Few truly worthwhile things are attained without adversity, obstacles and conflict all of which can make us stronger, smarter, better, and tougher. In Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill writes:
More than 500 of the most successful men this country has ever known told the author their greatest ... Views: 1266
Everything starts with a thought and man literally becomes what he thinks. “Nature has endowed man with absolute control over but one thing, and that is THOUGHT.” (Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill)
The central theme of As A Man Thinketh is “You are what you think”. The following is an ... Views: 600
Having detailed plans to follow is vital in achieving just about anything worthwhile. The lack of good planning is a very common reason for failure in many endeavors. “I discovered that MOST IDEAS ARE STILL-BORN, AND NEED THE BREATH OF LIFE INJECTED INTO THEM THROUGH DEFINITE PLANS OF IMMEDIATE ... Views: 1121
The first step of Napoleon Hill's thirteen proven steps is “Desire” which he calls “The starting point of all achievement”. Your goal cannot just be a hope or a wish, it should be a keen pulsating DESIRE, which burns with such intensity that it transcends all else.
Through focusing on the ... Views: 943
Goal Reviews are THE Single Most Important Step in the Goal Achievement Process and Should a Part of Everyones Routine
Most people are certain to take time everyday to review their schedule or calendar but it is even more important to be sure that Goals are reviewed also. A lack of regular ... Views: 1149