“Pray to receive great truth;
Pray to humble your spirit;
Pray to manage your destiny.
Keep your essence laden
with inspiration
to bring forth the mysteries
of abundance.”
What is true prayer? How can we use prayer to enhance our lives? Why is prayer important?
Very often people turn to ... Views: 617
"All happiness is born of love; Love gains meaning from adversity, so to suffer is to call upon the heart’s desire to conquer sadness."
How can we find Joy in the midst of our suffering? Don’t jump to conclusions that your suffering is to punish you. Suffering is always about change and ... Views: 715
Where is Heaven?
Many people live their lives with the assumption that Heaven is “out there” somewhere and is completely separate from life on earth. Many are taught that Heaven is a mystical place only accessed through death of the physical body. But in actuality, the spiritual planes of ... Views: 669
Have you struggled with the concept of forgiveness when you were filled with anger and resentment towards someone who has hurt you? Have you ever believed that you did forgive only to find that you were suddenly hit with “break-through emotional pain” that seemed to come out of nowhere? If ... Views: 2259
Have you struggled with the concept of forgiveness when you were filled with anger and resentment towards someone who has hurt you? Have you ever believed that you did forgive only to find that you were suddenly hit with “break-through emotional pain” that seemed to come out of nowhere? If ... Views: 675