We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
The shock and disbelief that comes with grief serves a useful purpose. It's God's way of stopping us in our tracks. It's our body's way of saying hold on, don't move. Something important is happening here.
Sometimes, when something's too painful to face, we override the body's system ... Views: 806
Goal Reviews are THE Single Most Important Step in the Goal Achievement Process and Should a Part of Everyones Routine
Most people are certain to take time everyday to review their schedule or calendar but it is even more important to be sure that Goals are reviewed also. A lack of regular ... Views: 1149
You, too, can become a champion procrastinator
By David Leonhardt
I've been meaning to write this column, but I keep putting it off. There always seems to be something better or more important or easier to write about.
Everybody is rushing to enter the contest to find America's Biggest ... Views: 1629
Why is it that some goals have a fire and a passion behind them that creates an almost self-propelled drive towards completion, while other goals are left dead in the water before they've hardly even begun? What causes that level of motivation to manifest itself? Can we harness it? Can we ... Views: 1027
In order to find the right direction for ourselves, we have to do some soul searching. What is it I want to accomplish? Why? What kind of person do I want to become? Is it so weird to be in our thirties or forties and ask ourselves, "So, what do I want to be when I grow up?" What would make ... Views: 1023
We have been told that the things we don't like in our children are the same things we don't like in ourselves. We are told that we project our own flaws and issues onto our perceived enemies in an attempt to work them out within ourselves. We stereotype people according to who they hang out ... Views: 941
Abundance isn't something you find from the outside.Abundance begins within and radiates outward. Find the waysthat increase your abundance inside. Add time to your day,simplify, or make a difference in the world. Gratitudemultiplies. Find something in these ten ways to addabundance to your ... Views: 1502
A tremendous amount of stress occurs when you don't understand and accept your limitations. When you attempt to control something in life that is not within your sphere of influence how do you feel and react? What is it like for you to experience powerlessness?
Can you control another's ... Views: 2605
So you ate, drank and spent too much over the Holidays. Now you are overweight, bloated, tired and broke, and you are promising yourself that you are going to change all that this year!
There are two reasons why New Year Resolutions don't work;
· 1st we try and take on too much,
· 2nd we ... Views: 1139
I love the clean slate feeling of a new year. A whole 365 days to design a life worth living. For a fresh start, here are some ways to complete 2003 and make room for 2004.
1. Start Your Calendar
Don't just pick any old calendar. A huge selection is out there, so choose one that makes you ... Views: 1185
(First off, whose goals are they? If there’s a “should” attached or it fills you with dread or fear or anxiety- it’s a good indicator it’s someone else’s goal and not yours. If it’s not yours, get rid of it!)
1) Write them down! Statistics show people who write down their goals have over an 80% ... Views: 7030
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matt. 6:33
If you've ever set very many goals, you've probably had at least one goal that you just can't seem to reach. You can't seem to lose those last, stubborn five pounds. Or you ... Views: 1163
Yes, the 'silly season' is upon us again. People are about to wind down and get into festive party mode.
Not that this is a bad thing, no, not at all ! We all need rest and recreation. But, do make sure that you also make the most of this time for another vitally important activity - ... Views: 2131
Another year is upon us and if you are like most people you have hit the floor running without planning a clear objective for the upcoming year. However, top performing sales people make the time to establish clear targets. Setting goals is not a complicated process nor does it take a lot of ... Views: 963
Create Your Own Big BANG Effect in 2004!
By Gary Ryan Blair
Click here to listen to an audio presentation of this newsletter.
Are you ready to get your ticket punched in 2004? Are you seriously ready to make a sudden, courageous, and monumental change, change on a grand scale that will ... Views: 960
Create a Personal Strategic Plan!
by Gary Ryan Blair
Success is not an accident. It begins with a well-conceived plan. You can and will achieve more in the next year than you have in the past ten with a disciplined Personal Strategic Plan.
Personal strategic planning is a disciplined thought ... Views: 1024
Q. "I hate my job. I'm considering starting a business…and I really want to move to a warmer climate. Arizona sounds good! But it's the holiday season. I'll start the process on New Year's Day."
A. The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas often gets dismissed as dead time. It's a happy, ... Views: 1346
Setting goals is the easy part -- but sticking with them over the long run can be a major challenge! Some people think that motivation requires will-power and dedication. Actually, staying motivated is all about setting up an environment that is conducive to you accomplishing your goals. Here ... Views: 1573
We all have excuses as to why we can't do something. Ask anyone and they can give you a million excuses why it can't be done, why they haven't moved forward on their goals, and on and on. Making up excuses takes a lot of energy and time. So since, as humans, we seem to enjoy making up excuses, I ... Views: 1203
Why is it that most people neve.r reach their goals? Why is it that those things you hold near and dea.r to your heart, the things that give you inspiration and hope, neve.r come true?
If you’re like I was a few short years ago, you’re probably stuck in the annual process of developing ... Views: 2194
Allow me to start with some very important questions.
Do you remember how motivated you were to succeed in your career when you were younger?
Did you really want to achieve your maximum potential?
And here's the most important question...
Where is your written list of goals and how would you ... Views: 2849
Write your goals!
How else are you going to stimulate your reticular activating system?
My what?!?
Uh, you know, your reticular activating system (RAS).
It's that little bundle of cells you have in the back of your brain known as the "control center" which serves as the filter for what ... Views: 2959
Did you know that habits are incredibly powerful tools for personal growth and success?
Think about the habits you have now and how they affect virtually every aspect of your life. Your weight and health are determined by your eating habits. Your relationships with people are determined by your ... Views: 1064
A vision without a task is but a dream
A task without a vision is drudgery
A task with a vision is the hope of the world
- inscription on a church in Sussex ... Views: 1894
The process of manifesting or creating our goals has been something that wise men have researched for thousands of years. How do you take an idea in your imagination and create it in reality? What is the process of manifesting our dreams and goals so that we can enjoy them in our ... Views: 1269
Time and choice are set up to hold no value for us. Before we know it, our life is running ahead of us.
Time – Just a few months ago it was Christmas and now looks at how half of the year has already gone by. Do you feel time is flying? Have you ever thought about what all the fuss is about ... Views: 1189
The bottom-line is not necessarily limited to finances or even business.
◘ Why are you doing what you're doing?
◘ Is your work and life as effective as you would like it to be?
Why are you here?
No, I don't mean, "why are you here on the planet?" That is a valid question, ... Views: 1441
There are two paths to follow in life. One is the path of the Dreamer, and the other is the path of the Dream Stealer. Which path are you following through life?
We all start out as dreamers! As little children we all have dreams of being something magic, perhaps a space adventurer or a ... Views: 2372
There have been many things which I have achieved in the past without apparently having set any goals, and conversely, many goals that I had set, written down, thought a lot about and yet didn’t achieve. Have you found this to be true for you too?
Interestingly, the goals that really meant ... Views: 1466
Here's a great way to program, or set yourself up, for success in advance. It is one of many of what I call, New Empowering Habit Plans (TM). A New Empowering Habit Plan is a formula for achieving success in any given area of your life and requires a minimum of 21 consecutive days of ... Views: 2308
The rewards of life come to those who do, not to those who merely read, talk or day dream. Action is the key.
Okay I want you to answer this question:
"In December of last year did you achieve all you set out to achieve in January of the same year?"
This is a 'yes or no' answer, so don't ... Views: 1088
What do you consider a natural yearning within you? I would
jump out on a limb to say that your answer to that question
would be the same answer that a great number of people on
this planet would have. Let's think about what drives people.
What changes their behavior to achieve a deep rooted ... Views: 1156
Forget Dreams...Have Visions!
(c) Copyright S. Kumar 2003
Do you still keep that all important 'Inner Spark Alive'? ...even 15 yrs later from college!
To me 4 steps lead to 'true arriving'. Our success domain can be ... Views: 1725
What sort of people will you find goal setting? Many, many ordinary people.
But for too many their way of setting goals is vague and lacks commitment.
Goals like " I want to be rich or successful or slim or ...." mean little. This sort of goal setting is too generalised to be effective.
How ... Views: 1295
You've probably heard this idea at one time or another. You've probably nodded your head in agreement understanding that thoughts are in fact, things. You probably believe this and accept that your thoughts, being things, do in fact have power.
Have you really thought about this? Do you apply ... Views: 1591
Studies tell us that only 3% of people in the USA set goals, and they are among the wealthiest people in the nation! Worldwide the percentage is probably lower. Why so low? There are several reasons, but the one that concerns us the most at Ziglar Training Systems is lack of know-how. When we ... Views: 5079
Can you really achieve your money, health, relationship and other goals effortlessly or do you have to struggle? Can move in a way that guarantees that your goals are achieved, or are you at the mercy of luck?
Yes, you can achieve your goals effortlessly. As much as your logical mind may tell ... Views: 2276
1. Develop a clear view of the results you desire to achieve. You must know where you are going before you set out on your trip to successville.
2. Develop a detailed step-by-step plan on how you will achieve your results.
3. Identify the additional poeple and skills needed to reach your ... Views: 1429
I am fortunate to work with people from all walks of life on a regular basis and one of the most common requests I have is to help them set and achieve ‘real’ goals. One necessity in starting this process is to take time out of our day to assess our current position and determine where we are ... Views: 1377
Having clear goals is important to ensure successful living. With a vision in mind and landmarks for achieving success, you add direction and focus to your personal and professional life. It’s like taking both hands and grabbing hold of the steering wheel of the car called life and steering into ... Views: 1273
The Equalizer doesn't seem to be answering the phone so it looks like its up to you. What? Oh any of those nasty chores we all hate to do. For me its keeping lists, keeping records.
Of course I can DO them. I was an event planner - it's nothing BUT details - but it's not my strong suit. ... Views: 1377
In Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen's original "Chicken Soup for the Soul," I am reminded of the short story titled "Another Check Mark On the List." This is a story about a 15-year-old boy named John who, on one rainy day, when it was too wet outside to play, he decided to write a list of ... Views: 4370
Change is often very difficult for people to accept and yet it’s happening every minute. The only thing certain is change. When you find that things are not as you want them to be in your life, it’s time to get comfortable with change.
The Comfort Zone
Change means many things to people. It ... Views: 1162
So what have you planned for this year? Some people for some strange reason wait until a new year to give up a bad habit or to make an attempt at some self improvement. Why some people have to wait until a new year to set a goal is beyound me but all the same setting a goal is always a positive ... Views: 1183
I began enhancing my personal energy level three months shy of my 40th birthday and after 2 years of struggling with clinically-diagnosed depression. During this same period, I was challenged immensely by the debilitating effects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and being rendered permanently ... Views: 1967
New Year's Eve is the traditional time to make resolutions for the upcoming year. Most resolutions are about something we really, really want. Even if you are not the type who makes New Year's resolutions, notice that somewhere, quietly, in the back of your mind, you are probably making one ... Views: 1633
The New Year is traditionally a time to reflect on where we are in our lives and to think about improvements that we'd like to make. It seems obvious that the first step in choosing appropriate New Year's Resolutions should be to define specific goals for what we want to achieve in the coming ... Views: 1306
The New Year is traditionally a time to reflect on where we are in our lives and to think about improvements that we'd like to make. It seems obvious that the first step in choosing appropriate New Year's Resolutions should be to define specific goals for what we want to achieve in the coming ... Views: 1330
The New Year is traditionally a time to reflect on where we are in our lives and to think about improvements that we'd like to make. It seems obvious that the first step in choosing appropriate New Year's Resolutions should be to define specific goals for what we want to achieve in the coming ... Views: 1386