Encounters with hypercritical and aggressive bosses that are never satisfied, can make the work you could love seem unfulfilling and tedious.
Then again, maybe YOU really ARE the problem! Does your "Boss Bully" have just cause, but inappropriate methods? Or does s/he treat most everyone with ... Views: 1689
What is Mindfulness?
The concept of mindfulness has actually been around for thousands of years. Its origins can be found in the earliest Buddhist teachings (2500 years ago). It has been used over the centuries in traditional eastern contemplative practices like Hatha Yoga and other ... Views: 6470
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"Finding" Happiness - by Arlene K Unger, PhD (PSY), Certified Wellness Coach
"Finding" Happiness
Arlene K Unger, PhD
Clinical Psychologist (PSY)
Wellness Coach
Certified Nutritionist
The Center for Empowerment
Dana Point, CA 92629
Everyone wants to "find" happiness ... but happiness is not really a destination or an object that can be lost or found ... it's a ... Views: 1723
Holiday Stress Busting: Eat, Drink, Spend ... and be Miserable?
Keeping Food in Balance
According to the American Heart Association, we run the risk of gaining five or more pounds between Halloween and New Years. We add an average of 200 calories more per day than we really need.
Such ... Views: 1603
How can we deal effectively with change?
The Challenge
Change is all around us, it’s unavoidable, in fact, change is part of the process of life. So … why do we chronically fear change and react with anxiety through this natural process. We should be used to change by now … it’s been ... Views: 3157
How can I better cope with a chaotic world?
By Arlene K Unger, PhD
Clinical Psychologist (PSY)
The Challenge
It’s hard to pick up a newspaper or listen to a news broadcast recently without being overwhelmed by “gloom and doom”. The 24-hour cable news cycle and always-on internet do ... Views: 1926
Self-Help, Wellness/Lifestyle Coaching and Counseling from a licensed mental health professional all have an appropriate role to play for optimum mental health and living well.
It used to be considered a rite-of-passage many years ago for boys to learn how to fix their own car ... Views: 2068