Google+ Marketing Is Exploding...The Startling Figures That Talks! (c) Copyright S. Kumar 2011, Learnhomebusiness.comALL indications lead to one conclusion! Google+ Marketing is exploding since Google+ opened its doors to everyone, if the following startling figures were to be believed in.1. ... Views: 1336
Your Internet marketing strategies needs a complete overhaul and a renovation with the emergence of Web 2.0 marketing on the Internet marketing scene. Certainly, "something futuristic is evolving" and its time to think perfecting Web Marketing 2.0 strategies that works for you.
But before going ... Views: 1414
Did you notice the sweeping changes happening on the online business scene? Web 2.0 Marketing is slowly taking control over the traditional means. It's growing and Web Marketing 2.0 can't be ignored anymore.
Your need to take a serious note of this. Your present Internet marketing strategies ... Views: 1782
Forget Dreams...Have Visions!
(c) Copyright S. Kumar 2003
Do you still keep that all important 'Inner Spark Alive'? ...even 15 yrs later from college!
To me 4 steps lead to 'true arriving'. Our success domain can be ... Views: 1725
The all important questions is:
"Do we have to believe EXACTLY what the known gurus have to say, follow them blindly as per their dictum and LOOSE Money?
Recent developments have proved that small website owners loose money by blindly following gurus without a second thought.
It's a ... Views: 2163
If your email subject line doesn't get read
-Nothing gets read!
And it is worse now!
**DoubleClick Q2 E-Mail Trends Report, published in September 2002, reveals that e-mail marketing click-through rates DROPPED in Quarter2-2002 to 4.9% from 6.8% in Quarter1-2002! These findings are based on ... Views: 2102
Ok, You got your Order and gained a customer!
Congratulations! Your marketing efforts have paid off.
What next? Simple.--Leverage it to Maximum!
One of the most ignored factors after a sale is NOT to have a STRATEGY to retain the customer and to maintain sustained customer ... Views: 2049