If hypnosis is extremely powerful and therapeutic in the most varied healing scenarios it is because it allows us to get into direct contact with our subconscious mind. The idea we have of the Subconscious has evolved greatly since Freud “discovered” it in the second half of the 19th century. Probably the most famous literary example that illustrates the early idea we had of it is The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, published by Robert Louis Stevenson in 1886. In this story the Subconscious, personified by the murderous Mr Hyde, is portrayed as a sort of aggressive, criminal, brutish ape (if you remember, the first sign of Dr Jekyll changing into Mr Hyde was always the growth of monkey-like hair/fur). Now, nearly 150 years later, we have come a long way from that image and we have learnt that: apes are not brutish at all, but instead have very sophisticated minds, experience complex feelings like us and are capable of great kindness and tenderness towards their little ones. This is true for gorillas too, the apes who have more commonly been used to represent the brutish, primeval instincts of the human species, identified with the Subconscious. The reality is very different: gorillas are – unlike their human cousins – very peaceful creatures who avoid conflict whenever they can. The image of the Subconscious has also changed greatly and it is now shifting at an increased speed from a brutish, elementary form of intelligence to a very sophisticated one, with an infinitely wider breadth of knowledge, wisdom and understanding than our highly limited, detail-centred conscious mind. More and more experts in the field have started to think that our mind is probably not composed of three elements (Subconscious, Conscious and Super-Conscious or Higher Self), but of two: Conscious and “Non-Conscious”, where the Non-Conscious includes both the Subconscious and the Higher-Self, which have now started to be recognised as one and the same.

This idea is not recent anyway, since it germinated from the concept of the Collective Subconscious formulated a century ago by Carl Gustav Jung, who laid the first stepping stone in this direction. Since its first formulation a lot of work has been carried out in this field and today those of us who are familiar with working with the subconscious mind know very well how intelligent, sensitive and wise the Subconscious is. Its sense of humour in particular never ceases to amaze me, together with its wisdom and gentle care in its continuous attempt to protect us from discomfort and suffering. Unlike the case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, our Subconscious is our best friend and protector, only too eager to please us and grant us what we ask. This is why we have to be very careful about what we actually ask for, and we need to make sure that our demands are formulated properly so as not to risk ending up with something very different from our expectations. It is now clear that, during our incarnation, while our spirit is trapped in a material body, the Subconscious is our portal to the Spiritual World and to a wisdom and power that we cannot even fathom, let alone dream of mastering in our conscious state. Hypnosis is the fastest, surest way to bring the Subconscious to the forefront so that we can work with it to solve our problems and have answers to our questions.
© Renata Bartoli 2009

Author's Bio: 

I have a solid academic background with more than 20 scholarly publications to my credit. I have nearly 40 years’ experience in helping teenagers and adults to improve their lives and solve their problems (gained teaching in Colleges and in Adult Education in several different countries), which I combine with the expertise I have obtained from my lifelong studies of Reincarnation and Spirituality.
I began practicing hypnotherapy in Italy in 1994, and since I moved to the UK I have gained several formal British and American qualifications in Hypnotherapy and Counselling.
I am now the director of my own successful private practice in North Harrow (London), At The Apple Tree Hypnotherapy. Footprints from the Past is our specialised branch dedicated to Regression work and other holistic techniques.
We specialise in Advanced Past Life Regression Techniques, Stop-Smoking and Weight-Management Therapy as well as Grief and Bereavement Counselling. We have also created a very powerful new technique called Interactive Inner World Therapy, exclusively practised At The Apple Tree, which combines various techniques in a new blend of therapy that yields excellent results for many and varied conditions both physical and emotional (see our website for a complete list of the therapies and techniques available). We actively update our expertise on an ongoing basis and we are fully insured and bound by a strict code of conduct. Confidentiality is assured at all times.
As a practice we endeavour to provide support and guidance (via email and telephone) after a client has left our premises for as long as it benefits them. Our objective is always to provide a high quality bespoke service to those who put their trust in us, which is why we work only with a limited number of clients at any one time.
All our scripts are personalised, and our clients can be assured that they are created specifically for them and perfectly tailored to their problem and the causes that created it. We are all unique individuals with unique needs and unique solutions, and we know that having the same problem doesn’t mean that we can solve it in the same way. At The Apple Tree we shall help our clients' Subconscious to unleash their full potential.
All therapies are offered in ENGLISH and ITALIAN. Telephone sessions are available worldwide via Skype or conventional telephone connection.

(see our websites : www.footprintsfromthepast.co.uk and www.the-apple-tree.co.uk).