The Ten Commandments for developing a sincere and persuasive personality are these:
1. Thou shalt determine to develop the art of sincerity.
2. Thou shalt observe other sincere and persuasive people and learn from them.
3. Thou shalt ask questions to find out more about people.
4. Thou shalt ... Views: 10003
Andrew Carnegie paid Charles Schwab a million dollars a year as president of U. S. Steel. When criticized by some of the board members for paying this salary to a man who knew nothing about the steel industry, Carnegie replied, "We have the greatest steel minds in the world, now we need a man ... Views: 993
In the late 1960's and early 1970's Glenn W Turner founded his first company Koscot a cosmetic company. As Mr. Turner spoke his staff would take extensive notes it is from this basis the company Dare To Be Great evolved.
The theme song "Dare to Be Great" states success is a state of mind. ... Views: 10009
We are all basically alike in our desires and capacities. There is not too great a difference in our abilities. Because there is not much foundational difference in people, we could theoretically assume everyone should progress at the same rate of speed. However, in practice this is just not ... Views: 1056
Daniel Webster was one of the greatest orators of all time. They say he even out talked the Devil to save a man's soul. What he said wasn't as important as the way he said It. But one sentence from his speeches sticks in my mind. "Let us," said Daniel Webster, "in this our day and generation ... Views: 1619
Great achievements arise only with our great challenges. As a nation and as individuals, we are going to be challenged greatly. How well we do depends on our willingness to "dare to be great"; to take the challenges and run with them, rather than be overwhelmed by them. Some pessimists ... Views: 826
Goals must be set in advance! Determine your direction accordingly.
When you consider setting goals in your life, you are much like the captain of a ship. You have the vast area of the sea of your life before you. You have the ship of your abilities, potentials and desires to carry you to your ... Views: 925