One summer while I was on vacation from college I became a tin man: selling aluminum siding and roofing door to door in the Boston area. The business has a bad reputation but our siding and our roofs were the finest available. Our prices were high but fair. In spite of what consumers always want ... Views: 1575
Filling the Glass: The Skeptic’s Guide to Positive Thinking in Business by Barry Maher (Dearborn Trade Publishing, $19.95)
Rating: $$$$$
Barry Maher’s new book, Filling the Glass: The Skeptic’s Guide to Positive Thinking is a business self-help book with an edge: Chicken Soup for the ... Views: 1327
Many managers extol and even demand teamwork, then set up situations that destroy any possible team spirit.
Tip: Don't expect team players, if you haven't made it a team sport.
If you want team play and then set up competitions in which one employee wins and others lose, you aren't going to ... Views: 2653
As you can tell from the title, this article is about sex. Actually it’s more business than it is about sex. Which is probably because I know a lot more about business than I know about sex.
A fairly successful individual named Warren Buffett once remarked that he worried about people who ... Views: 2033
A few years ago, a management and sales expert came up with what he considered a first-rate idea. With so many unhappy, lonely people in the world, he figured he could provide them with a little comfort and make money at the same time by offering them personalized, written advice on their ... Views: 2726
I would love to be able to tell you to "follow your bliss." I'd love to be able to tell you that if you don't love what you are doing, go do something you love. That's the easy answer and it's a good one. Unfortunately like a lot of good answers it's not always possible.
We've all heard the ... Views: 1267
When you fail, when you make a mistake, keep your head—unless you can think of a lot of situations that were actually improved by panic. And, own up to your mistake—to yourself and to any others involved. Anyone who doesn't realize that's the best course of action hasn't been paying much ... Views: 1440
It's far easier to make someone else a believer when you're a believer yourself.
Let’s say you have a health problem and you go to a doctor. You want him to listen, evaluate and investigate. When he makes his recommendation, you want to hear as much confidence as possible.
"Andrew, you've ... Views: 1432