Turmeric is not only tasty & colorful, it’s healthy! Turmeric is a spice, in the same family as ginger, cardamom & zedoary. Turmeric contains circumin: recently shown effective in the fight against osteoarthritis, breast cancer, & Alzheimer's Disease. Turmeric is reasonably priced. You can buy a ... Views: 2501
Migraine is more than just a bad headache. With over 45 million sufferers in the USA alone, migraines have a substantial impact on both personal and working life. One in 10 people suffer with migraine, of which nearly 75% are women. In business, migraines account for approximately 57 million ... Views: 1865
What if there was a miracle pill that if you took it each day would give you a 30% less chance of getting heart disease, a 50% less chance of diabetes and would help you live a longer and healthier life? Even better, what if it is FREE?
You already have it built into your body: it’s the ability ... Views: 1075
1. Don't take long or hot showers or baths (that washes away your natural body oils).
2. LIMIT time to 7-10 minutes.
3. SKIP antibacterial, deodorant, and perfumed soaps (they tend to dry your skin). Try a mild, moisturizing soap instead: Dove, Oil of Olay fragrance-free ... Views: 1039
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The TMJ or Temporal-Mandibular Joint (the jaw joint) is a very complicated area and much has been written about it, both on the internet and in print. TMJ therapy and treatment is a very controversial area and you can only believe a small portion of what you ... Views: 1021
Surpisingly, you'll get the same amount of muscle toning you'd attain after hours of repetitive calisthenics. Remember, always check with your own doctor before starting an exercise program.
THIS IS A SHORT WAY TO A NEW YOU! Doing this 2-minute program 5 times a day can take an inch from your ... Views: 1146