You might be surprised to know that television is one of the main causes of domestic disputes in America. Either the husband is so captivated by a football game that causes the wife to nag him about household responsibilities, or the wife is so smitten with Tom Cruise that she fights with the ... Views: 904
Serious people actually DO something; other people just talk about doing something or plan to do something one day.
If you want to be wealthy, you must take action.
Action really is the key. You can have the best ideas in the world or be the most talented person on the planet, yet still if ... Views: 1241
I am fortunate to work with people from all walks of life on a regular basis and one of the most common requests I have is to help them set and achieve ‘real’ goals. One necessity in starting this process is to take time out of our day to assess our current position and determine where we are ... Views: 1377