We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Memory Training and Memory Improvement". If you have expertise in Memory Training and Memory Improvement and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
I felt like an idiot sitting in the restaurant on my own. Time ticked by and I tried not to look at my mobile for the zillionth time to see how long I’d already been there, looking like sad, middle-aged woman who’d been stood up. I wanted to stand up and explain to the restaurant that I was ... Views: 2119
It seems a long time since I was in grade school but I can remember having a science class where the teacher handed round a model of a human brain. It looked kind of creepy and I wasn’t keen to touch it. But I can still hear him talking about how we, at about eleven, had all the brain cells we’d ... Views: 1637
One of the most worrying things we face as we age is losing our ability to think and function rationally. Recent research demonstrates that by the age of 35, the human brain starts to decline in a consistent way. As time progresses, the degeneration of the brain continues steadily to forms of ... Views: 1378
As you've no doubt experienced, a particular song can take you back to a particular place and time; you remember where you were when you heard it and what you were doing. The song itself allowed you to access the memory and without it, you wouldn't of. Music, therefore, can facilitate memory ... Views: 1221
Encouraging Alzheimer’s sufferers to take care of plastic dolls may seem like an unusual type of therapy but it’s been proving to have a positive effect, so much so, it’s aided in reducing patients’ dependency on psychotropic drugs.
When a person develops Alzheimer’s they lose interest in ... Views: 2246
Have you had trouble remembering passwords or the time and location of an appointment you made a week ago?
Or forgotten an important birthdays? Been out and worried about whether you’d taken your medication, turned out the light, turned off the oven?
So, what’s happening?
Are you losing your ... Views: 3658
There are some great memory improvement techniques you can learn. Techniques that will help in turning numbers into words, memorizing names and remembering shopping lists. Let’s discuss how to memorize a list of grocery items. We will use 4 items only but you will see the size of the list does ... Views: 1331
Read. Recall. Write.
Experiments show that the way most of us try to learn new material is inefficient. We read and reread a passage until we think we understand it. Then we are done. In fact, we learn much more effectively if we read, try to recall what we just read, and then write it down or ... Views: 3423
Head trauma or also known as concussion is one way in which you can experience memory loss and this is something to not be taken lightly. Now before we discuss the connection between memory loss and head injury, we need to understand better what happens when you do experience head trauma. The ... Views: 1742
One activity you can consider doing is called mnemonics. This is the use of association to help you remember certain things that you would most likely forget. Many people are currently using this methodology to help them remember things more easily, and one of the larger groups of people who are ... Views: 2022
Essentially, there are basically two varied types of memory loss that you should be aware of when talking about how you remember. These are of course short term and long term memory loss. And the former is really one of the more common ones within the circles of society and it refers to a very ... Views: 1758
When we talk about the full potential of human memory retention, like everything else, we are not using the full potential of our memory capabilities and this is down to many factors. One of them is of course genetics, which give us a predisposition on how we use the neurons in our brain and how ... Views: 2213
The funny thing is that all of us are capable of somewhat developing a photographic memory but let us set things straight from the get go. There is no such thing as a perfect memory because the human genome structure by itself is imperfect, and having a condition which allows us to remember ... Views: 2705
There are people that strain and struggle to remember things on a daily basis. There could be a number of reasons for this. However, there are ways that you can get your brain trained for memory improvement.
There are certain things that each side of your brain is responsible for. For ... Views: 1019
One of the main causes of memory loss is that the food we eat can be quite good or even quite bad for the brain. If you do look it up, you will realise that there is plenty of the so called brain food and nutrients that are good for the brain. A lot of people actually do ignore how important the ... Views: 1010
There is a very big connection when you are talking about depression and memory loss and this is because of how depression works and how it affects the body and the mind. At its most unpleasant, depression leaves a small amount of corners of the human mind safe and sound. Countless people ... Views: 1650
You need to know that the mind works with the senses a lot as the flow of information comes from the outside world to the one inside us in the cortex of the brain. How it works is that the mind does a lot of association in the first place, which means that whatever information there is in the ... Views: 4575
One of the ways you can develop a photographic memory is to follow some simple ways of unconventional memory training listed here in this article. The thing about a photographic memory is really down to association and how you entrain the brain to remember better. The thing is, the ability to ... Views: 2200
The brain is capable of interpreting and recalling 100% of information daily, yet most people use 10% or less of the mind on an average. Recently, researchers have discovered that the left and right side of the brain’s cortex works in complete harmony to gather all information that has been ... Views: 938
Your memory is very important to you, and when considering this, there is nothing that we normally do to ensure that our memory capacity is at their highest capacity. Conducting a memory loss test is quite crucial when you see the signs that your memory is not what it used to be. There are many ... Views: 1916
As all of us are not born equal, some of us have more of a photographic memory than others and this is down to genetics and the sort of biological information that people get in their DNA. As some of us have different memory capacities than others, gaining a photographic memory is something that ... Views: 4966
Having a photographic memory is not something you can actually be born with. Some of us have a photographic memory and some of us do not. This is where the basis of evolution and generation genetic information come into play and the strength of our memories are dependent on these and maybe ... Views: 1670
Mind stimulation is one of the best ways that you can improve your memory in the long run, and this is something you need to do on a daily basis. One of the main reasons why people do suffer from long term memory loss is because they allow themselves to be imprisoned by their mundane and ... Views: 822
For a lot of people out there, there is no stopping memory loss once they start to mature in their age, and this becomes even more noticeable as they slip past the ages of 40 and get well into their 50’s. The thing is, the science behind this is so advanced that the patterns of age related short ... Views: 1147
Depression, anxiety, panic, obsessions, addiction and memory loss are problems faced by an increasing number of people.
Friends, family and sadly, even doctors, often tell you that self-discipline, “getting over it,” or long-term psychotherapy are the ways to kick these mind-states. They will ... Views: 9058
Forgetting follows a pattern. There are steep drop offs in retention after 60 minutes and after 24 hours. Immediately after learning something, you will be able to retrieve a great deal of information. But then you will forget the information rapidly if you do not review it – first within an ... Views: 1334
"If you want to win friends, make it a point to remember them. If you remember my name, you pay me a subtle compliment; you indicate that I have made an impression on you. Remember my name and you add to my feeling of importance." - Dale Carnegie
It's common to hear people say that they can't ... Views: 2692
Our memory is so important since it helps us to keep those life events in our mind for the years to come. Of course when you remember a memory from 15 years before but you forget the grocery list, it can be so irritating. There are many who want to find a way that they can improve upon their ... Views: 3010
There are many concepts that people use for memory improvement. There are many methods to choose from, but there is one that has been around since the test of time. The Loci method is so ancient that orators of the Greek and Roman countries used it for memorizing speeches and lists that were ... Views: 1229
Are you having difficulty in remembering names, faces, figures, and events? Do you envy other people who remember facts and dates with exquisite detail? Well, you can stop feeling envious now. Yes, it's true that some people are gifted with the uncanny ability to remember just about anything ... Views: 2205
Memory loss can be due to something as simple as not actively stimulating the brain to more serious medical conditions. However, if medical reasons have been ruled out for your memory loss yet it is still causing active problems in your life you may want to look into ways of improving your ... Views: 969
Failing memory can be a scary thing; however, it does not mean that you have necessarily have a medical condition that is leading to your memory loss. Often times hectic lives are enough to cause our memory to fail us when we are trying to recall something that otherwise would have been ... Views: 1502
Bacopa monniera (or as it is more commonly known Brahmi) is a traditional Indian herbal remedy that has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine as a “mind enhancer” but it has been used to treat and help those affected by stroke, nervous breakdown, mental exhaustion, hyperactivity, ... Views: 3338
Our working memory is what we can recall from moments ago. Say you are at a party and there are a bunch of new faces you do not recognize. You introduce yourself to a few individuals and them to you and a few minutes later someone asks you if you know one particular individuals name and you ... Views: 2189
Think of your brain as one of the most powerful muscles in your body, because in a sense it is. It may be an organ however, without it, where would one be. People spend tons of money yearly to workout in gyms, go to spas for relaxing massages, and do everything in their power to stay ... Views: 929
Poor memory is not something for just the aged or matured adult, poor memory can affect anyone of any age. There are many techniques that are available to people to help them improve their memory, however not all are as easy as they like to make it claim to be. Some require a lot of time, ... Views: 1782
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My Memory Serves Me - by Eric Taylor – SelfGrowth.com’s Chief Inspiration Officer
Dear High Achiever:
Is your memory an asset? Or a liability? Think of the times when you’ve been introduced to someone at a business, social or even family function and, within 5 seconds of meeting that person and hearing their name, you forgot it.
Embarrassing? No doubt.
And … If it’s the ... Views: 1243
Growing up in the UK in the early 70s one of my favourite TV
programmes was the BBC children's classic, The Clangers.
The Clangers were small pink, piglet-like creatures who wore clothes, spoke in whistles and lived far, far away on a small, hollow planet which kind of resembled the moon.
They ... Views: 1111
I recently stumbled upon something most peculiar.
I guess you'd call it a memory phenomenon. It appears that the Sydney suburb of Annandale is home to a mysterious, elite group of people possessing super memory powers.
You see each morning these memory maestros gather in the local park to ... Views: 1316
How would you like to know that you could go about improving your memory for people’s names by probably 40 or 50% simply by learning a few simple tips? You can — by using a simple procedure used by Napoleon the third, nephew of the great Napoleon. He boasted that even with all his duties as ... Views: 1137
Do you occasionally have one of those “senior moments” where you walk into a room and then totally blank out on why you went in there, or scramble mentally to remember the name of a person to whom you were just introduced? These small memory lapses happen to everyone – they are simply part of ... Views: 1082
Memory is not something you don’t have; it has little to do with genetics or environment.
The problem has never been that we have “faulty” equipment; that our brains are broken or don’t work. The problem has always been awareness. We haven’t been taught how to properly use our brains. For ... Views: 1975
Remembering is the storing and recalling of memories. It’s a biological process that involves dedicated brain structures. When a memory is encoded, it is dismembered and handed off to different parts of the brain for storage. Getting all these pieces back together is an inaccurate process. Hence ... Views: 1577
The bell rings and the students pick up their backpacks, say a couple of “See yas!” and dash to class. The students enter, jostle and settle and the learning begins! (Yeah, right!). Some minutes later the bell rings and the students pack up and pick up their backpacks and dash to a different ... Views: 704
Remembering the names and faces of colleagues, business associates, and clients is an important skill for business success. Here are some effective techniques for remembering this critical information:
1. Associate someone that you've just met with someone else that has the same name. For ... Views: 3382
I feel that I have a responsibility to reveal certain secrets to you here at MIND to MIND. Secrets that hold you back from your success.
Have you ever wondered about Your photographic memory? What would you think if I told you that you were born with a photographic memory? Some people carry ... Views: 3077
The human brain is the single most underutilized organ in the human body. The availability of memory assistance gadgets in the marketplace has led to more and more people depending on electronics to remember simple day-to-day things.
We all believe we live in what is often grandly called, the ... Views: 2558
Proper preparation of your speech is half the battle. Know you
subject thoroughly then make an outline for the introduction, main body and conclusion. Start your speech with something to startle your audience into complete attention such as a weird statement or funny happening.
In presenting ... Views: 1517
Training needs at work are overlooked believe almost 50% of employees and 33% would like to use the extra day in the leap year for training, according to a recent survey.
The Learning and Skills Council (LSC) questioned over 1,000 employees to ask what they would most like to use the extra ... Views: 2408
How do you choose the best meditation music? Baroque music is often recommended, and particular pieces may have the right number of beats-per-minute to alter your brainwaves. But more on that in a moment. The science isn't that settled in this area yet, and you may find that any music which you ... Views: 2717