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You cannot fail if you try. You may fall down and not feel on top of the world, but you can always get back up and experience another day. Let’s be realistic and not set our expectations so incredibly out of reach that they destroy our hopes and dreams.
Being realistic and taking one step ... Views: 1267
It is that time of year again when there are fall activities, celebrations and parties to attend every which way you seem to turn. The flyers are posted at work, the invites arrive in your mailbox, evites show up in your inbox and there simply doesn’t seem to be enough time to attend all. Be ... Views: 1168
I just finished a coaching call with one of my favorite clients. I really love this guy (as I do all my clients), because he is a really genuine person, cares about his patients and wants to make his business truly incredible.
And I want to share something very interesting from our session ... Views: 1492
As you begin your smoke free life, it is important to constantly remind yourself of why you quit smoking. An excellent and effective way to do this is to use a form of self-hypnosis. Stop smoking hypnosis can be used at all stages of consciousness. You don’t have to be in a deep trance in order ... Views: 13263
If you're tired of setting goals and not achieving them, then maybe you need to set SMART Goals.
SMART is simply an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.
I will explain each one in detail so next time you set a goal, you will be SMART about ... Views: 1286
More and more people are working from home these days. Either because they are tired of the 9-5 grind and have chosen to start a new venture, or because they have been laid off from their regular job, or just because they wish to make extra money to supplement their income.
Whatever the ... Views: 835
Many Lovely Ladies tend to reach for a comfort tool when they are under pressure. That tool is certainly not a hammer, nor is it pair of scissors or a drill; I’m sure you know what it is. Yes, you are correct. Many women use food as their instrument of reassurance. Not because they want to, ... Views: 965
Fueling your body when you first wake up from a good night’s sleep plays a critical role in your ability to control your appetite throughout your day. Think of it in these terms . . . would you ever knowingly operate your vehicle when you are out of gas, or set sail on your journey in your ... Views: 1204
Do you ever have a day when no matter how hard you are trying to stay on track and be thoroughly aware of portion size and food allotment that you seem to be under attack from the “Eat Me Now” nemesis? You know the days when you have eaten a sensible amount of food and that archenemy inside of ... Views: 1174
New Research from Scientists proves it:
You CAN leave the Rat race behind (and it’s actually easy)
Let’s say you need to do your taxes. Or complete some other task that’s been nagging at you for too long. Maybe there’s a dreaded phone call you DON’T want to make, but you know you have ... Views: 1538
The art of following through and being consistent, creating a way of living that is applicable and permanent in your life. Conjuring the knack of being stable and carrying on with a way of living that supports your goals and aspirations.
Creating this pattern of behavior is a work in ... Views: 1143
Have you realized that NOW is a GREAT time to invest in real estate, but you just don’t have the money to do it? Here are several ways you can generate cash for your next investment to make sure you can cash on the great opportunity that this market is providing.
One big Detroit Area ... Views: 1112
When you stop smoking, your mind and body will initially resist your choice. For days, weeks, or even years after quitting smoking, many smokers come up with reasons to justify a relapse. Do not fear, it is the same with any other kind of behavior or addiction.
Quitting smoking is just like ... Views: 5503
So you’re ready to quit smoking. It is important, as you prepare to stop smoking, to familiarize and remind yourself of the benefits. So, what happens when you stop smoking? The longer you quit smoking; benefits like the following will outshine your previous urges.
Increased Health Benefits ... Views: 4832
As you use hypnosis to stop smoking, keep these quit smoking tips in mind. The following stop smoking hypnosis tips will help guide you into a deeper, stronger, and more effective state of trance.
Remember, you’re in control. The hypnotist is just a guide assisting you in the process of ... Views: 4806
For some success means making a lot of money for others it might mean reaching a goal and for another it might mean reaching one’s full potential or attaining peace of mind. No matter how you define success, the 13 keys will bring you closer to your picture of what success ... Views: 1297
(Excerpted from Positive Energy: Ten Extraordinary Prescriptions for Transforming Fatigue, Stress, and Fear Into Vibrance, Strength, and Love by Judith Orloff, MD. Three Rivers Press, 2005)
As a psychiatrist I know that there is more to overeating and obesity that meets the eye. One big ... Views: 906
Fear and anxiety can sabotage you when you least expect it. You may not even realize that fear and anxiety are holding you back. You think you want something but then you don’t pursue it. You find yourself making excuses on why you are not finishing the task or project. We can sit all day long ... Views: 2024
It was a cold sunny day in New Jersey and the first thin layers of ice were forming on our pond. We were scheduled to go to Pilates that day, our private exercise class with a trainer, but we liked doing some cardio workout first. Usually, weather permitting, we would take a walk through town ... Views: 2231
In my last Article: “Sprint Your Way to Success” we talked about how to use sprints to set and achieve your goals. Now, here are a few key tips from the Sprint methodology to help keep you focused:
1. Hold a Daily Check In with Yourself
This needs to be done the first thing in the morning, ... Views: 866
The word journal comes from the French “jour” which means day. Journaling each day is having a visit with your best friend, you.
This ancient practice dates back to the 10th century Japan. Successful people throughout history have kept journals.
Journaling has a positive impact ... Views: 963
While grief is a universal experience, the mourning process varies from family to family and from culture to culture. What I am referring to as the mourning process are the rituals that most of us grow up with about how to behave and how to speak when confronted with a loss.
In essence, ... Views: 1586
We all have influence over our options and in turn, our options give us influence. It is not others who give us options, it is ourselves. We have the power to enable possibilities within our minds. “Practical” and “rational” are the enemies of this type of internal empowerment. They are self ... Views: 1471
“Why do I keep on making the same mistakes over and over again? You’d think I would have learned by now,” you say to yourself. And, when you read Autobiography in Five Short Chapters, you find yourself laughing, not because the poem is funny. You are laughing at yourself because you feel a ... Views: 1763
It sometimes feels like some people just have a gift for enjoying the holidays that the vast majority of people don’t have. Many of us feel like we’ll never be able to get there, and they just are lucky souls… but they aren’t. They have just understood that the key to joyful holidays is in what ... Views: 1315
“Does Serena Williams, Kenye West and Rep. Wilson demonstrate the need for anger management or is it something else?”
America is exploding with public displays of person-directed anger in sports, entertainment and politics. While anger is a normal human emotion, the displays of verbal ... Views: 1970
How many times have you laughed today?
If research is anything to go by, the answer will be, not as much as you should have done.
We're told that people are so overwhelmed by the gloom they read and hear on the TV and newspapers that we're forgetting to laugh.
I say "forgetting" ... Views: 1583
Life gets crazy, doesn’t it?
It’s so easy to be overwhelmed by your goals – wanting to reach a state of perfection – that things start spinning in circles around your head. This happens to me sometimes (even though I know it’s crazy to expect so much) and momentum can be a hard thing to ... Views: 1021
There is much evidence these days of people rushing into things without taking sufficient time to think. The consequences are usually not too detrimental, although sometimes the effect is less than pleasing.
I know myself that I have a rather short fuse when I encounter answering systems ... Views: 6508
Everyone regardless of what age experiences boredom. The kids are the first usually to say the words “I’m Bored” but us adults have at one point or another in life experience it too.
Have you ever wondered why you are feeling bored? It can be a feeling of laziness, or exhaustion or even a ... Views: 1801
Yes, everyone has bad habits. Whether it’s smoking, biting nails, chewing on things, or even eating too much, it’s possible to get rid of it easier than you think.
With 3 key factors called willpower, determination, and perseverance, you can overcome the nasty habits you’ve developed for ... Views: 1923
For the past year I’ve been conducting research and writing stories on what makes champions excel. The stories are part of a workbook that I’m writing to help inspire and empower people to pursue their own goals. Of the qualities that I find champions have in common with each other is their ... Views: 1033
We create our tomorrows by what we think about today. If we focus on our problems of the past, then they will inevitably show up in differing forms in our future. If we focus on our successes, then these too is what we will encounter again.
Thought patterns are habitual- awareness of thoughts ... Views: 4028
There are various fashions, methods and approaches to gauging your advancement on your travels toward better health and fitness. Being aware and knowledgeable about each and every one of them gives you a clearer, more precise measure of how you are progressing in the direction of your goals. ... Views: 1214
A week ago my sweetie and I started watching Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler and got two thirds through before the DVD player went fritzy. All week long I’d been imagining how it might end, really enjoying the anticipation of alternate possibilities.
Last night with a new DVD player connected ... Views: 710
Intuition -- Survival Signals
Intuition: direct perception of truth, fact, independent of any reasoning process; or immediate apprehension, a keen quick insight.
In our western society intuition has many times gotten a bad rap. Talked about in a negative way mainly referring to "women's ... Views: 2365
Let’s be realistic now; snacking is a fact of life and as long as there are companies out there to supply our demand, which there always will be, we might as well as find peace and pleasure with the munchies that we so choose to involve ourselves with.
Snacking tends to get a bad rap and ... Views: 914
You do not come across success just by hoping for it. To achieve true success, you need the strength of mind and body to struggle and work hard to reach your fullest potential. You need the right attitude, self-discipline and the ability to put your goal before your own needs, if you are really ... Views: 73315
Discipline is a major key to success. It is the ability to do what needs to be done at the appropriat time in order to accomplish your desired goals.
Taking the First Step
My friend Wally, who is 72 years old, runs three miles every weekday morning and has done so for 35 years. He is in ... Views: 15348
Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet. What do these names mean to you? If they conjure up images of wealth and success then you are probably well aware that these men didn't get where they are by sitting on the couch all day – each one took action throughout their lives to create immense ... Views: 1200
Life coaching is a wonderful profession where you have the ability to change people's lives, make a difference in the world, and earn a decent living. Imagine that! Being a coach is not a "job" it’s a credible vocation that is in great need, yet most coaches have never learned how to manage ... Views: 6850
Have you ever heard anyone say “There’s just not enough time to get everything done?” “The world is just going so fast.” “Technology is making life so hard.” “The faster I go the behinder I get.” The rate of change we are experiencing today does make it seem like the world is going faster. ... Views: 3428
When you view life as a journey, you start to realise that you do not have to repeat your limiting or negative patterns. You start to look at how you make decisions and how you take your Self forward. You start to teach your Self that holding the true nature of who you are – which is successful ... Views: 1162
The other day I noticed a large growth of weeds in one of my gardens. I hadn’t noticed them in previous years but now they spoil the look of the garden and they are in the way of the new plants. As I was weeding, it occurred to me that the weeds are similar to limiting beliefs. They may have ... Views: 1003
Thoughts are powerful. The more you examine your thoughts, the more you'll realize this is the case. Thoughts are actually a form of energy. Don't believe me? Science tells us that thinking a new thought creates a structure in your brain, a connection between neurons. With your mind, you're able ... Views: 1795
It takes courage and effort to get rid of old, disempowering thoughts and beliefs that hold us back, but it can be done!
Not long ago, my late mother was very weak from cancer and lying in a hospital bed. My brother and I were trying to figure out how we might get her outside on a lovely day ... Views: 2500
We all know the battle of the mind vs. the senses… is the tail wagging the dog or did we simply forget to hitch the mule to the cart? In a sense (pardon the pun), it's the popular theme of mind over matter – a very powerful concept akin to the word of God (logos) that created the world.
Now ... Views: 1730
Fear is a persistent and insatiable guest who is always looking for something to eat. Today's financial headlines and emotionally charged news stories provide a banquet
feast for fear.
The more fear is fed the bigger it grows. The bigger it gets, the more overwhelming and devouring it ... Views: 2737
Happy people have a different way of thinking and doing things. They maintain a positive attitude about people, things and life in general. They interpret the world that they live in differently than the average person.
Happy people generally have the following habits that express their ... Views: 4977
I have a morning booty call, no missing it, it is absolute. It is my two year old ready for his bottom to be changed. Funny thing, when we were called upon to give our morning routines, this naturally came to mind as it’s my reality.
Sorry to disappoint those that may have thought this was ... Views: 936