‘Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.’ Eph 2:21 (NIV)

True strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate his life, through devotion, to something beyond himself. - Henry Miller

“Man is a feeble creature, to whom only submission and worship are becoming. Pride is insolence, and belief in human power is impiety” - Bertrand Russell

“Keep always in your mind, that, with due submission to Providence, a man of genius has been seldom ruined but by himself”- Samuel Johnson

Article of the week

Article number: 11/2010/32

Article Topic: Submission

Welcome to this week’s issue of Life of Value article. This week we continue our sharing on living a life of value with focus on submission.
Submission is the act of yielding to power or authority. In socio-political settings it’s the surrender of the person and power to the control or government of another. It can be described as acknowledgment of inferiority or dependence; a humble or suppliant behaviour, confession of error. In parents or sibling settings, it can be regarded as a form of obedience or compliance with the commands or laws of a superior. Submission of children to their parents is an indispensable duty. From faith perspective, it’s yielding of one's will to the will of a superior authority without murmuring. Entire and cheerful submission to the will of God is a Christian duty of prime excellence.

Submission starts with willingness. Be willing to listen to what the other party has to say, listening with your ears and your mind. It requires being open and objective without prejudice. Submission is a key tool for building strong, viable and lasting relationship. Every relationship that is mutually beneficial thrives on submission of each party involved to one another. In today’s society where suspicion has replaced sincerity and truth has been traded for personal gain, it is becoming increasingly difficult to demonstrate submission in our day-to-day living.

In this piece we will briefly look at two key prerequisite for submission – Self Belief and Trust. Everyone must posses these two elements before we can genuinely submit (to whatever is required) without feeling used, weak or manipulated.

Self Belief: If you do not believe in yourself you will always assume that no one believes in you. Anyone who lacks self belief will find it hard to believe others, so they will naturally find it difficult to submit to other people’s opinions, corrections or advice.
Lack of self belief breeds suspicion. When you are suspicious of people, you are more likely to perceive people in your boat (in any form of relationship) as competitors rather than company. Self-Belief is a product of education and revelation of one’s self. Education comes from studying yourself, while revelation comes from knowing yourself. Underpinning self-belief is a humble heart of self acceptance. Those who know, understand & accept themselves can easily develop Self Belief. Those who lack self belief will always like to be seen as the person in charge. Therefore, they may not be open to any constructive criticism or advice.

Trust: To trust is to have a strong belief that everyone in the boat (relationship) are there for the common interest of all and everyone will bring on board what will make the boat sail smoothly and joyfully. Objections to submit to other’s corrections, advice or opinion in any relationship arises from doubt, misunderstanding or misrepresentation of facts or truth. But if there is a firm belief that other’s corrections, advice or opinion is for the common good of all involved, clarification will be sought rather than objection. Many times when trust issue comes up in any relationship, each party in the boat tends to focus on others except themselves. In my experience, as I delve more closely into different types of relationships and their challenges, I have observed, tested and found it to be true that everyone in the boat should first focus on themselves over the issue of trust. Challenge your motives, sincerity and willingness to go all the way and practically demonstrate bringing onto the boat (relationship) everything within your power to make the boat sail smoothly and joyfully. As you do this, you will provoke others in the boat to see your passion, truth, love and trust; and submission to one another will then become easier. I am not saying this is easy; in fact I dare to say it’s not easy because it requires a heart of love that natural man does not possess. That is the kind of mind that was found in Jesus. That was why He could pray for his persecutors while He was hanging on the tree. So, to submit to one another, each one of us needs the ‘Mind of Christ’. If you don’t have it, all you have to do is to ask for it.

In today’s ego driven culture, no one would like to be seen or perceived as weak or powerless. So, demonstrating submission in any way or form is generally interpreted as weakness. In reality, submission is demonstration of strength, it is demonstrating the strength of “self belief” and “trust” in one’s self and even in those who lack self belief and trust in themselves.

In part two we will share on some benefits of submission.


Kemmy Oluleye
Email: info@lifeofvalue.com
Website: www.lifeofvalue.com

Author's Bio: 

Kemmy is a Management Consultant with many years of experience in Programme / Project management, Business & Process Management within I.T, Telecoms, Health and Logistics Industries. A certified Programme & Project Management Practitioner (MSP, PRINCE2) with academic qualifications which include: B.Tech Computer Sc, P.GD Manpower Development & M. Sc Economics.
His Key Strength includes: Leadership, Planning, Negotiation, Selling and Coaching.

Outside day-to-day consulting and employment activities, Kemmy is involved in lots of church based activities which include: Teaching, Speaking, Prayer Meetings and Supporting Mission based work.