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With any disease or illness the earlier it is recognised or diagnosed the sooner interventions can be made to start to improve the condition and delay its progression. With that in mind I would like to list some of the important signs to look out for (whilst making a note on any normal ... Views: 2461
This is an article about your memory: how it works and how to improve it Study increasingly informs us that more group engagement delays memory loss as we get older. This is not remarkable because relating to other people exercises the memory at many levels. As we understand more about how ... Views: 1652
I’m not talking about heavy metal music, although frequency-wise that’s an interesting topic on its own. I’m writing about health news regarding the brain that has been published lately, and I’d like to share some of it. As an energetic health practitioner who works with the Chinese Five ... Views: 2672
You may have heard, “Use it or lose it.”
What you may not have heard, but will in years to come based on latest brain science, is “Train it and get more of it.”
Mental or brain training goes beyond simple mental activity. It is the structured use of mental exercises or techniques aimed at ... Views: 2180
There are those who say wisdom comes with age, but that wisdom comes with a price as well. Fine lines, white hairs and failing memory may be constant reminders that age is catching up with us. By taking note of a few tips, we can maintain our mental acuity even as the years take a toll on our ... Views: 1783
For thousands of years, people from diverse cultures around the world have passed on their traditions, beliefs, and advice through the telling of stories. These stories have achieved the following:
• explained lessons of life
• how to survive in difficult circumstances
• why things have ... Views: 2438
Often, many of my over-40 patients will tell me that they have “fuzzy”, or even scattered, thinking. They can’t remember where they put their keys or their wallet and may even have difficulty recalling a person’s name or the name of something they use every day! This causes a lot of concern that ... Views: 1758
For thousands of years, people from diverse cultures around the world have passed on their traditions, beliefs, and advice through the telling of stories. These stories have explained the following:
• Lessons of life
• How to survive in difficult circumstances
• Why things have happened ... Views: 1936
Kinesthetic learning (touch) is important to learning and memory. Many teachers use kinesthetic learning to help students who have trouble listening or watching lessons. However, kinesthetic learning is important for everyone.
Kinesthetic—tactile stimulation—reveals information about ... Views: 10528
Have you found this article by surfing the Internet for topics of interest? Or responded to a Google Alert about a subject that concerns you - brainpower, aging parents, growing children, nourishing relationships, family conflicts, Sandwiched Boomers? If so, congratulations, you're boosting the ... Views: 1685
I hear it all the time. A friend is telling me something and before she finishes, there’s a pause. She might clear her throat and crinkle her eyebrows. Then she says, “Oh dear, another senior moment.”
Usually the person is over 50 – but lately I’ve been hearing it even from men and women ... Views: 2036
I am the queen of color. Or, so I tell my students as I work with them, invariably using color as a training tool. Of course, they also think I'm a nut case, and that may well be true, but the bottom line is this: I get results with color. A normal child spends most of his day in school, dealing ... Views: 2555
There are hundreds of ways to increase brainpower. They range from dietary practices and specific supplements to creative thinking techniques and even environmental changes. Here are six short examples of things you can try today to boost the power of your brain and mind.
Act ... Views: 1637
Most of you will be dreaming about improving your memory. However, many people are not aware of the different techniques that will help them to achieve this. Some of the most popular techniques that are used for improving your memory power are mentioned below.
Exercising your memory daily ... Views: 1378
What used to pass as meditation CDs were often just gentle sounds of nature and music. Some may have used musical pieces by Bach and others that have been shown to alter brainwaves. Either of these were basically relaxing recordings which might have helped with meditation, but didn't induce a ... Views: 1489
Studies have shown that regular exercise may not only improve thinking and memory in the elderly. It may help turn back the clock on brain ageing.
Evidences in 2 new research studies have shown that regular aerobic exercise can be effective in this area. In one study, researchers found ... Views: 1268
While recognition of stages involving cognition in the developing child are universal--although much disagreement exists regarding the nature and substance of those stages--the study of cognitive change in adulthood becomes mired in the various definitions and philosophical views proposed by the ... Views: 4720
Sometimes forgetting can be a small issue like not remembering your associate’s birthday. But after that it might be your anniversary or where you left your car keys. We all suffer moments when we forget things.
We don’t all have natural incredible memories. But we can learn techniques that ... Views: 1163
Have you ever had the desire to speed read? Just imagine how helpful it would be in your daily life to at least double your reading speed. Especially today in the information age, learning how to increase your reading speed would be such a helpful tool for so many of us.
It boggles the mind ... Views: 2676
You have a great job, a great family and life is looking good. But are you keeping your mind active, or are you allowing it to stagnate? It is important to do a wide range of mentally challenging activities to keep your mind in tip-top condition, but there are other aspects of your life and ... Views: 1854
Imagine if you will, we are all robots designed for a specific task, and we are all controlled by a computer in our head. When we need to do more tasks, our owners could simply install a motherboard, chip or hard-disk to upgrade our memory and learning capabilities. But the human brain is ... Views: 17442
People who have had depression are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than people who have never had depression, according to a study published in the April 8, 2008, issue of Neurology.
The study involved 486 people age 60 to 90 who had no dementia. Of those, 134 people had ... Views: 1577
In a recent study, researchers evaluated the levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (better known by its simple name of vitamin D to you and me) in a group of 3,369 men between the ages of 40 and 79. They also measured the subjects' cognitive performance, based on the results of three different tests ... Views: 1660
A study recently in the Alzheimer's and Dementia Journal reviewed previous studies in a bid to find a link between different infections and Alzheimer's.
One bacterium the researchers have stumbled upon is the Chlamydia Pneumoniae, believed to be the cause of 10 to 20 percent of pneumonia ... Views: 1489
More and more research proves that the health of your brain is directly linked to your diet. Specific nutrients and vitamins can improve cognitive function and strengthen nerve connection. By making a few simple changes to your diet, it is possible to protect and preserve the brain and improve ... Views: 2710
A study published in the July 2009 edition of the British Medical Journal finds that people who lived with a partner during middle age had much lower odds of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease later in life.
Researchers in Sweden and Finland collected data on 1,449 people as part of a ... Views: 1495
What is human memory?
Simply stated, memory is the mental processes that are used to acquire, store, retain and later retrieve information. The information can be obtained from our 5 senses before they are processed by the brain. There are three major processes involved in memory, namely ... Views: 3727
Acquiring information by relating the information to your personal experience, requires more activity than just committing it to memory. Nevertheless, the activity is so much more pleasant and you remember better! You will probably not experience it as work. Listen to people who are skillful ... Views: 1299
Lithium, used for decades to treat manic depression, has been shown in mice to block the production of proteins that accumulate in the brains of Alzheimer's patients, suggesting a future role for the drug in treating the disease, a new study said.
The researchers who conducted the experiments ... Views: 2054
Alzheimer's Disease Could Be Tackled by Treating the Liver of Sufferers,
So They Can Dispose of a Toxic Protein Linked to the Illness
Scientists believe that helping the liver to clear amyloid-beta protein from the blood could provide a new way of combating the devastating effects of ... Views: 1495
A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has shown that a chemical found in celery can help to reduce brain inflammation which may have a vital role to play in the treatment of neurological diseases and auto-immune system disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and ... Views: 4176
According to new research, drinking two glasses of milk every day could help protect against memory loss and Alzheimer's disease in old age. Researchers from the University of Oxford have discovered that milk is one of the best sources of a key vitamin thought to reduce the neurological damage ... Views: 1677
Have you ever turned on your computer and -- nothing! nada! Zero. Panic, because I make my living on the computer. So I call my computer expert and he appears at 10:00 a.m. Many calls to his supervisors throughout the day, with no solution. He promises to stay until the situation is resolved. I ... Views: 3701
Associating or linking words to each other is one of the bet ways on memorizing lists or groups of words. Creating pictures in your mind while linking two objects together will enable your mind to remember what it learned even better.
Your memory works best when it sees pictures in your minds ... Views: 1343
Why do so many people suffer from information overload and so few people achieve information mastery? If you are interested to improve your mind, improve your memory, improve concentration and to remember tons of information, there are memory training methods and memory techniques that really ... Views: 2161
Working with one of my memoir writers recently we found she was having trouble with the chronology of her life story, and she began to bemoan the loss of her diaries. She had, she said, destroyed several of her diaries in a fit of boredom. She’d looked at them, declared there was nothing ... Views: 916
If you think that you can get smarter if you use your brains more often, you are partially correct. While exercising your memory or “using your brain” more often does not boost your IQ, it can help improve your memory. And a good solid memory is the cornerstone of mental intelligence and ... Views: 1628
Are you a Twitter follower? You'll see lots of Tweets about short term memory loss. Usually after a weekend partying, hitting the books for exams, going through a stressful relationship break up or just too much of everything!
Tweeters often joke about memory loss:
"Memory loss runs in my ... Views: 1513
Have you ever had your keys in your hand one minute and then 2 seconds later, have no idea where you put them? If it happens more often than you think is “typical old age” you might wonder if you are losing your mind. Most people accept forgetfulness as just a part of getting old and hope that ... Views: 2149
Memories can be a very basic part of us because they literally make up a large part of who we are. We remember good and bad times, memorable times, and so on. Unfortunately, sometimes our memories begin to fail us, such as when we forget what we've come to a particular room to do or a similar ... Views: 3742
In The Alzheimer's Alternative with have discussed in detail the advantages of a Mediterranean diet and how simple dietary changes can improve mental health and brain function - and this is confirmed once again by a new study.
Junk food, cured meats, cheap beer and over-use of agricultural ... Views: 2855
New research (from the Journal of the American Medical Association 2009) suggests a link between dangerously low blood sugar and dementia in older patients with type 2 diabetes raises more questions about the strategy of aggressively treating diabetes patients to achieve tight glycaemic ... Views: 4633
Another recent study has shown the remarkable effects of vitamin B3 on memory loss and high doses of Vitamin B3 could have a dramatic effect on the progression of this disease.
This further breakthrough (which as readers of The Alzheimer's Alternative you are already aware of!) comes from the ... Views: 2748
One of the most powerful organs in human body is the brain. When we talk of brain, our main focus seems to be on Science, but for common people, the various aspects of brain popularly known are: mind, intelligence, consciousness, and memory. Out of these four the one, which we are more ... Views: 2452
Establishing your memory power
Prior to starting, as you make a start developing your memory it is a great idea to have a little fun and find out just how strong your memorisation powers are right now. Doing this short quizz will show you where your memory is strongest – eg., you remember ... Views: 1405
Forgetfulness seems to be a harmless trait. After all, the human mind has its own limitations. But there's a price to pay for being forgetful about important things. Forget to pay your bills, and you'll soon end up in debts. Forget to turn off the oven before you leave, and your home might burn ... Views: 1448
The key to improving short term memory is intention. Here are some tips and techniques to get you started. In any given situation, if you perceive the circumstance or information to be important and you intend to recall it later, you can then make your choice to focus on it, interact with it to ... Views: 4860
If you need to recall something that you learnt just a few seconds ago, to maybe 2 minutes ago, you are using your short term memory. Many factors affect your short term memory, also known as working memory. Understanding, or being aware of these factors can help you dramatically improve your ... Views: 2722
The more you work your brain with brain exercises, the more likely you will stave off Alzheimer's disease and acquire brain fitness.
Just a modest amount of mental stimulation or brain exercises can go a long way towards warding off Alzheimer's disease and attain brain fitness. This is the ... Views: 2003
From older students who want to jumpstart their brains to those who find that a faulty memory often results in confusion and increasing difficulty with completing tasks there are several memorization techniques that can make learning, remembering, and comprehending a simpler task. In fact, ... Views: 2651