Most of you will be dreaming about improving your memory. However, many people are not aware of the different techniques that will help them to achieve this. Some of the most popular techniques that are used for improving your memory power are mentioned below.
Exercising your memory daily ... Views: 1378
Sometimes forgetting can be a small issue like not remembering your associate’s birthday. But after that it might be your anniversary or where you left your car keys. We all suffer moments when we forget things.
We don’t all have natural incredible memories. But we can learn techniques that ... Views: 1163
Associating or linking words to each other is one of the bet ways on memorizing lists or groups of words. Creating pictures in your mind while linking two objects together will enable your mind to remember what it learned even better.
Your memory works best when it sees pictures in your minds ... Views: 1343
From older students who want to jumpstart their brains to those who find that a faulty memory often results in confusion and increasing difficulty with completing tasks there are several memorization techniques that can make learning, remembering, and comprehending a simpler task. In fact, ... Views: 2651
There are some great memory improvement techniques you can learn. Techniques that will help in turning numbers into words, memorizing names and remembering shopping lists. Let’s discuss how to memorize a list of grocery items. We will use 4 items only but you will see the size of the list does ... Views: 1338
There are people that strain and struggle to remember things on a daily basis. There could be a number of reasons for this. However, there are ways that you can get your brain trained for memory improvement.
There are certain things that each side of your brain is responsible for. For ... Views: 1026
The brain is capable of interpreting and recalling 100% of information daily, yet most people use 10% or less of the mind on an average. Recently, researchers have discovered that the left and right side of the brain’s cortex works in complete harmony to gather all information that has been ... Views: 942
There are many concepts that people use for memory improvement. There are many methods to choose from, but there is one that has been around since the test of time. The Loci method is so ancient that orators of the Greek and Roman countries used it for memorizing speeches and lists that were ... Views: 1231
Memory loss can be due to something as simple as not actively stimulating the brain to more serious medical conditions. However, if medical reasons have been ruled out for your memory loss yet it is still causing active problems in your life you may want to look into ways of improving your ... Views: 974
Failing memory can be a scary thing; however, it does not mean that you have necessarily have a medical condition that is leading to your memory loss. Often times hectic lives are enough to cause our memory to fail us when we are trying to recall something that otherwise would have been ... Views: 1508
Our working memory is what we can recall from moments ago. Say you are at a party and there are a bunch of new faces you do not recognize. You introduce yourself to a few individuals and them to you and a few minutes later someone asks you if you know one particular individuals name and you ... Views: 2193
Think of your brain as one of the most powerful muscles in your body, because in a sense it is. It may be an organ however, without it, where would one be. People spend tons of money yearly to workout in gyms, go to spas for relaxing massages, and do everything in their power to stay ... Views: 933
Poor memory is not something for just the aged or matured adult, poor memory can affect anyone of any age. There are many techniques that are available to people to help them improve their memory, however not all are as easy as they like to make it claim to be. Some require a lot of time, ... Views: 1788
When you thought you have everything placed for memorization use, think again. The fact is; there’s a big possibility that these things could be the very element why you forget important information which you should’ve been retaining in the first place.
Having said this, lets cite ... Views: 1814
Memorization techniques, tips and advices can be found everywhere. Probably there are just so many things you’ve already read off from books, magazines and of course the Internet but then there is always some methods that apply better for you which may not work for others.
Whichever the ... Views: 4450
When we have something to memorize or at least to remember for the day, we tend to forget all about it although we have been thinking not to forget since we got out of bed. But the wonder of the human brain doesn’t work like that. The more we force for it to work, in this case, absorb as ... Views: 1008
Using association for memorization is a proven and effective way of retrieving information. Anything new to the mind is easily remembered if paired with another familiar object or any piece of information. This is the only secret and formula why memorization through association method works very ... Views: 981
You have tried memorizing small group of words, perhaps 3 to 5 items at a time. But there will come a time when you’ll need more than 5 items to remember or even more than that. When you’re mentally unprepared to load your brain with information, there is a big chance you won’t ... Views: 2633
Learning is part of growing up. But if you’re done with learning and you think that at your stage right now you don’t need to learn at all; well, you’re wrong. Our brain never stops working and each time we absorb in new information, it continues to store it. The fact is that ... Views: 932
You’ve heard about several memory enhancing techniques. Linking and associating, creating a story out of several items you need to remember. There are in fact, many ways how you can remember important information such as numbers, events, errands and names. The challenge is how to make all ... Views: 1594
Have you ever thought of how you’re able to remember names, things and faces? How about thinking about the way your memory works? Maybe you have but some of you have not thought about it all. How about this, picture how you’re able to recognize some information easily while the rest ... Views: 904
Memorization tires most of us. Admit it; we’d rather glance on our palm tops or organizers once in a while for convenience. Memorization is something we don’t want to deal with for the rest of our lives although we deal with it in school because it’s something we need to ... Views: 1870
A lot of us are failed by our memory. Although it is not entirely a sign of ageing or brain deficiency, memory lapses can lead to severe memory gap or sometimes, even memory loss. The best way to keep our minds working even at the busiest times of the day is to remember things, items and ... Views: 2728
Have you ever had problems in remembering names, numbers, grocery items needed, and other little details such as the location where you placed your car keys this morning? The truth is; we all have our moments of forgetting little bits of information that matters at the exact moment we need ... Views: 1746
For over many centuries now, memory techniques have evolved according to how they are used and learned by people. We all know that the process of remembering information is called ‘mnemonics’. We also know that mnemonics isn’t similar to magic tricks but due to its proven ... Views: 2565
I want to explain a technique that is used to remember long lists. It is especially useful if you have to remember the list in a particular order.
Let's say that you are going shopping and need to remember 5 items. This can be used with 50 items as well.
The items ... Views: 1176
A Quick Word Helps to Remember
Do you have a list you have to remember quickly? Take the first letters and form an acronym. For example - you have to remember to send Fred, Lisa, Ethel and Andrew cards. Yes, their first initials form the word FLEA. Imagine itching (your head?) because you have ... Views: 1249