis? Or should we make allowances for shock, fear & panicked fatalism?”
Obviously, for each of us this can be different, ... Views: 1197
Coming to the end of a Year can be rather Overwhelming, Exciting and Daunting at the same time just where has the time gone and what have you achieved, what have you done during this time. This what I like to call the time of Reflection. It is important to reflect and to take time to bring to ... Views: 884
Epilepsy is a diagnosed medical term used when a person has had more than one Seizure
Quite often during the diagnostic phase the cause of the epilepsy can involve some form of brain injury. However, for many people the underlying causes can be unknown.
Epilepsy and Seizures
Seizures occur ... Views: 1140
Most people go on diets for the expressed purpose of getting healthy. Yet, most diets are very unhealthy. Imagine implementing a healthy eating regime and NOT dieting.
You can. It’s called Break Bread Together. As simple as it sounds, when you break bread with others, you literally change ... Views: 736
On the last Saturday of April each year people all over the world come together to promote spiritual awakening, global peace and cooperation, and mind-body practices that can save the world trillions of dollars in saved healthcare costs.
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day was originally founded as a ... Views: 1136
As many of you probably know, cannabidiol (CBD) is the ‘other’ cannabinoid in cannabis that confers immense therapeutic benefits without imparting any sort of ‘high’ to the user.
The implications of this are monumental (hence the current and ongoing explosion in CBD’s popularity with people ... Views: 1004
“Medicus curat Natura sanat” — the doctor helps Nature heal.
The healing force of Nature has been called by many names, for example, Hippocrates called it the Vis Medicatrix Naturae and Paracelsus called it the Archaeus. The doctor’s role is to assist this force as best he can to help the ... Views: 911
Being Present and Aware—Mindfulness
Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP
Freud said depressed people rue the past and anxious individuals fear the future. More than a century later psychologists are currently emphasizing “mindfulness”—being “aware,” focused, and “being in ... Views: 853
Anxiety is one of the worst disorders one could be clinically diagnosed with. It impairs the average human being’s ability to take control of their feelings, emotions or thoughts. Sufferers are often extremely quiet, have shattered self-confidence, are extremely critical of themselves, and ... Views: 836
Every person will have experienced anxiety and destructive thinking, at some point of time in their life. Once worries and adverse thoughts crop up in our mind, we see everything in that light. As the ill emotions arise within us, we experience a varying degree of negative thoughts, and as a ... Views: 702
Cialis contains an active ingredient known as Tadalafil, which makes it a lot easier for guys to obtain an erection. It works by relaxing blood vessels and increasing the blood inside. In many guys, erection difficulties are brought on by too little blood inside the penis, because their blood ... Views: 2349
A pediatric center or children’s hospital offers services exclusively to children and adolescents (from birth to 18 years of age). A children hospital is characterized by a greater focus on psychosocial support to children and their families. Many child patients have to spend longer in ... Views: 664