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What was your predominant mood like this past week?
If you were to ask me what mine was, I'd have no hesitation in telling you.
If any of you are like me and have to deal with the vagaries of a website that sometimes seems to have a mind of its own, you'll know what I ... Views: 1297
This last year has seen the spotlight on organisational values as never before. Particularly, but not exclusively, here in the UK.
First, we discovered that our big banks were no longer true to the values of thrift, prudence, and good housekeeping.
Then we found out that some of the top ... Views: 1163
If you've watched TV shows like the "X Factor", you'll know that there's a big difference between those who are talentless with no "X" factor and those who go all the way to the final with heaps of the "X" factor.
In fact, much of the show's attraction lies in the contrast between the early ... Views: 1356
How many times have you laughed today?
If research is anything to go by, the answer will be, not as much as you should have done.
We're told that people are so overwhelmed by the gloom they read and hear on the TV and newspapers that we're forgetting to laugh.
I say "forgetting" ... Views: 1572
A week or so ago, my wife and I were browsing in a second-hand shop when we came across a beautiful pine corner unit that was perfect for our newly-restored living room.
Being cautious, we decided to think it over and return in a few days' time.
When we did, we discovered that the unit had ... Views: 2183
Like much in life, building a home-based business is cyclical. It’s like taking a ride in a roller coaster. You start on the ground, go slowly up in the air, and then when you reach the top, fall down the other side at dizzying speed until you’re back on the ground again. Just like a roller ... Views: 1414
Assertiveness training is a way to re-programme the Adult persona that in our childhood and perhaps for much of our lives gives us a false idea of who we are and can become.
In particular, it re-programmes our tendency to seek blame - of others or ourselves - when things don't quite go the way ... Views: 4373
There comes a time on the journey of self-development when we reach a level of working that is different from all the previous levels. It is likely that the new experiences are no less challenging than before; it's just that we see them in a different way, accomplish them with more ease and ... Views: 1199
If you’re a manager working in a business that wants to become successful in the 21st century, then you need to embrace the 8 archetypal roles of the New-Age Manager.
1. Prophet. The new-age manager stands out from others by their ability to see possibilities that others don’t see. ... Views: 3964
Here are 100 ways to be a better time manager. Practise them all and you’ll discover that you’ll get more done, improve the quality of your time with others, and have a better balance between all the demands on your work and life.
1. Value your time.
2. Treat time as a resource to ... Views: 1380
If you want to achieve the things you dream of, then you have to develop 5 qualities to a very high degree. The good news is that you don't have to look very far to find them. They're already in you. The not-so-good news is that you'll have to work at them if you want to get anywhere. But if you ... Views: 1392
If you want to move up the ranks of masterful communication, you have to watch what you say to others. Not just in the showpieces of communication such as a presentation, a memo, or a meeting, but in everyday interaction. Learn these 7 rules and you can quietly and unobtrusively become a master ... Views: 9312
It’s tempting when you’re struggling with money issues to think that this really is a cruel unfriendly world. There you are, working your socks off, and it’s all money out, out, out, leaving you constantly on the bread line while others around you seem to have anything and everything they ... Views: 1078
Worrying is the most destructive thing you can do in your life. It fills your head with ungrounded fears, distracts you from creative work, and makes you ill. And it is completely, utterly, and totally unnecessary.
Worrying is a particularly pernicious form of fear. Unlike real fear, which may ... Views: 4333
Question: I’m not a very assertive person. How do I learn to say No to people who ask me to do things I don’t really want to do? I have this problem not just with my colleagues but with my boss too.
Answer: Don’t think you’re alone. We all find ourselves in situations where we say “Yes” to ... Views: 2566