Selling for a living is challenging. There are many highs and frequent lows. Constant pressure to reach sales targets, customer and prospects that are more demanding, and changes in the marketplace all make sales a tough career.
If you are serious about maintaining a long-term career and ... Views: 1465
A recent editor’s note in a sleep products magazine discussed how many people suffer from poor sleep and the editor referred to these individuals as zombies. Instantly, I thought of dozens of sales people I have encountered over the years who could be classified as zombies, too.
Here are 14 ... Views: 987
During the last 16 years I have worked with many great salespeople and they all do one thing more consistently than their colleagues...they ask.
If you want to increase your sales and grow your business you need to develop the ability and skill to ask for a variety of things.
Ask more ... Views: 895
The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) recently banned radio stations from playing “Money for Nothing” by Dire Straits after it received a SINGLE complaint from a ‘minority group about the use of the word ‘faggot’ in the song.
People who are familiar with the song know that it was ... Views: 821
Prospecting is a key selling skill and a critical skill to develop if you want to increase your sales and achieve long-term success in sales. Yet, most sales people don’t invest enough time to this integral sales strategy. Part of the problem is that very few companies teach sales reps how to ... Views: 1138
Everyone who sells a product or service is required to deliver a sales presentation from time to time. Whether it’s an informal presentation to one over coffee or a formal presentation to a group of decision makers, these sales presentations can make or break your ability to move the sales ... Views: 1363
Email is a widely used prospecting tool but it is seldom used correctly or as effectively as it could be. Most sales people and small business owners make a variety of mistakes that prevent them from increasing their sales when using email to grow their business. Here are the top six mistakes ... Views: 953
Too many sales people don’t ask for the things they need or that could help them increase their sales and grow their business.
Developing the confidence and ability to ask for the things you need is an essential sales skill. Here are twelve situations that sales (and business) people need to ... Views: 640
During a recent sales training workshop I conducted with a client, we were discussing the importance of asking the right questions; high-value, high-impact, penetrating questions. One person spoke up and said, “When I’m talking to a new prospect I like to ask, “What do you know about us?”
An ... Views: 774
A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post called, 11 Lame Questions You Need to Avoid”. It generated some interesting comments and one reader asked, “What questions should I be asking?”
What ARE the questions sales people should be asking to increase their sales and improve their results? ... Views: 1008
Many people wonder what separates a top performing sales person from the rest of the pack. In most cases, it’s because they apply a number of best practices in their daily routine. Here are 17 best practices of top performing sales people.
1. They set HIGH TARGETS and goals. Top performers ... Views: 1145
Selling to high-level decision makers is challenging at the best of times. However, it can be easier if you understand a few business principles.
C-level decision makers are paid to improve their business results. Regardless of how the media portrays these executives, their primary concern ... Views: 904
You get a call from a new prospect who wants to meet with you and discuss your solution. He gives you a 30 minute time-slot four days from now. Unfortunately, you didn’t take the time to ask this new prospect any questions during your brief telephone conversation and now you’re concerned because ... Views: 873
The past year was definitely interesting. Some sales professionals prospered while others suffered. I spoke to one person who doubled his income—and he works in automotive sales! Yet, another well-established person experienced a decline of more than fifty percent in their sales. There are ... Views: 848
I’m sure by now that you have established your sales targets for next year. If you haven’t I suggest that you get cracking and do it now. Time is slipping past! If you have set your targets, congratulations! Here are 10 things you can do to achieve those goals.
1. Invest time prospecting for ... Views: 1303
Journal entry: December 10, 2009
“My calendar is full and my sales are on track. Looks like I’ll end the year ahead of target. This means my boss will finally stop bugging me to get my sales on track. After several years of developing my client base, I’m making headway. That means I can finally ... Views: 948
Cold calling is a fact of life for most people in sales. Sure, the vast majority would prefer to rely on referrals, word-of-mouth, or some other lead source that reduces or eliminates their need to make cold calls. However, unless you deal with an established set of accounts, you will, at some ... Views: 1090
From the outside, selling seems like a fantastic career. Many sales people get to travel, attend trade shows, go to conferences, socialize, and earn a ton of money. However, those of us in the profession know that selling can be intimidating.
Cold calls. Objections. Frustration. Rejection. ... Views: 948
Sales professionals usually ask a few questions in order to gain a better understanding of their prospect’s situation. However, most of them don’t probe deep enough into the size and scope of the problem. I remember hearing a great phrase from another sales trainer. He suggested that sales ... Views: 1001
“How much will this cost?”
Many sales people shudder when faced with this question. They stutter, stammer, and hem and haw. This is where the rubber hits the road and when the prospect will either give them the green light to move forward with the sale or say, “thanks but no thanks”. Far too ... Views: 1017
I suspect that you have heard the expression “If at first you don’t succeed try, try again.” This adage was created many decades ago and it remains true to this day. And even though many sales people understand it, they make a fatal mistake—they use the same approach although their original ... Views: 1019
When you make contact with a new prospect—either by telephone or in a face-to-face meeting—you have an extremely short window of time to connect with them. If you fail to achieve this they will quickly tune you out. Here are several things you can do to lose your prospect’s attention in the ... Views: 967
Sales meetings are a fact of life and business and they are important for a variety of reasons. They allow larger companies to address the entire sales team as a group. They offer opportunities to provide additional training (product, skills, and technical). They help keep your team up-to-date. ... Views: 1811
In a communist country virtually everyone is treated the same. Unfortunately, many sales reps take the same approach and treat all of their customers equally. They spend about the same amount of time with each customer, show them the same products, and make the same recommendations. However, ... Views: 1044
We live in a quick-fix society so it’s no wonder that many salespeople look for the magic cure or band-aid solution to increase their sales. However, I believe that success in sales follows a basic set of rules.
Fill the pipeline. Many people experience tremendous peaks and valleys in their ... Views: 946
At a recent industry conference, I saw and heard several different sales presentations as sponsors of the conference presented their products and services. Unfortunately, most of them missed the mark. But they are not alone; many sales presentations are ineffective. Having been subjected to ... Views: 979
Times are tough. Companies are cutting back, people are tightening their belts, and many decision-makers are holding off on major purchases. However, your company has not reduced your sales quotas. Selling in a difficult economy requires a different approach than during a robust one. Let’s look ... Views: 955
I’m a big fan of a Canadian television show called the Dragon’s Den. The premise of the show has budding entrepreneurs pitch their product or business idea to five venture capitalists who then decide if they are willing to offer funding.
This is a great example of selling because ... Views: 983
Recent research uncovered almost eighty reasons why customers dislike salespeople. Here are the top seven.
1. Not listening.
This was the most cited reason customers dislike salespeople. Too many salespeople neglect to listen to what their customers or prospects say which means they fail to ... Views: 915
Do you have prospects that seem to give you the run-around? They expressed interest in your product or service when you first contacted them but now they don’t return your calls, reply to your emails or seem interested in making a buying decision.
Persistence is an essential trait that ... Views: 998
Keep The Sale
Does this sound familiar?
After dozens of phones calls and emails as well as several face-to-face meetings, you finally reach an agreement with a prospect who is intent on buying your service, product or solution.
“Whew! Another sale done,” you think to ... Views: 966
What routines are preventing you from increasing your sales?
Whether you realize it or not, you are a creature of habit. Unless you do shift work, you probably get up at the same time everyday, follow the same routine to wake up and get yourself ready for the day, drive the regular route to ... Views: 950
You are talking to a customer and after you present your product, service or solution, she asks, “What discount can I get?” or “What can you do about the price?” Think before you speak otherwise this innocent-sounding question will cost you money right off your bottom line. While it’s tempting ... Views: 1256
Is your head trash piling up?
The term “head trash” came up during a conversation with a colleague and he used the phrase to describe the mental garbage that affects the performance of most sales people. Head trash is a collection of limiting thoughts or ideas that prevent you from taking ... Views: 920
Let’s face it. We all have those difficult customers to whom we are required to sell. From the demanding, abrasive buyer to the individual who never seems to make a buying decision, we encounter challenging people on a regular basis. Part of the reason this happens is due to the disconnect we ... Views: 822
Many companies and their decision-makers require written proposals, and if you are like many sales people, you probably shudder at the thought of this request. However, writing a good proposal doesn’t have to be painful providing you keep a few points in mind.
First, recognize that closing the ... Views: 912
I recently wrote an article called, Feeble Questions Can Kill Your Business. In the article, I stated that too many sales people get caught in the trap of asking low-quality questions instead of more powerful ones. Many people contacted me and requested more information on what constitutes a ... Views: 951
What does it take to be successful in sales? Certainly effort, hard work and dedication is important. An excellent understanding of the sales process is also essential. But it’s more than that. The most successful people I know have a slightly different outlook than their coworkers and ... Views: 940
Self-development is a critical component. Here is the transcript of an interview I recently gave that outlines the importance of self-development.
“Let’s start with what seems to be an obvious question…why is self-development so important?”
Business is more competitive and challenging than ... Views: 989
Like most business people, I receive my fair share of cold calls. During a more recent call, the person calling said that she worked for one of North America’s largest website developer. She then asked me two questions;
“Was I the person in charge of web design for my ... Views: 895
Participants in my sales training workshops often ask how they can better control the sales process. Most people spend the majority of their time talking about their product or service believing that telling is selling. Although they may have been trained to do this, it is an ineffective ... Views: 962
Persistence is a vital skill that every sales person needs. It’s been said that most sales are made after eight contacts with a prospect. However, most people tend to give up after just three or four attempts. Let’s explore the behind-the-scene dynamics involved in a typical scenario.
Meet Mrs. ... Views: 1041
Virtually everyone in sales is required to negotiate. After conducting hundreds of workshop and working with thousands of people during the last decade, I have discovered that most sales people are not as effective at negotiating as they could be.
However, I do come across great sales ... Views: 969
For more than a decade I have the opportunity to interact with thousands of salespeople and I have discovered a few myths that many of them have fallen prey to. Here are just a few.
1. Buyers are liars. I’m constantly amazed how many salespeople use this expression. Do people mislead ... Views: 934
During a recent presentation we were discussing the importance of being able to deliver a clear, concise message when you first meet with a prospect and we agreed that a quick, thirty second introduction would be an effective approach. A participant challenged me, saying that an introduction of ... Views: 1093
Want to increase your sales immediately?
Virtually everyone wants a quick, easy solution that will help them increase their sales. Fortunately, in all but a few situations, this is not an impossible task. The key is to sell to the right people. This doesn’t mean trying to connect with the key ... Views: 919
My wife and I recently needed to renew our mortgage for another term. The last time our mortgage was due, our bank called several months in advance and offered a good interest rate so we automatically renewed with them. This year, however, was a bit different. We decided to do a bit of homework ... Views: 946
My wife and I were shopping for a new lighting fixture to hang above our dining room table. We wanted something relatively contemporary, and in our quest, we visited over a dozen stores in search of the perfect light. This experience uncovered a wide variety of mistakes that are costing ... Views: 1013
In recent years many different businesses have begun to approach their clients differently. They are now labeling them as guests, which has been the norm in the hospitality industry for decades. Many restaurant chains as well as car dealerships and airlines have even taken to using this term. ... Views: 1038
In today’s business world it is not uncommon for many sales people to work from a home office. At first this may seem like a great opportunity, however, it does create some unique challenges. One of the biggest obstacles is the number of distractions that can take us away from our work and ... Views: 979