We all know what it's like to want for things, both tangible and intangible. It is often the first step in moving from where we are to where we want to be. Wanting 'for' someone else, however, is a powerful concept, both for you and the other person.

'Wanting for' another person transcends the everyday experience and touches the soul of both individuals, evoking our inner wisdom and connection to the Universe. If we are doing the 'wanting', it lifts us up out of ourselves and comes from that cleanest, purest part of ourselves. If we are being 'wanted for', it can make us feel cared for, heard, loved. Both are potent feelings.

Here are 10 extremely powerful "want fors". If you want them for others, remember to add their name after the 'you' in each statement. Also bear in mind that they are a gift from you to them. You receive delight in the pure giving, not in how it is received. The other person is at liberty to accept, decline, or ignore it.

1. What I want for you is to experience the true richness of life

2. What I want for you is to savor each and every moment of your day

3. What I want for you is to be treasured by your spouse/significant other, children, parents, siblings and friends

4. What I want for you is to be respected and held in high esteem by your neighbors, coworkers and community.

5. What I want for you is to wake up each morning, joyous at the prospect of the day before you.

6. What I want for you is to live in an environment filled with beauty, grace and order.

7. What I want for you is to look forward to all of life's challenges with excitement because you recognize that this is how you stretch, grow and become 'the best' that you can be.

8. What I want for you is to know what's really important to you - your core values -- and to base all your decisions and actions around them.

9. What I want for you is to live life in integrity with who you are and to fully express all 'parts' of yourself.

10. What I want for you is to 'get' that if you can't do it, you can't dream it. If 'it' ever crosses your mind, then you have the ability to create it.

Author's Bio: 

(c) 2002, Louise Morganti Kaelin. Louise is a Life Success Coach who partners with individuals who are READY (to live their best life), WILLING (to explore all options) and ABLE (to accept total support). Visit her website at http://www.touchpointcoaching.com to find out about her 10%-Invest-in-Yourself pricing program. To sign up for her bi-monthly free
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