Our family likes taking nature walks and taking small trips. When my youngest son Joseph was four years old, we took him for what “I” thought was going to be a short hike for us. My husband took us to a state park for one of these short trips and when we got there, on the board before entry, ... Views: 1502
Is Eliminating struggle and pain more important than magnetizing love, prosperity and calmness?
I think so. Eliminating, releasing, surrendering the thought forms that created the struggling and pain in the first place, needs to be trashed, deleted, recycled into the trash bin outside of your ... Views: 1041
Why would anyone practice yoga? You might decide to practice because you heard from a friend of yours that through her yoga practice, she learned that it reduced and eased her stress. She found it reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol through her research and experience. She told ... Views: 2429
If you are desiring to begin learning about yoga and want to know what style might be best for you, you can find Yoga centers in your community through directory or online search for your locale. See if they offer a free class so you can get an idea if you like that style or not. Many schools ... Views: 1972
There are yoga centers and studios from across America offering introductory classes about the style of yoga that they teach. Some of the styles are Bikram Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa, Kripalu Yoga, Hatha Yoga and many more. Free classes are offered sometimes, gift certificates ... Views: 2620
Dr. Oz shared with the public this January, a show on the techniques for alternative healing which included Reiki and alternate nostril breathing, sanskrit Anuloma Viloma.
Alternate nostril breathing is for balancing the left and right sides of the brain. The left side of the brain is for ... Views: 3156
The key to meditating is to focus on the breath. The mind has to follow your command and nothing else when you focus on the inhale and exhale. It cannot focus on doing two things at once. Breathing in a seated comfortable position on the floor or chair, if you cannot manipulate sitting ... Views: 2056
How can I possibly learn to do that, the sun salutation (surya namaskar? http://abc-of-yoga.com/yogapractice/sunsalutation.asp. Learn by doing and practicing two poses at a time. When you feel it starts to flow for you with those two, add one more and one more.
When you realize how ... Views: 2328
According to A Course in Miracles, the answer is that humanity feels it is un-deserving of God's love. We feel it is necessary to punish ourselves before God punishes us. Mass consciousness feels God is a punishing and unforgiving Supreme Intelligence and if we attack ourselves first, we won't ... Views: 3112
Day 1 - Today. Decide what type of business you wish to have, one that you are an expert at. You may be an expert at discovering why people's homes are actually killing them. You may be good at discovering the cause of their children's allergies due to dust mites or chemicals that are non-eco ... Views: 1257
Take that book you've wanted to write out of the desk drawer, now. Get the title of your book in mind that excites you and one that will excite the reader. Try out many titles first and get responses from friends, relatives or loved ones. Get copyright form from Library of Congress online for ... Views: 1088
Knowing that we are depressed is one of the keys to overcoming depression. Knowing that everything we do involves choice. Everything is choice. Every decision we make, we choose to make it. We decide what we think and we decide what we think is best for us. We can choose again if the result ... Views: 1269