Michael Mohoric is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Energy Healing and Energy Medicine". You can find complete information on Michael Mohoric and his products by visiting qigongenergyhealing.com.
In part I of this series we discussed the attributes of being and empath or a Highly Sensitive Person, and how to know when you are being impacted by other peoples’ energies, and why this happens on an energetic level.
Now let’s address some tools to help you better manage your boundaries and ... Views: 0
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal's Newsletter. By providing you with some insights into our views and experiences our intention is that helps you, our readers, friends and connections to remember we are all part of a much larger community.
In our role as co-creators we have to take ... Views: 1717
When sleeping problems or insomnia become an issue, and it feels like exhaustion is impacting your performance on the job or in life, it may not seem like a real cause for concern. The truth is that there are a number of little adjustments a person can make to boost energy levels, improve daily ... Views: 832
After emerging from their chrysalis once a butterfly’s wings have dried, it’s had enough sun, and possibly a little nectar from the proper plant, it will fly. When human beings are nurtured, healthy and unencumbered - we fly too. However, when we don’t release what does not serve us, create a ... Views: 1460
Do you ever feel like you are suddenly drained, disoriented, or depressed for no apparent reason? Have you been labeled by coworkers or family members that you are “too sensitive” or “overly emotional”? Do you often feel overwhelmed when working with certain people or being in groups, and need ... Views: 1398
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Reiki Today - by Amanda Hadley- New Earth Energies.
Reiki Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to heal either ourselves or any other living thing.
Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has ... Views: 1512
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Reiki Today - by Amanda Hadley- New Earth Energies.
Reiki Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to heal either ourselves or any other living thing.
Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has ... Views: 1482
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Reiki Today - by Amanda Hadley- New Earth Energies.
Reiki Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to heal either ourselves or any other living thing.
Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has ... Views: 1513
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Reiki Today - by Amanda Hadley- New Earth Energies.
Reiki Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to heal either ourselves or any other living thing.
Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has ... Views: 1650
This is an article on crystal healing intended to give a brief introduction to using crystals.
Crystals are wonderful stones to work with for self healing and healing others physically, emotionally and spiritually. They give off gentle, natural healing energies.
Every crystal through it's ... Views: 1062
I’m not broken; I don’t have any issues, I don’t need to be healed. I had a wonderful childhood and my teenage and college years were filled with great friends and wonderful experiences. I don’t have any middle child issues or relationship issues. My parents were always there for me and ... Views: 1020
“A healer is not a bus; you don’t have to take on everyone who shows up!”
I have met many energy healers, intuitives, bodyworkers, therapists, psychics and other spiritually oriented people who have allowed deeply disturbing situations and have accepted disempowering beliefs due to a ... Views: 1029
One of the toughest decisions for someone who tends toward a more holistic, integrative approach to wellness is the treatment of cancer. Mainstream western medicine has adopted chemotherapy and radiation treatments as the ‘standard protocol” and many believe those are the best options. At the ... Views: 1465
“Getting older is inevitable. Aging is optional.”
–Dr. Christiane Northrup, ob-gyn and author
Energy healers are not the only ones speaking about the possibilities to transcend ordinary life experiences, even the inevitability of aging. Medical doctors like women’s health expert Christiane ... Views: 1424
During a long healing Ayurvedic retreat in India, the doctor said something that struck a chord. I relayed the unique experience of a “collecting up” of energies that I was feeling when he repeated mantras and placed his hands above my crown and below my first chakra or base of the spine. When I ... Views: 1052
“From the Buddhist point of view, the Chinese officer who is committing the cruel act against the young boy is initiating a new cycle of negative karma. In the case of the child, there is a closure of a particular karma that the child is experiencing. The perpetrator of the crime is in fact an ... Views: 1630
Curious about Reiki? Reiki is a holistic therapy that gently balances energies and brings health and well being to the recipient. As a Reiki Practitioner, I find that giving a Reiki treatment is so simple, yet the benefits can be profound.
When I explain Reiki, often times people can be quite ... Views: 991
In the last article I wrote about my husband’s recent heart surgery, and how it brought out my “fixer” — the shadow side of many healers. Healers and caregivers of all kinds stray into the “FIXER” mode when we push or force our agenda, our beliefs or modalities onto someone.
The underlying ... Views: 1163
In the mission for optimum health and wellness, people are embracing holistic healing which heals the person as a whole-in mind, spirit, body and emotions. The chief focus of healing rests in encouraging an individual in striving for healthy living and wholeness with the goal being in gaining ... Views: 1003
Different strokes for different folks, and even with a therapeutic massage, so how would you like yours?
Let’s break it down some.
Stroke number one is for the party person, most likely a bridal shower group of women, a birthday crowd or a house call for just plain fun. ... Views: 1572
Cell phone radiations are associated with a number of health problems. Brain cancer is one of the major health condition that can be caused due to cell phone radiations. There are studies that claim that excess cell phone usage leads to brain cancer. Research shows that there is an increased ... Views: 1144
Intentions: Utilizing Reiki Beyond the Law of Attraction
By Kathi Rancourt, RN (Reiki Nurse)
Intentions are like commands to the Universe. What we focus on, think about, and feel is what we create into being. Have you ever really considered that concept? It takes contemplation and a still ... Views: 1061
The 7 chakra centers are spiritual energy centers that are associated with areas of the physical body.
In Sanskrit, the word chakra means "wheel." You can think of chakras as wheels of energy. They are constantly moving in a circular motion.
Keeping your chakras balanced and open is the ... Views: 1284
In my last newsletter, I shared a breakthrough that I had with an energy healer who was really stuck and in pain and subsequently, very frustrated with herself for not being able to release and clear the painful pattern.
When other methods have not helped, this advanced healing technique has ... Views: 988
In 2015, we will be faced with health challenges that will surface in myriad ways. One health challenge will rise from our old issues. The second challenge we will face will be from the toxins in our environment.
We all know the Earth is changing. We see it in our weather patterns, in the ... Views: 1037
If you are like me and most of my clients, you may have a recurring pattern, issue or problem that just doesn’t seem to shift. What is more, even Reiki or other powerful energy healing modalities, bodywork, and Energy Tools and Release techniques do not seem to work on this issue. Are you tired ... Views: 1005
Made famous by “Snow White”, the concept of a magical mirror has been a staple in the cultures of mankind since the mirror was created. An article I recently came across “Why Saying Is Believing — The Science Of Self-Talk”, reminded me of my own magical mirror experiences, and has encouraged me ... Views: 1388
Have you ever wondered why there are some people that you meet and it seems like you never see them get sick. You find yourself getting sick from time to time catching a cold virus and going thru a miserable time for a week or two, but they don’t seem to ever go thru that same type of misery. Is ... Views: 1371
Psychic readings have always been highly regarded in society. Since the time of our earliest ancestors and until today, psychics and their psychic readings have always been sought for the general guidance and advice that they can provide.
The numbers of those who seek psychic readings on a ... Views: 1320
I am noticing something remarkable yet subtle that is occurring with me and all of my long time clients. At first I struggled to find a way to verbalize it until one day in a session as I listened to a client describe a new sense of calm and non-reaction in the face of many challenges, I coined ... Views: 1007
Before I go on about it, here is the definition of each so you understand it a little better. Yin: the passive female principle of the universe characterized as female and sustaining and associated with earth, dark, and cold. Yang: the active male principle of the universe characterized as ... Views: 1013
By Frosty Wooldridge
Susan Schutz said, “Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair.”
(Stopping to inhale the fragrances of flowers along your journey.)
Years ago, I backpacked in Nepal, Tibet and other parts of Asia. I distinctly remember the peace and quietude of ... Views: 1329
If you are an existing or budding Reiki healer, this is one in a series of articles to help you along the way. First of all, let me congratulate you for walking this path. Reiki is a beautiful energy and way of life, and it is wonderful to help people heal, grow, and develop. Well done for ... Views: 2143
We have been seeing many M1 type Solar Flares lately, so I thought this would be a great opportunity to talk about the impact and affects of the solar flares on our energy.
Solar Flares bombard the earth with an increased amount of high frequency energy. These flares have caused lots of ... Views: 1704
Your body cannot heal without play.
Your mind cannot heal without laughter.
Your soul cannot heal without joy.
— Catherine Rippenger Fenwick
And I would add “your prosperity cannot heal without time off.” So even though I am in the midst of launching a new program and it seems ... Views: 1499
Deliver Us From Evil is a new film about an NYPD cop who battles demons.
The film is based on events in the life of Sgt. Ralph Sarchie who retired as a decorated NYPD cop after 18 years of service. He now dedicates himself to demonology cases full time.
Some people are giving this movie a ... Views: 1265
“Don’t question why she needs to be so free
She’ll tell you it’s the only way to be…”
–Rolling Stones, “Ruby Tuesday” lyrics
Knowing how important it is to maintain a high vibration and be in balance on every level, this summer I dedicated to saying yes to anything that felt good and made ... Views: 1200
Mary Rocha
July 21, 2014
As I move forward with my personal and spiritual journey I have noticed how my perception of people places and events has shifted. I have been working on my self diligently doing the same Energy Clearing work and DNA Activations I offer to do on others. ... Views: 876
1. Understand How People, Events and Activities Influences YOU Energetically
Everything we do and everyone we interact with has an energy signature. There are three ways we respond to the energy of the people, events and activities in our life.
Usually we are neutral ... Views: 2075
Once in a physical body, Spirit Guides are masters at helping you achieve your life goals. Keeping in mind that you really are the creator of your universe, Spirit Guides try to steer you toward your original goal that was originated prior to your physical birth. There are always bumps and ... Views: 1238
Your Aura is the subtle radiant light body that surrounds your human physical form. It is also referred to as your Auric Field or Human Energy Field.
Your Aura can become cloudy and congested with discordant energies and your Chakra Energy Centers can become clogged.
This can results in ... Views: 3505
In my previous article I introduced the topic of Higher Mind as the gateway to higher consciousness and Universal Mind, and distinct from the analytical, logical and rational part of our mind. Higher Mind is the space I receive much of my intuition and direct knowing with clients and even ... Views: 1620
You can use this Butterfly Celebration Ritual to transform and realize your best self and life any time!
Though right now at the time of THE SCORPIO FULL MOON (May 14th) promises to have a tremendous force for transformation for everyone and you are probably already feeling its effects as it ... Views: 1687
So there is a lot of talk about the phenomenon of energy vampirism, but very few are talking about how it is actually done, so I will attempt to describe how people actually take your energy.
First we need to understand why humans do this to begin with. It is entirely the cause of a person ... Views: 6158
In the past few articles we dove into the art of manifesting our heart’s desires through the power of intention. Yet if it was as easy as saying an intention or asking for what we wanted, we would all be living the life of our dreams already. So in addition to focusing your mind on intentions, ... Views: 1522
Alchemical Breathwork™ is a powerful healing and personal growth technique practiced worldwide. It is used consistently to release energy blockage in the body, clear negative thought and habit patterns and bring one into greater alignment with one’s personal purpose. Alchemical Breathwork™ ... Views: 3646
While becoming consciously aware of your thoughts and beliefs, and re-choosing and re-focusing them through intentions are extremely important, there is an even higher state of manifesting, or consciously co-creating your reality. Evolutionarily speaking, this is an advanced concept, and even ... Views: 1573
10º Aries New Moon
March 30, 11:48am PT
The 10º (number of creativity and instant manifestation) Aries New Moon is packed with powerful punch for major breakthroughs and initiating a whole new creative cycle in your life.
Aries is ... Views: 1699
There is a new "fad" to go to the Amazon and try the exciting psychedelic Ayahuasca. What people are not understanding about this substance is the dimension it puts you in, and what it does to you spiritually and energetically.
First we need to understand the spiritual-chemical-and energetic ... Views: 2242
As a healer I have been greatly blessed with the ability to see into the non-physical and subtle energy realms since a young age. When young this was mostly nature spirits, spirit guides, deities, angelic beings and the appearance of relatives that had passed on to other worlds.
As an adult ... Views: 1544