I got the opportunity to interview my hero and invisible mentor, Jim Rohn, a few years ago. On December 5, 2009, Jim Rohn a business philosopher and teacher, passed away from pulmonary fibrosis. I was very saddened by the news, but his words will live on, and I am grateful for the 30 minutes ... Views: 5660
Every day we are bombarded with problems to solve and decisions to make. And the quality of our solutions and decisions are only as good as the information they are based on. With so much information at our fingertips, how can we systematically analyze the information for better results? How can ... Views: 20505
Have you ever used a piece of information you saw floating around everywhere without checking its accuracy? If you have, do not feel badly, because most people do exactly what you do. Most assume that because everyone is saying it makes it right.
A few years ago, I interviewed a business ... Views: 1973
Are we hardwired to automatically place limits on ourselves? We set limits on our earning potential, on how much we can accomplish in life. We are either too young or too old, have too much or too little education and the reasons go on and on about why we cannot do something. Many of us suffer ... Views: 3620
There are many lessons around us, if we but take the time to BE instead of DO. Many of these lessons we can learn from successful people, many who are further along the path that we are traveling, or have already completed the journey.
Have you ever wondered what makes a highly accomplished ... Views: 2289
Are you tired of using the same quotes over and over again, or seeing the same quotes being used everywhere? The perfect quotes that are well placed can make the difference between a ho-hum piece of communication and one that is music to the ears of your audience. But, if we all using the same ... Views: 3746
Fooled again! Why do I keep on making the same mistakes over and over again? And each time the price I pay increases exponentially. You think I would have learned by now. In my defence, though the outcomes were the same, the situations which were presented to me appeared different at the ... Views: 1586
Once again that uncomfortable feeling pays a visit, but this time you cannot close the door and just ignore it. The discomfort that you are feeling is with yourself. Your life does not fit you, and it has not for a long time. You know that you cannot alter your life the way you would a garment, ... Views: 2388
“Don't live down to expectations. Go out there and do something remarkable,” Wendy Wasserstein, American Playwright (October 18, 1950 – January 30, 2006)
You have a few spectacular failures under your belt, but you have carefully evaluated them, and now know where you went wrong. You have ... Views: 1659
I have always prided myself on being very aware and having excellent observation skills, but every so often something happens, which takes me down a notch or two and reminds me that there is always room for improvement.
There are lessons to learn every day.
In 2003, my niece and I ... Views: 8736
We have all heard that it's important to repeat positive affirmations to help us realize our goals. We keep on saying our affirmations every day and nothing happens. I attended a workshop and learned that you have to repeat your affirmations 108 times to raise them to the level where ... Views: 1348
Over a period of five years I have interviewed several successful people to uncover the secrets to their success. One of the many questions that I ask is “in your opinion, what is the formula for success?” Another question is “What are some lessons that you have learned so far?” I culled 10 ... Views: 1486
“Why do I keep on making the same mistakes over and over again? You’d think I would have learned by now,” you say to yourself. And, when you read Autobiography in Five Short Chapters, you find yourself laughing, not because the poem is funny. You are laughing at yourself because you feel a ... Views: 1747
Many have long touted the efficiency of multitasking, especially with the availability of the numerous technological tools for busy executives, but recent research studies have proven otherwise. In one research study to test attention and memory, “low multitaskers” consistently outperformed ... Views: 2935
When fear envelops you, how do you ride it through? When panic or anxiety overcomes you, how do you respond? When you find yourself confronted with regrettable situations, what do you do?
To achieve true success we have to master our emotions and master our SELF. But how can we do ... Views: 1518
“How do you motivate yourself and stay motivated?” is one of the questions I pose to the accomplished people whom I interview. These very accomplished individuals know something that many do not know. They are all self-motivated because they are doing what they love to do, so they just do it. ... Views: 1635
People are often seeking inspiration, and that is why most of us have a favorite quote. For my book Tales of People Who Get It, one of the questions that I asked 34 successful people was, “What is your favorite quotation and why?” I have included 10 of the responses.
Chris Widener’s Favorite ... Views: 2939
Problem Solving 101
There are four steps in the creative problem solving process. Any professional can use the process outlined below to problem solve better and faster.
Anatomy of a Problem Solving Process
Stage ... Views: 1795
Every day professionals are bombarded with problems to solve and decisions to make. And the quality of your solutions and decisions are only as good as the information they are based on. With so much information at your fingertips, how can you systematically check the reliability and accuracy of ... Views: 1531
In a recent interview, when asked, “What are five things that people can do to thrive in tough times?” one of the five things Linda Hollander, The Wealthy Bag Lady suggested was to have an advisory team. A group of people you can always call on to ask for help. Your advisory group should consist ... Views: 1695
Think back to a time when you were operating in the zone and were unstoppable, what elements contributed to your off-the-charts performance? Great work environment? Committed team members? Work you loved and were good at? Now, think back to another situation where you were stressed, floundering, ... Views: 1543
We are socialized to think and act a certain way. And, we often put self-imposed barriers around ourselves, which constrains our thinking and how much we can achieve in life. We learn to travel the path of least resistance, instead of the road less travelled. Yet we wonder why our results in ... Views: 2039
Everyone loves a good quote because they come in handy when we are communicating, whether it be orally or written. But many of us always stick to the same quotes. And, there are times when the popular quotes are the best ones, but as a practice, whenever you read, look out for phrases that ... Views: 1865
Tales of successes are all around just waiting to be discovered. While conducting research for a blog post series “10 People Who Would Have Been Great Bloggers,” I stumbled on success tips – from Earl Nightingale, Napoleon Hill, Francis Bacon and Estee Lauder – that are very relevant ... Views: 1493
For people to start reading and make it a habit, they have to understand why reading is important to them. Reading has to be driven by a need, and then and only then will they make the time to do so. Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and other successful people understand this, and that is why ... Views: 2415
Professionals skilled in problem solving stand apart from people who are less gifted because they boldly face daily problems and challenges. They are better able to adapt to rapidly changing environments and are therefore worth more to their employers. Through my own consulting work and ongoing ... Views: 1960
Do you find competing work and non-work life responsibilities to be a major cause of stress in your life?
In our current business world, professionals have the tendency to work harder and longer hours with the hope that they will miss the next layoff sweep. Considering the speed and scope of ... Views: 1670
If you could turn back the hands of time and make amends for an earlier mistake, a major one, would you? And, have you been fixated on this mistake, perhaps had many sleepless nights over it? Judging by the amount of research conducted on regret over the years, these questions should not be ... Views: 4779
A distillation of interview responses conducted for my book Tales of People Who Get It provides 13 clues that alert you when you are speaking to people who “get it.” These 13 ItnessPoints are critical to successful living for people who want to live a more fulfilled life.
Learn ... Views: 1462
Are you an asset or a cost to your employer? How valuable and indispensable are you? And, are you recession-proof?
Professionals who expect to progress within corporate environments today have to be able to stand apart from their peers. One of the ways to stand apart from the crowd is to ... Views: 1816