Michael Mohoric is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Energy Healing and Energy Medicine". You can find complete information on Michael Mohoric and his products by visiting qigongenergyhealing.com.
When a client presents to me with fibromyalgia or rheumatoid-type pain, here is what I say first:
“I DO feel your pain! I suffered with acute fibromyalgia for over a year… coupled with chronic fatigue. I finally decided I was going to get well… so I called in the information. Within two ... Views: 2989
One of the most popular reasons people seek out Feng Shui is to improve their relationshp or find a new love. Here are some simple things you can do to boost your Love Life. These suggestions apply to any living space; they can even be applied to a workplace.
Feng Shui for the Closet
Is ... Views: 2884
Festivals of light such as Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa (African American), Diwali (India), etc, symbolize the rebirth and awakening of the sacred flame of love in the hearts of individual persons, as well as in the collective heart of humanity. This living flame of love and goodness can serve ... Views: 1583
What on earth is crystal healing? It is a pseudo-scientific field of medicine in which uses stones and crystals as mediums for healing. These charged stones and crystals can increase the healing capabilities of the bodies, these crystals can be located all through the world, and comes from ... Views: 1366
The 4th Chakra is the space for compassion, tolerance, unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion and empathy. The Heart Chakra is the center of the Soul. The Fourth Chakra nurtures life lessons of hope and inspiration, love and compassion, generosity, self confidence and acceptance. On the ... Views: 2958
It's June - enjoy Mother Nature! Look around you and receive the beauty of Goddess Gaia that is so freely given. It doesn't matter whether the sun is shining or the rain is falling.
The eyes are the doorway of the soul. You feed your soul through impressions. Drink the beauty in and heal. ... Views: 1672
You may wonder what your purpose is in life, but have you given any thought to how you can be alive in your physical body? Can you be open enough to accept the premise that your Divine soul along with oxygen providing energy to your body cells is responsible for life? Have you ever heard of the ... Views: 3108
Do you fear rejection and criticism? Are you unable to trust your Self? A boost of self esteem is deep inside you, just minutes away!
The Solar Plexus Chakra, or Manipura, contains lessons regarding rejection, your self esteem, sensitivity to criticism, a distorted self image, and worry ... Views: 4078
Do you stuff your emotions? Is your closeness stifled? Do you 'treat' yourself with medicines, alcohol or food? There is another way to fulfill yourself...
The Sacral Chakra encapsulates your sex, self-confidence, creativity, delights and frustrations. It is also referred to as the ... Views: 3791
I always refer to essential oils as God’s little miracles. They have helped me on so many occasions. Here is a case study of one such occasion when I was able to help a young mother have her voice restored.
Teresa is a married, 36 year old mother of two children, ages 5 and 13. She was ... Views: 3148
Sleep paralysis is the physical paralysis of the human body while it is asleep or half asleep. Sleep paralysis works by creating a temporary disconnection between the consciousness of a person and their physical body. When in a sleep paralysis state, the person cannot move, speak, or do anything ... Views: 4984
The Rhine Parapsychology Research Center
Bio-Emissions Lab Experiment
How can Bio-Energy be measured?
This article is about my visit to the Rhine Center’s Bio-Emissions Lab in Durham, NC. The recent invitation to the Center was extended by Executive Director John Kruth and Bill ... Views: 2020
Is it really worth it to your business bottom line to invest your time and resources to change your mindset, to clear out your old thoughts, patterns, experiences, and beliefs?
I’ve heard from many clients that even though they understood that mindset is important to business, several basic ... Views: 1352
Onions are quite commonly used in kitchens across the world and hence are found in almost every home. Onion juice is an aphrodisiac, stimulant and expectorant. Onions contain a large quantity of vitamin A, B, C. They also contain iron, iodine, sulphur, sodium, potassium, nitrates and ... Views: 3207
Negative spirits are those who at the time of death did not choose to cross over to the other side but instead became trapped on earth as whole souls.
Negative spirits are also not like common earthbound spirits in that they have chosen to work with the darker side of consciousness in our ... Views: 7900
Payaswini is our revered cow. In heaven this cow is called Kamadhenu (wish fulfilling). In order to succeed in Gayatri worship one’s divine principle should augment. There is a lot of similarity as far as divinity and a cow’s close proximity is concerned. Panchamrit and ... Views: 2431
• Energy of Healing and Rejuvenation
I am Nathaniel. I am an angel. My light is healing and love.
I was chosen to bring you healing energy in the now-present. At the same time to let an energy flow in as well that rejuvenates your cells. Perhaps you may have doubts that this is possible. ... Views: 1632
Human beings do not only have their physical anatomy, they also have an important energy anatomy. This human energy field, more often than not referred to as the aura, permeates the body and also surrounds it. The physical body of a person should be regarded as the expression of energy at the ... Views: 3321
Crystal Grids are arrangements of crystals or stones that create a continuous flow of energy for a specific purpose. They are used for healing and manifestation—both on a personal level and on a global or more universal scale. They are often used to magnify, focus and/or prolong a treatment ... Views: 1634
When the Iranian Revolution broke out in 1979, a doctor by the name of Fereydoon Batmanghelidj was taken as a political prisoner for over two years. One evening, the doctor was called to assist a fellow prisoner who was experiencing excruciating pain due to a peptic ulcer. With no medications ... Views: 1588
One of the most untalked about subjects is the subject of how people steal other people's power, soul and energy.
It is more common then you can understand and it goes beyond the realm of the physical dimension with people and extends into the non-physical dimension with non-physical ... Views: 76132
One of the techniques I work with, involves the term "morphic field." Quantum science refers to it as a “field of information.” This information emulates and emanates forth from within us, which carries our life's history and does makeup our personal constitution at any given moment.
The ... Views: 1850
The earth is making a polar shift. Since 1969 the earth is changing from being 75% negative, to 75% positive by 2069. Humanity has been reprogrammed from the inside out according to the Divine Decree. Ancient DNA strands have been reawakened. Dormant brain functions have been rewired. There are ... Views: 1769
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Soul in Balance - by Rosemary DeTrolio -Hands of Light by Rosemary LLC
This information was channeled by Rosemary DeTrolio January 24,2000
Soul in Balance
Align the planets, as balance of the chakras. When all are in balance, true energy flows through. The body replicates the greater mass. It is the mirror image of creation, the seed of God. ... Views: 1413
These days there is a great deal of talk about evolution – the evolution of our economic and political systems, of our technology, our means of communication, even our DNA. There is, however, very little said about our “energetic evolution,” although this may very well be the key to our health ... Views: 2067
In case you've never considered that your healing journey can be like being a chef in the kitchen of your own life, grab a coffee and read on. I love my work as a healer. I'm also something of a foodie. When I'm not working with clients, there's nothing I love more than whipping up culinary ... Views: 1214
A Best Practices in Energy Healing system article from Healing Toolbox
Bertrand Babinet was my teacher on this topic and I credit him with the idea: if personal and spiritual growth is your goal, your best friend is your reactivity. Why? Because reactivity is what pulls us out of balance. ... Views: 2423
Online counseling courses - Firstly let us look at why you wish to. Is it to understand yourself better? Or your partner? Or potential lovers and partners? Or are you actually thinking of this as a tool that you can use career wise and sell to clients to earn a living from it? If so are ... Views: 1418
A Healing Toolbox, Best Practices in Energy Healing article
When we are stuck, we almost always are facing multiple problems--and do not recognize this.
The other day a friend was sharing something of his inner experience that the secret of soul transcendence really works, that it's ... Views: 1773
A Healing Toolbox, Best Practices in Energy Healing article
To anyone feeling stuck in life, I wish to suggest a simple way to get UNstuck.
"Being stuck" is exactly analogous to the "deer in head lights" phenomena, "Do I stay now or do I run now?" If where you are now is comfortable, both ... Views: 1763
A solution to loneliness
at least, an energetic solution
A Healing Toolbox article, Best practices in energy healing, 'with God as your Partner'
I was feeling lonely yesterday. I had just completed all the heavy lifting on a big project, shooting and editing, a series of 15 videos, it had ... Views: 2264
If you went to college or university, you probably have a picture of classes, notes, reading, all-night study sessions, exams, and exhaustion, interspersed with drinking, parties, sex and loafing off. The relative proportions vary according to your particular tastes, of course, but those are ... Views: 1611
Energy doesn't communicate in human tongues, but it does speak clearly. It speaks through the metaphors of our lived experiences, the hurricanes and earthquakes of nature, the expressions of the body’s symptoms, or the whispered message of a randomly chosen passage in a book.
Energy ... Views: 1286
People often ask me if I can “cure” a specific condition or illness, or what the difference is between “healing” and “curing.”
I remember when I was first ill with chronic fatigue syndrome / ME, I wanted a “cure.” And by that, I understood that I wanted the whole “nasty” incident of illness ... Views: 1172
You’re standing in the doorway of your bedroom...
Pay attention to both your thoughts and feelings? Do you like what you see? Is it a peaceful place? Or, do you find yourself thinking, “What a mess! Who could get a good night’s sleep in this dump?” Are you feeling pleased, proud and happy ... Views: 1930
A "Just for Energy Healers" article, for healers, coaches, counselors and therapists of all kinds and their students.
This addresses an issue in energy healing. It has less application to hands-on healing work and less application still to conventional massage, chiropractic, doctoring and ... Views: 2267
Depth of Issue ~ article 5 of 5 from Healing Toolbox
We have personal responsibility on three frequency levels
Because we have three levels of creativity and unresolved issues, we have personal responsibility on three frequency levels.
Conventional language tells us, “We are responsible ... Views: 2400
Depth of Issue ~ article 4 of 5
How deep is my issue? The iceberg metaphor
If you ask, “How deep is my issue?” then Sigmund Freud's iceberg metaphor of the psyche illustrates "depth of issue" clearly
Above the water line ~ The part we see above water, represents expressions, ... Views: 3568
Depth of Issue ~ article 3 of 5 from Healing Toolbox
Waking, Dreaming and Sleeping
Rudolf Steiner pointed out, to the first Waldorf teachers in 1919, how none of us is awake 100% all day long in our so-called waking life.
In fact we travel back and forth on this continuum between two ... Views: 2410
Depth of Issue ~ article 2 of 5
We have issues on three frequency levels
Because we have three levels of creativity, we have potential and capacity for three levels of unresolved issues.
Conscious issues
Conscious issues are things we know need attending to and "fixing." If you ... Views: 2133
Depth of Issue ~ article 1 of 5 from Healing Toolbox
You have three levels of creativity,
Or, What’s down there in my unconscious?
Have an issue you're working on, trying to get at? How deep is that issue?
Did you know we have different issues at different depths in our ... Views: 2442
Connecting to Your Divine Light: Introduction to the Chakras
Chakras are energetic gateways on the body that channel divine energy into the physical world. The energy that is expressed comes out in the form of human emotions. Each chakra has a specific emotion attached to it.
... Views: 1840
I gained inspiration for this article from some reading I was doing about the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT.) Although what I was reading was already familiar to me, it somehow went deeper, and made me realise yet again the power of this and other energy therapies.
The article I read was ... Views: 1540
Everything is energy including you, me, the air we breath, the thoughts we think, and the chair you sit on. It all just vibrates at different frequencies and are manifestations of matter. Matter is energy and building an energy identity is a part of conscious evolution. We live in a matter ... Views: 1495
When the weight of cargo is too heavy, it isn't possible to deliver them with the help of parcel shipping. In such case you can choose for commercial shipping freight service from a fine shipping company. Finding the suitable shipping company may be little challenging for you because there are ... Views: 1113
“Reiki...being a Universal force from the Great Divine Spirit, it belongs to all who seek and desire to learn the art of healing" Hawayo Takata
Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) Healing is an ancient Japanese hands-on healing art. It is a method of healing that is considered a form of bodywork. ... Views: 2248
by Helene Olsen www.AngelsLighthouse.com
Congratulations! You have come to that place in your awareness where you accept and recognize your own intuition! Perhaps you would like to become increasingly involved in discovering mysteries and of following a Spiritual path.
In talking ... Views: 1777
Healing Power of Reiki is the second of several articles on Reiki Healing. My intention is to demonstrate how powerful this ancient Japanese energy medicine is as a hands-on healing tool for facilitating balance and wholeness in the body.
As a Reiki Master Healer and Intuitive Reader these ... Views: 2949
What is Reiki?
Reiki is the universal life force all around us and responsible for our very life. The name is of Japanese origin ‘rei’ meaning universal ‘ki’ life force. Various traditions had recognized this force in antiquity. The Japanese call it ki, the Chinese chi, the Indians prana, in ... Views: 8772
It is not true, in my experience, that a person’s thoughts or energy can effect another person. The way they APPEAR to effect you is by your sharing the thought. You can find happiness in ending negative emotions by seeing their true source.
If I hate you and you sense it somehow, you know I ... Views: 1495