Parenting is a continual learning process. As a boomer, your kids may be older, but they are still kids. Parenting requires an understanding of the child’s needs and the skills to meet those needs, and sometimes even additional special attention. Talking to your children could be one of the ... Views: 1299
Who better to talk about adversity than Christopher Reeve? He said, “When the first Superman movie came out I was frequently asked “What is a hero?” My answer was that a hero is someone who commits a courageous action without considering the consequences…Now my definition is completely ... Views: 1918
Every year ushers in another birthday and another notch on the headboard of your life. And each year brings another challenge in dealing with growing older.
As you enter or work through midlife, you are experiencing many drastic changes. Your body parts are shifting, you're gaining or losing ... Views: 1980
People who excel in life are said to be emotionally intelligent. This means you have greater self-control, compassion and awareness for other people’s feelings in relation to your own.
There are several parameters to determine your EI Quotient. The following are the guidelines to ... Views: 9021
How much time do you spend complaining that things are not going well? Are you unhappy
with your outcomes? Maybe it's time to take responsibility for what is working and
what is not.
Basically, if you realize that your thoughts, feelings and actions put you where you are
today, then your ... Views: 1491
We, baby boomers, sometimes become jaded because we’ve been through so much. However, it’s important to realize that the same attention we pay to negative things can be better spent refocusing our thoughts on the positive. There is no point holding on to negative images when they ... Views: 1449
Life has a way of surprising us with challenges we didn’t expect, especially when it comes to our health. Studies show that some people deal with health issues with greater resiliency than others. They tend to rebound and take on difficult situations with confidence and hope. If you ... Views: 5878
You’ve heard people say that affirmations don’t really work and that when you say them you are basically lying to yourself. After all, how can you state, “I am prosperous and living a life of leisure and joy,” when you are actually in debt and working two jobs?
In order ... Views: 1278
For most people, the idea of seeking professional counseling is likely to be very intimidating and even unsettling. But if your problems are severe, have persisted for some time, or your personal efforts have been ineffective, it is advisable and advantageous to seek professional help.
How do ... Views: 1284
I wish I had more time. How often have you said or thought that? You’re not alone. One of the biggest challenges people face as they juggle parenting, work and their intimate relationships is fitting everything in. It’s also one of the most difficult topics to deal with because most people ... Views: 1729
For most people, the idea of seeking professional counseling is likely to be very intimidating and even unsettling. But if your problems are severe, have persisted for some time, or your personal efforts have been ineffective, it is advisable and advantageous to seek professional help. Since ... Views: 882
Because women can identify and verbalize how they feel easily, they naturally know when they are happy and when they aren’t. But they may not know what truly makes them happy. The secret to being happy varies from person to person and research has shown that we may be wired for happiness by ... Views: 810