While the title is a bit facetious the subject was first addresses on national TV by Fox anchor Bill O’Reilly and his guest commentator John Stossel.
Who would believe that a visit to Fox news would find O’Reilley and Stossel actively debating a recent study by psychologist Miron Zuckerman of ... Views: 1360
Approaching Easter for 2013, it is apparent that each celebration of Christ’s resurrection from now on, has more significance than at any other time in history. The reason is simple; what is known as the “first resurrection” (Rev 20: 5, 6) is according to prophecy not very far away.
Yes, this ... Views: 1669
With Muslim leaders and the UN actually considering limiting speech that would, in turn, limit any criticism of the so called prophet of Islam, we are forced to consider what sort of speech will be disallowed next. Will we be scooped up and incarcerated for saying the President is doing a bad ... Views: 1202
If this article were entitled “The Philosophy of Abortion is Demonic,” some readers would have never started reading, especially, after seeing that the author is a minister. It would have been a far more honest title, but trying to explain how the inspiration that originates with the “god of ... Views: 1181
Conservative hawks may want Rep. Todd Akin scrubbed from the ticket even as religious leaders and those voicing the social issues in this election cycle are defending Akin or at least not attacking him.
Is it because contributions may flounder or because even the GOP is phobic about the so ... Views: 1612
In 1970 even the churches were not regularly taught the doctrine of the second coming of Christ more commonly known as premillennial prophecy. Then along came Hal Lindsey’s block buster best seller, “The Late Great Planet Earth.”
The nation and the world were catapulted into a revival of ... Views: 2081
One of the definitions for expedience is that it is “a regard for what is politic or advantageous rather than for what is right or just; a sense of self-interest.”
In 2008 Barack Obama won an election on shear exuberance rather than expedience. In 2012 we are coming dangerously close to ... Views: 1535
In a Wikipedia entry under ‘Frances Parkinson Keyes biography’ is found a finely preserved picture of the late Mrs. Keyes sitting at a typewriter. There is no paper in the typewriter and there is no paper to be seen anywhere in the room. Obviously the picture is posed, and because Keyes was the ... Views: 1238
There is little doubt what tone Mr. Obama has desired to set for the nation. His song has been about bailouts, spending, class warfare, circumventing the Congress with executive orders, abortion rights and the LGBT.
The President has stated his view quite clearly for all Americans to hear and ... Views: 1312
This message is less about the denouement of America than it is about the deliberations of a nation at an urgent and critical moment in its history. I urge Americans to carefully consider the course they are choosing in the very near future.
My choice would have been to put this message out ... Views: 1419
While interpreting a woman’s right to abortion in 1973, the Supreme Court made a landmark decision to allow a woman to abort an unborn child for any reason. Going far beyond giving rights to women over their own bodies that decision (Roe v Wade) gave a woman the right over another’s body even ... Views: 1057
In Ronald Reagan’s address to the nation July 27, 1981 he said “This is not the time for political fun and games. This is the time for a new beginning.” He was at the time, speaking about the heavy burden of taxes laid upon American families, so we can only imagine what he might say today about ... Views: 859
After a lifetime studying and proclaiming Biblical prophecy it is now apparent that, in this turbulent and unstable world, prophecy is along with the Savior who it points to, the only immovable rock known to man, past, present or future.
One of the keys to understanding prophecy is the ... Views: 1177
The only place where the glazed eyes of the most excited followers still reflect a, “If I could but touch the hem of his garment” look; seems to be at the President’s recent birthday bash. The rest of the world, it seems, does not want to look on the face of President Obama, much less his fiscal ... Views: 848
As the darkness created by social upheaval and worldwide changes grip the world, there are a few lights across the globe that offer hope, stability and a view into the marvelous grace of the living God. Bill and Gloria Gaither along with the Gaither Trio and all the participants of the ... Views: 1628
Christian leaders and pastors are proclaiming their disdain for prognosticator Harold Camping for his latest end of the world campaign, some with disgust while others are ridiculing and condemning him outright. The rest of the world is spreading rapture humor around the media like a ... Views: 1276
I thank God that when I address how God has spoken to me I am not talking about something that happened just yesterday.
In fact it is something that has followed me my entire life. There is not enough room in one article to cover it and even my book “An American Prophet and His Message’ ... Views: 1061
It is not easy to forget the answer someone gave me years ago when I asked about the fact that some religions predate the Judeo-Christian heritage by many years. The answer I was given was, “that is merely proof of mans persistence in idolatry.”
It is hard to get anyone to have faith in a God ... Views: 1011
According to the framers of the Constitution one of the original intentions of ordaining that revered document was to insure domestic tranquility. The term was used in the preamble to the Constitution and has never been used to adjudicate any constitutional questions.
In this moment in time, ... Views: 1450
At the writing of this piece Sarah Palin has not yet announced to the nation that she is going to run for President in the 2012 election. When or if she does, her name will not be alone on the republican ticket, in fact a lot of names will be on the ticket, some very worthy names.
The names ... Views: 1233
Jared Lee Loughner is charged with killing six people and wounding others in the recent tragedy in Arizona. Days of media coverage has raised controversy, speculation and a sea of voices all trying to handle and assess what seems almost incomprehensible in a civilized nation.
It has become ... Views: 1175
This will be a transitional year for America and indeed the rest of the world as well. Too many degenerative changes have been set in motion across the globe for us to see much of a reversal in the great demise of nations. Will America get onboard this global wave along with the rest of the ... Views: 1074
With eight GOP Senators joining the vote to repeal DADT, including much heralded Scott Brown (R) of Massachusetts now gays can prance in array around the military just like they now do in the classrooms, the media and everywhere else they aspire to. Is it a good day for America?
The Apostle ... Views: 1227
A non sequitur according to Wikipedia is “A logical fallacy where a stated conclusion is not supported by its premise.” In common vernacular it’s something that just doesn’t make a lick of sense no matter how you say it.
The idea of lawless government seems like a non sequitur but through the ... Views: 1132
Stories about good triumphing over evil are heartwarming; they make good movies and make us feel a bit nobler as human beings.
In reality there is no contest between good and evil but there is a raging battle between truth and lies. There is also an objective in the battle, which is; the ... Views: 1040
The capsule the Chilean Navy constructed traveled up and down through the earth a distance of 33 miles in total to save 33 trapped Chilean miners. The courage, faith and patriotism of the nation, the rescuers and the miners have now traveled across the globe to touch every nation in the ... Views: 1412
Tea Parties, renewed conservatism and strong interest in well directed activist groups are on the rise and it is stirring to see Americans returning to the basics with such fervor. America’s renewal cannot be dissociated from her past.
Looking back to the observations of those directly ... Views: 1684
A simple scan of current events, a gander at the online or TV news will leave you reeling in disbelief. Never before have newsmen and reporters been so highly lauded for the work they do. Yet in the end it is like the adage; water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink.
The nature of news ... Views: 1845
After Billy Graham lead a rally in Washington in 1952 and called for a day for the nation to pray President Harry Truman signed the National Prayer Day proclamation in 1953. The Freedom from Religion Foundation filed against the proclamation in October of 2008. Have they won?
Federal judge ... Views: 978
Television is inundated with dark portents of the planet’s future. In a sweeping smorgasbord of choices we are warned of asteroids, nuclear war, worldwide epidemics and a Pandora’s Box of wild possibilities about the end of the world. Confused yet? Is judgment day an equal opportunity ... Views: 923
Over four decades ago I had a dream vision of many of the details of the second coming of Christ. It sent me on a lifetime quest to find out all I could about this great coming event. Today I am far from alone as more people than ever are having visions, dreams and revelations about this ... Views: 983
Bill O’Reilly was the first to bring up Pat Robertson’s statement on the Haitian pact with the devil to rid them of French rule. Bill said he didn’t agree with Pat but Dawkins says in an article posted online that at least Robertson is true to his own theology.
Dawkins starts his article by ... Views: 1113
The effect time has on all humans has created the science of homeostasis. The idea was first put forth by French physiologist Claude Bernard in 1865. Bernard discovered that all living organisms have internal “multiple dynamic equilibria adjustment and regulation mechanisms.” In simple terms, ... Views: 1092
Those who think truth is a relative mix of situation ethics, existentialist mind wresting and just doing what feels good, usually don’t bother with questions about what is true.
Those who seek only the truth stand in shock when they discover how few people care about the truth altogether. ... Views: 1088
Since my articles entitled Prophecy 2008 and Prophecy 2009 were the most read articles of each respective year I have undertaken this piece with much care and forethought. The prophetic message has changed little in the last two years but the country has changed significantly, unfortunately the ... Views: 1219
News shows across America showed clips of American Idol star Adam Lambert’s overt sexual behavior at the recent American Music Awards. Almost all the clips were preceded with advisories and warnings. When discussed it was a single comment made on the Fox News outlet that beat all.
When ... Views: 1028
Is leftism rising to the defense of evil even as it sinks to the depths of hell? Perhaps this question would have made a better title for this article but why scare readers away with what may only be construed as preachers pious platitudes.
America is busy with economic problems, the war in ... Views: 1028